I'm amazed that more older Jews don't stand up for the moral side. Eventually when Israel is totally discredited their attitude will shame them...and encourage what they fear...anti Jew feelings.
ОтветитьAnyone still believing in this 2 party system is a fool all of these people are friends and work hand in hand with each other as soon as they walk away from the tv cameras where they cant be seen by the public.... My guess is Florida is only "purple" like she claims is because thats where most of the idiots that destroyed California moved to after they ruined California
ОтветитьWelp every government is a mirage, when people get riled up they can storm the centers of power. Not a hillbilly riot jan 6. Style...people in politics and in the billionaire class can go. Cut up their assets and distribute it to everyone that makes less than 100k a year. Maybe 5000 elite. Our country would run like a swiss watch with no oligarchs. No one is serious tho....gotta get your hands dirty and Americans don't have it in them. BTW that's what the 2nd amendment is for....when the first doesn't work.
Ответитьexcellent analysis of an average Chump supporter being on punch down mode.
ОтветитьThank you for giving a voice to the voiceless. May God bless you and make you successful..
ОтветитьPreaching to the believers. You need to get on programs that are going to try and dismantle you. That gives you free air time. And you never know which person you will swing. The political spectrum has gone completely right. I think the majority of people just want a peaceful life and to be left alone to live their lives republican or no.
But the last business owner I talked to admittedly did not care about anything that didn't make him money. I mean local money. He really did not care who got fucked as long as he had money. Very centrally focused person. He was clearly a right hand conservative, whatever that means these days.
Then I met a 60 year old religious woman who, truly to her core, believed men were more intelligent than women. She believed therefore, women should not be allowed to choose to get an abortion - no matter how the pregnancy came about.
She would never and had never voted for a woman.
Good hunting. Luck has nothing to do with it.
BDS isreal🍉🍉🍉🍉🍉🍉🍉
ОтветитьAs soon as I read these khazar euro zionist names steiner pearlman I was gonna flick it but glad I didn't.
Not all ashkanazis are ashkanaxis
I wish Perelman were running for President!
ОтветитьI grew up two blocks from her office and I’m trying to contact her to talk about setting up a spirulina farm at Sunset park or Central Park Elementary. Please respond so we can talk about treating genocidal minds by selling them the healthiest food. I made How to Grow Spirulina Facebook group and a charity farm in Uganda, now Spirulina Development Institute
ОтветитьBy "over 30 thousand" you mean "nearly 40 thousand", right?
ОтветитьJen you are a Jem in rough and you have my vote. Thank you for having here as your guest.
ОтветитьI will vote for Jill Stein
No geniocide jo or felony convicted con man
Jan Perelman is amazing. Gutsy courageous passionate and smart. ❤
ОтветитьI hope, or Jen Perelman should know the Likud agenda is really from the Euphrates to the Sea.
ОтветитьJen Perelman is among a very special group of Jewish women - like Madea Benjamin of CodePink, Lily Greenberg who resigned from the State Dept. and Simone Zimmerman who produced the film "ISREALISM" just to name a few but, there are many others, who are leading the charge in distancing the beautiful faith of Judaism from the corrupt political project of Zionism. Florida needs Jen Perelman more than ever. We must all push her to victory.
ОтветитьGreat video!!!! 😊😊😊
ОтветитьJens the best.
ОтветитьMore like a "potemkin village" really.
ОтветитьI love Jen! What an inspiring woman - You go girl!
ОтветитьAll power to you lady and what you stand for 🙏
ОтветитьAuto-antisemitism is 'mental', 'like schizophrenia'. Break two legs running for Congress.
ОтветитьJen Perelman's whole political ethos is what mankind needs, and if God saves America (as in the national anthem) then Jen is God, or at least speaks as the Holy Spirit (as said to occupied or possesses people.)🥰
ОтветитьGo Jen go!
ОтветитьThe world needs more people like this lady.
ОтветитьI can’t imagine how much APAC ZIS SPENDING TO STOP THIS LADY.
ОтветитьDebbie seems to be damn near bullet proof. Tim Canova ran two well-financed campaigns for her seat and came up bupkis. Israel does resemble Disney World, but features Nazis of the Mediterranean rather than Pirates of the Caribbean.
ОтветитьI wish her well, too bad there aren’t many others running throughout the country, I hate the War Machine that is running this country!!😱😡
ОтветитьWhat democracy
ОтветитьAbsolutely, George Washington and John Adams warned against political parties.
ОтветитьI wouldn't call this a war when one side has an airforce, navy & A.I
and the USA. I agree it's an artificial construct to grab land and resources.
Thx Mr Steiner & guest
I hope you win your district!
Absolutely terrific show
ОтветитьJen is fabulous. SO much respect!
ОтветитьBlue and Red... both criminal enterprises set up to bilk the population and bully the world.
ОтветитьYes yes yes yes yes yes
ОтветитьWhere are the Palestinian roots? Fathi Hamad, the interior minister in the Hamas government in the Gaza Strip said...
"we all have Arab roots and every Palestinian in Gaza and all over Palestine can prove their Arab roots, whether they be in Saudi Arabia and Yemen, or anywhere else. Speaking personally, half of my family is Egyptian," he said. There are over 30 families in the Gaza Strip with the surname Al-Masri, 'Egyptian.' Brothers, half of the Palestinians are Egyptian, and the other half are Saudi. Who are the Palestinians? We have many families called Al-Masri whose roots are Egyptian! They come from Alexandria, Cairo, and Aswan. We are Egyptians."
Palestinians are not even from Palestine! They are from Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and Yemen!
Walid Shoebat, a former Fatah activist claims that everyone he met in Palestine "knew to trace the roots of their families to the country from which their great-grandfathers came." He stated: "We knew full well that our origin was not Canaanite, despite what they tried to teach us," he said. "My grandfather would often remind us that our village, Beit Sahour, near Bethlehem, was empty when his father arrived there with six other families. Today, there are over 30,000 residents in the village."
In an interview with the Dutch newspaper "Dagblad de Verdieping Trouw", March 31, 1977, PLO executive committee member Zahir Muhsein stated:
"The Palestinian people does not exist. The creation of a Palestinian state is only a means for continuing our struggle against the state of Israel. Only for political and tactical reasons do we speak today about the existence of a Palestinian people.”
In 1937, the Arab leader Auni Bey Abdul Hadi told the Peel Commission: "There is no such country as Palestine. Palestine is a term the Zionists invented. Palestine is alien to us."
In 1946, Princeton's Arab professor of Middle East history, Philip Hitti, told the Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry: "It's common knowledge, there is no such thing as Palestine in history."
It's all quite clear that Jen does not have a clue about the thousands of years of her Jewish history and their personal identification with the land of Israel. A land that God personally gave them (through their Patriarch Abraham) as an everlasting residence, as recorded in the annals of Old Testament historical writings and also in the writings of others. For instance, Flavius Josephus, a Jewish general who led the revolt of the Jews against the Romans, then wrote a history of local events (AD/CE 37-100). It's obvious that she's speaking from ignorance despite her Jewish heritage. What is her best solution? Go buy a Bible, Jen, and read the Old Testament of your forefathers' accounts for yourself. As for Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Yuk! RM
Ответитьpalestinia IS Fake like Hollywood
ОтветитьRailway Historian Gunnar Henrioulle suggesting Ms. Perelman add some depth to her campaign with research and discussion on the 1910/1973 "Gaza Railway". Replacing this heavy cargo rail line connecting Cairo to Beirut, running enroute deep water ports on the Gaza shoreline will have inestimable value towards needed food distribution and rebuilding destroyed residential and commercial buildings.
Please see what China is doing with conventional rail tech, efficient food distribution transportation for the common level people. USA Branch Line Ral Matrix was mainstay of US commerce when Aerica was a "Lending Not A Borrowing Nation". Coal locomotives are gone; Hydrogen is here & feasible for railways.
Jen Perelman is running in Florida hope she wins.
ОтветитьAnother deranged AOC type of candidate.
ОтветитьThis was wonderful. I hope she gets into congress, not that she will be able to make a difference with the powers that be, but at least she will be on the right side of history....
ОтветитьI am in New Zealand and have not heard of this woman before. I hope she continues on the path she is claiming she setting out on.
ОтветитьI feel so sickened about these innocent children loosing their limbs. Imagine the trauma and the huge feeling of loss they must feel. There lives have changed for the worst. May Allah compensate them in this life
ОтветитьJen has read schlomo sand, invention of the Jewish people - amazing book
ОтветитьWAR I STUPID, POINTLESS; AND IT JUST ALWAYS BREEDS MORE WAR. What part of this don't people GET?
ОтветитьJen for congress 👍👍👍
ОтветитьJen is amazing❤🕊🇵🇸
ОтветитьBAN AIPAC🍉🍉🍉🍉🥝🍉🍉🍉