You'd be insane to think otherwise
ОтветитьPeople like Cargile are dangerous because they totally misrepresent themselves to voters and voters don’t research these lunatics. He’s a complete fraud, insane, and yet, managed to steal 42% of the vote.
ОтветитьHe avoided eye contact and flashed humor when denying his demonic possession
ОтветитьHe can say all he wants to...but we don't need these people running the government....ever.
ОтветитьPeople laughing at the idea of a satanic cabal are what makes it's existence possible. You refuse to look at evidence or Take it seriously, there lies the problem. You laughed at the idea of Jeffrey Epstein and Harvey Weinstein. Both were true. 2019 U.S.A declares Satanism a religion, even though the fbi and Cia have multiple accounts of raids on satanic locations and found horrific things and classified Satanism as a cult. You don't want it to be true so bad, you are willing to lie to yourself. Amazing! I guess all those Cia and fbi files were lies lol. Or let's pretend all those Catholic priest didn't violate children on a massive scale too large to be coincidence. The Vatican is in possession of the most evil books in history, that means they have the real necronomicon which is the book of the dead made from human flesh. The Vatican has a telescope Named Lucifer. Oh coincidence, lol.
ОтветитьDavid, your losing me.
ОтветитьDavid Pakman doesn't explain it smoothly, but he is absolutely correct. The interviewer did no help with is stupid questions.
ОтветитьLaugh now- then read your Bibles. You’ll see.
ОтветитьThis seems to happen a lot with Conservatives. Always pushing Conspiracy theories. Maybe it's low IQ. Maybe it's the fact that a lot of them hail from rural America and are disconnected from normal society. Who knows. This dude definitely needs help, though
ОтветитьBecause it is true!
ОтветитьYou’re being a lemming by mocking him
ОтветитьIs shriners a cult
ОтветитьThe truth is so bizarre, that it's more plausible to say the the messenger is insane!
ОтветитьI am not a Republican but the man made some good points 👍
ОтветитьOh my word people are so asleep they haven't got a clue that's what's insane! This guy at least can smell the shit show going on on planet earth. Why on earth bring up ethnicity or if their jewish, has nothing to do with anything lol. This dave dude is just trying to manipulate and twist things, it's clear as day. Your part of the problem. You only have to look who's running big pharma, who's behind the wars, who's behind child sex trafficking, organ harvesting, (which by the way is all REAL and happening right now), the fashion brands into pedophilia, to understand these people are evil and are all in it together. How asleep can you get to think evil does not exist on this planet.
ОтветитьThis rebulican knows what's up, finally it's so refreshing to see someone who's AWAKE and shining light on the evil going on in the world. The interviewer is so boring, face like a slapped arse, thinks he's smart. He's part of the problem, closed minded, snakey and ignorant.
ОтветитьSoooo this guy, this drug drunk freak doesn't have anything that would help anyone! Loserloserloser Republicans with their tweak!
ОтветитьHe is rude and thinks himself smarter. People are so stupid to overlook the elites vision of world domination. If this generation doesn’t see the truth we are so screwed! I am telling you the next thing they will go for will be cash and have a digital currency. We will be fully under controlled with digital currency.
ОтветитьHe made claims and then became tongue tied with a push of questioning. Come on, man! If you’re going to state such things come with facts! We’d love to know facts
ОтветитьThe Rockefeller Family is deeply rooted into Satanism at the highest level. Their membership and activities involve many elites and politicians aiming for control over the government, the music industry, the media, high tech companies, our economy, etc. This has been a known fact since the 1970’s from whistleblowers who were involved and got out and away. There are also multiple secret societies such as “cabals” that exists with global national leaders and elitists who are being successful in slowly developing the new world order. Americans, WAKE UP to what is happening!! China already owns most of our poultry farms and lands and poultry production, packaging, processing. and packaging industries. Now, they are including bugs in chicken products and other products. Our American food supply is being monitored, controlled, and reduced purposely to control the American population. These conspiracies are being revealed and recognized. State governments need to force China out of their states and forced to sell the lands back to America and all businesses, industries, and farms, etc. Only one state has done this. We need to get vocal support for other states to do the same!
ОтветитьGreat guest and i fully believe in the same as him.
Ответитьhes spot on there ia 100% a satanic cabal running the world. look at everything comming out in the media now ryan garcia is exposing these elites. open ur eyes and realize we as the people are being enslaved to this cabal. stay close to god cause end times are coming. this is all real we never were free and never will be if people dont start realizing that there is legit evil in this world.
ОтветитьIt's pretty obvious an evil cabal runs the world, y'all are pretty stupid if you can't see that.
ОтветитьHey David, dont be sad, be thankful that God Almighty raised up a man to stand in tbe gap for, we, the people. Its time we all awaken and face these horrors and moving forward, we will all have a better world. Get on the right side of history if you arent already. God bless you and God bless America! 🇺🇲❣️🇺🇲
ОтветитьPakman has no clue about satanism and world powers. It’s been shown over and over how evil is taking over the country. Child abuse is one major point that’s indisputable. And this politician is risking his life by saying it. And Pakman of course goes to race card. Lmao how can anyone listen to this guy!?
ОтветитьShallow presenter
ОтветитьIt most certainly is Mr Parkman. The fact that you are making fun of this fact only exposes your ignorance.
Ответитьthe only way out is Jesus he came to save sinners from hell nothing can seperate us from the love of God.
ОтветитьIt’s true!
ОтветитьI guess nobody knows how to read anymore.
ОтветитьPakman is clueless! Read Psalms 2:2 the kings of the earth and the rulers came against the Lord and against His anointed. Read Genesis 6 they fallen angels saw that the woman were fair and took wives for themselves and had children.
ОтветитьTo you who live in the US, just ask yourselves this. Are you doing better now, under the Biden administration than you did when Trump was president? That's all you need to ask. Now decide who you will vote for this November.
ОтветитьDude this is a horrible interview you suck. Your ignorance about the Satanic Cabal is amazin' is not possession it's rituals. It's pretty bad you used this interview as a mockery not as an opportunity to educate people about what's really out there. Eyes wide shut came out 25 years ago. Maybe you should watch it. The epstein list isn't a joke. Hence, girl with a dragon tattoo. Wow. You can do better. Unless you're a pawn...
ОтветитьWhat a clown
ОтветитьThis has been known since the beginning and certainly our Creator has warned them all along.
As it is written by the prophet Isaiah:
Yeshayah (Isaiah) 57:3-9
“But come here, you sons of the sorceress, you offspring of the adulterer and the whore! [4] Against whom are you sporting? Against whom do you make a wide mouth and stick out the tongue? Are you not children of transgression, offspring of falsehood, [5] being inflamed with mighty ones under every green tree, slaying the children in the valleys, under the clefts of the rocks? [6] “Among the smooth stones of the stream is your portion; they, they, are your lot! Also to them you have poured a drink offering, you have offered a grain offering. Am I comforted in these? [7] “On a high and lofty mountain you have set your bed. There, too, you went up to slaughter a slaughtering. [8] “Also behind the doors and their posts you have set up your remembrance. For you have departed from Me, and have gone up to them. You have made your bed wide and made a covenant with them. You have loved their bed, where you saw their hand. [9] “And you went to the sovereign with ointment, and increased your perfumes. And you sent your messengers far off, and lowered yourself even to She’ol.
[11] “And of whom have you been afraid, or feared, that you have lied and not remembered Me, nor taken it to your heart? Have I not been silent, even from of old, and you have not feared Me? [12] “Let Me declare your righteousness and your works, for they do not profit you. [13] “When you cry out, let your collection of idols deliver you. But the wind shall bear them all away, a breath take them. But he who takes refuge in Me shall inherit the land, and possess My set-apart mountain.” [14] And one shall say, “Heap it up! Heap it up! Prepare the way, take the stumbling-block out of the way of My people.” [15] For thus declares the high and exalted One who dwells forever, whose Name is set-apart, “I dwell in the high and set-apart place, with him who has a bruised and humble spirit, to revive the spirit of the humble, and to revive the heart of bruised ones."
Pakman you are being ignorant. I’m sorry but that’s the truth
ОтветитьHe’s right.
ОтветитьDavid Pakman is an idiot. He is speaking truth! Just do some real research or seek Jesus for discernment and you might see the truth!
ОтветитьRituals in the world 🌍 have been going on from the beginning of time ….
ОтветитьThis interviewer is stupid..
ОтветитьWell i guess he was right..😆
ОтветитьIt’s absolutely true. This is the group JFK warned about. I’ve researched it for decades. Its headquarters are the Vatican ,and in Israel, and it’s definitely real. In Freemasonry, we research every conspiracy theory. Some are true, some are not. This one unfortunately, IS real. They don’t worship “Satan” and they don’t have a name, besides “the organization”, however they are very real!
Ответитьthis is true
ОтветитьBelieve?? We KNOW
Ответить2024 and now this guy doesn’t seem crazy … look at musk and trump
ОтветитьHe is very logical, what he is saying is evident since what is happening around the world is not random events but guided by some evil minded people...
ОтветитьTrump will deal with this. 👍 Get the popcorn.
ОтветитьHE IS RIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!
ОтветитьHellow 🐑 sheep. He is speaking truth!
ОтветитьAll these years later, the Obamas produce a movie literally saying “the evil cabal runs the world”
Just something interesting