A collection of AI Art QR codes

A collection of AI Art QR codes

Aks Ministream

1 месяц назад

22 Просмотров

This collection presents my latest work on creating AI Art QR codes - unique and functional QR codes decorated with artistic elements created with the help of artificial intelligence. Each QR code combines aesthetics and technology, providing not only ease of use, but also visual appeal.

Creation process:

Idea and concept: Starting from the basic idea, I developed concepts for each code, focusing on its purpose and target audience.
AI Image Generation: Using generative adversarial networks (GANs), I created unique artistic elements for each code.
Integration with QR codes: Artistic elements have been integrated into the structure of QR codes, keeping their functionality and readability.
Testing and Optimization: The final stage involved testing the codes to ensure they work correctly and are visually appealing.
This collection includes a variety of AI Art QR codes for advertising campaigns, exhibitions and other projects. Each code has its own unique style and purpose, demonstrating the possibilities of combining art and technology.

#AIArt #qrcode #qrcode #aiqr #artqr
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