An Inside Look at Octomom's Desperate Situation

An Inside Look at Octomom's Desperate Situation


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@BandAidsPENNYLANE - 08.11.2012 10:15

3000 a month mortgage? move somewhere cheaper!! jesus!

@BandAidsPENNYLANE - 20.11.2012 03:36

14 children. and I wasn't aware that mortgage was based on number of children. perhaps she should move out of LA, to somewhere with bigger, less expensive homes.

@KittehKatrawrr - 20.11.2012 05:12

Holy shit.

@smoilergf - 04.12.2012 20:59


@caitlynross6191 - 13.12.2012 03:07

Thumbs up to u I couldn't imagine she loves her kids and that's what matters people don't like that she had 6 children already but she probably didn't think that all 8 would live its truly a miracle and the fact she cares for all her kids by herself is amazing I think ppl should let her be if anyone out there has ever had twins or knows what how hard she as quadruple. That's incredible she cares for all of them yea its a lot but don't judge b4 u walk in her shoes!!

@revokedestiny83 - 19.12.2012 06:14

10 to 12 grand a month? How does this dumb bitch come up with 140k a year without a job? A welfare mom making more than a doctor? wtf has society come to.....

@perigrinrose - 30.12.2012 10:32

quadruple is 4. How can people who have foster kids or our grandparents that had multiple births within a year apart handle 6 or more kids at a time. )that was during the depression! when people had nothing.) Her house is terrible looking. She can clean when they are napping or at school. Sorry but there are families out there that have large families & don't have a house like this. And that's really cruel to say that she didn't think they all would survive. That's not how mother's think.

@samus543654 - 01.02.2013 19:51

o_o Yes momy.

@stellaalpasain8879 - 03.02.2013 17:03

great mom of all

@ADVluv4life - 17.02.2013 06:10

Okay, this isn't the whole video. And you say she is wasting money? There are reasons for everything, redoing her bathroom- do you think a normal bath would be able to care for 8-14 children at once and herself? She Is taking care of her kids by herself. She IS taking care of them- her debt is from taking care of them. She's doing her best, what have you done? Are you taking care of 14 kids who have physical and emotional needs? From what I've learned in school she's is doing a great job! Bakas!

@princessskulls - 25.02.2013 16:48

Who are you to judge?

@ariannabismil8366 - 28.02.2013 01:16

Oh lord, you actually think she could give away her kids? she loves them you can tell, even if you mean give them to someone for a while do you think she wants to miss out on that part of their lives? she has been doing very well with what she has got and i think its fair she should give people an inside on how difficult it is.

@kbforme - 03.03.2013 16:36

well said, its almost criminal what shes doing

@rtjd24680 - 15.03.2013 22:00

I think at 5 kids ... either use a cork or tell your lover to tie a knot in it.... 14 kids? I'd book yourself in for a minkie flap tuck.

@tomjary - 07.05.2013 08:47

stop hating her

@MsJennyjinx - 15.05.2013 16:26

this is so sad

@MissLovelyKacey - 24.05.2013 00:41

Stop hating on her!!!!

@ElisaT - 26.05.2013 18:45

It's all very well to not want to give money to HER but it is the KIDS who suffer from being broke. I don't care who you are, those kids do not deserve the way the public treat that family. They are KIDS and deserve to have enough to eat and a home to live in. What is wrong with you people telling her to get a job? Do you know any jobs that cover child care for 14 kids? Didn't think so.

@unxnown1275 - 01.06.2013 03:34

Why would she make it so she has so many children if she knows she couldn't take care of them?

@YanaHoneyxo - 11.06.2013 05:33

ughh, leave the woman alone.

@HeatherandHorses - 12.06.2013 23:16

to people saying why did she have so many kids if she cant look after them ...grow the hell up!she didnt choose this! for gods sake have some more respect its hard enough to look afyer one child but 8 all at once..GO TO HELL NOBODY CHOOSE FOR THERE BODY TO HAVE TWINS DO THEY.SO HOW DID SHE CHOOSE TO HAVE EIGHT KIDS!!

@jrpie1215 - 19.06.2013 13:12

correction, OUR money

@AlternativeBunnii - 12.07.2013 07:39

Don't act like you've never recieved insurance or free school lunch or education -_-

@Xanubi - 16.07.2013 11:37

She said private school was a safety issue, and I don't doubt her. There are scary people out there, and when you and your children are known nation-wide, and you have probably received death threats... yeah.. it becomes a real safety issue.

@babykay1283 - 01.08.2013 23:42

So sad....

@msomalimsomalimsomali8783 - 04.08.2013 21:34

i was raised in very poor life guess what one meal per day and i made it and now im adult and healthy so octomom she is fine her and her kids and they do have food thats great so why would some one wants to take kids away while mothers are only humans who will be good to her own kids even if is poor or negleted god loves them so shut up peoples

@msomalimsomalimsomali8783 - 04.08.2013 21:38

Welfare supporting her so why complaining and if a house is small or dirty it doesnt makes them dying atleast she have food

@tenzinnyima689 - 05.08.2013 23:47

i wish she should have won lottery or power ball

@SumthinMstBAvailable - 29.08.2013 03:53

People can say she never chose to have 8 children, but the fact remains that in reality she did. I don't understand why a woman with 6 children, so should already know what it takes financially to raise a lot of children would then go ahead and have IVF and have them implant 6 embryos at one time. She knew the risks. She knew what could potentially happen and didn't give two shits and still went ahead with it any way. And now her children are paying the price.

@wifeyb.9779 - 02.09.2013 12:52

I can't believe that house I don't care how many kids you have they need structure and discipline. And she knew what she was getting into wtf

@PattySuesie - 04.09.2013 10:05

Can people please stop helping this woman and take away her children? She's INSANE.. 12,000 a month is more than my father and I bring in a year.

@woot1196 - 07.10.2013 00:06

why not estate school because once they older, the children can look after each other in a free school

@BTRushSuperCrush1 - 12.10.2013 04:21

I don't feel bad for her at all....she did it to herself

@jessieschuessler6684 - 07.11.2013 12:16

oh cry me a river... she did this to herself and her kids. she is a freak and needs to be put away.

@xsavethebees79 - 16.05.2014 14:22

People need to stop hating

@ellenarnold7620 - 14.05.2015 21:51

People saying she chose to have these kids... Yes she did have them artificially BUT she did not chose to have ALL of these kid, she's still a irresponsible mother but she needs help! If you had to deal with ALL those kids you would be going crazy also

@roxybarone - 04.08.2015 16:17

"I spent money out of my own pocket redoing the bathroom....." whose pocket do you want it to come out of, Nadya?

@jacquettaanderson5510 - 23.05.2016 02:52

people are so damn insensitive...ok she had those children but she is literally taking care of all of them on her own at once, its not like its only 2-3 children...I pray she gets the help she needs.

@desymondandrews6926 - 02.06.2018 20:36

So The Brady Bunch can do the shit, but not her? Fuck you guys, she's a single mom doing EVERYTHING by herself in her own home! Wolf Mom in a den... Get it? 😂

@lynn.d1015 - 26.07.2018 04:59

She brought this on herself! And she wants money from the rest of us ?! I don’t think so

@pattyvia4417 - 02.10.2018 12:53

Ocotomom. Is.does a good job. With her. Kids.

@bipolarchick8011 - 17.12.2018 06:15

She gets so much government help.

@pattyvia4417 - 20.04.2019 02:36

Her house is a mess

@theycallmenasa9409 - 29.07.2019 19:28

Horrible mother

@StoriJackson - 01.11.2019 04:50

Some people have one kid and NEGLECT THE FUCK out of them but we not ready to talk about that right 🙄

@browneyedgirl4285 - 29.11.2019 05:10

That looks like my house and I have 2 kids

@andreinamejia20 - 20.02.2020 07:47

Please!!!!! Keep in mind that we are literally talking about a daycare with one worker

@KIP_KnowledgeIsPower - 20.12.2021 11:21

“I spent about $1,400 out of my own pocket to redo my bathroom”…. Well, yeah?? Isn’t that what you do with a house you’re mortgaging? That’s very telling. Makes me wonder how much she doesn’t pay for out of her own pocket to make a comment like that…

@samaily3425 - 31.01.2022 13:06

Si, ella estaba en una super estresante situación, aún así intentaba ser una buena mamá, en medio de la gente que la jusgaba y ridiculizaba sin compasión, independiente de que ella se haya metido en esa situación, creo que se lo hicieron más difícil aún de lo que ya era

@MostPowerfulPMofIndia - 17.12.2022 06:06

I train people on home management. She needs domestic help. You need to be organized
