Another Faulty Arrow Video Release?! | The Concerning Trend Of Poor Quality Control

Another Faulty Arrow Video Release?! | The Concerning Trend Of Poor Quality Control

Frank's Media & Reviews

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@UnserAdolf - 13.03.2025 20:03

i have problems with NARC on my ub820,in the first minutes from min 4-8 i have pixelations,sound drop outs but after that it plays fine! all my other ~500 4ks play fine.
the player is not even old,about6 months old
Replaced the discs too -issue persists.Always around the same time.

@baxterwilson368 - 21.02.2025 13:10

I’m done with physical media. Besides the price, these errors are annoying. There’s a huge mastering error with Shout! Factory’s “Labyrinth” where the picture glitches out around the 24-minute mark. At first I thought it was just my disc, but I read some reviews and everybody has the same error at the same spot.

@deancox2686 - 19.02.2025 02:36

Dolby vision works fine 👍🏻

@73ocampo - 17.02.2025 00:56

Hello, I thought about getting these, but it scares the hell out of my girlfriend and she won't watch them LOL. So I passed on them. Thanks for the video.

@kermithead4201 - 16.02.2025 22:00

What sucks is the arrow Texas chainsaw massacre 2 is the first preorder I’ve made of physical media and hope my copy is good. Preorder in December still waiting for it to ship out

@ralfwalter3923 - 13.02.2025 01:48

I have the Vinegar Syndrome release. Good enough for me.

@TheBluCorner - 12.02.2025 01:18

Finally got Texas 2 from Arrow today and checked it out right away due to this video... I have an LG 8k tv and the Sony UBP-X800M2 player and thankfully didn't have any issues playing it at all with DV on. Strange an actual Player problem would happen.

@ed00001 - 10.02.2025 02:22

I just got mine and it’s playing fine on my Panasonic ub820 with dv on

@blest17 - 07.02.2025 13:13

Just placed an order from themovieroom earlier today for TCM2 4K and Cure 4K. Great video as always!

@AaronRozenfeld - 07.02.2025 04:04

Something must be up internally. They lost my Demolition Man Set and their customer service was so poor, I had to dispute the charge with my bank. As long as these poor business practices continue, I will never order directly from their site again. A friend in the business suggested these problems are happening because their was a series of layoffs within the company, but I cannot confirm that information. Either way, Arrow's business is suffering from a major malfunction. Here's hoping they turn the ship around sooner than later.

@centrevezgaming4862 - 07.02.2025 02:44

Send it back for an replacement or refund

@simongagne6696 - 06.02.2025 17:12

I I bought Red Rooms from Utopia who is a partner Label of Vinegar Syndrome. I paid the full price with the slipcover. I never thought I'd see this again, but the English subtitles can't be removed. This is a French Canadian film and the problem is that French is my first language and I have to watch the movie with english subtitles. I asked Vinegar Syndrome if there would be a replacement program but I don't have any answers. I'm very disappointed

@DavidMander-rs4uk - 06.02.2025 12:44

Enjoy the faulty release 😆👍

@austinwillcut4919 - 06.02.2025 10:36

I played mine on a Sony player with the DV turned on and it plays just fine, seems like this is just an issue with certain Panasonic players.

@kewlhandluke6916 - 06.02.2025 08:21

Agreed, 4k was underwhelming, and I thought the blu ray that came with the 4k looked better

@RandallStevenson - 06.02.2025 08:18

I don't have a 4K player (too expensive), but I haven't gotten a bad Blu-ray from Arrow yet.

@popculturemass - 06.02.2025 08:11

This is sad news, I was looking forward to this release. I missed the VS one and I don't trust Arrow to send replacement discs to the US since they're not supposed to be selling TCM 2 here in the states...

@metalgrinch - 06.02.2025 03:54

I wait for The 50% off sales, because from my experience, as annoying as Shout/Scream can be, they absolutely make the BEST transfers of all of the boutique labels. There is a certain cleanliness and smoothness that is unique to Shout that no other boutique label can replicate, not even Criterion.

@criticafterdark - 06.02.2025 03:45

It’s really annoying, I just received my labyrinth collectors edition from shout factory and the 4K disc looked like someone dug at it with a fork lol

@mstevens372 - 06.02.2025 03:26

I bought the Vinegar Syndrome release of Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2 and mine was faulty from them. I tried to play it in 3 players and none of them could play it. I ended up exchanging it and my exchange worked. So even the Vinegar Syndrome release itself had Quality Control issues. Also, you didn't mention this in your video, but the new Blair Witch Project from Second Sight that everyone waited for forever to get, has faulty audio tracks. So much so, that Second Sight removed it from sales, so they could fix the audio tracks and re-release it correctly.

@papa_sloth_gaming547 - 06.02.2025 03:05

I never had any issues with The Cell. When I ordered Big Boss last year it came with the wrong documentary disc. Luckily Arrow told me to keep it and they send me the correct one. The extra documentary disc was only included with the Bruce Lee collectors set. So in this case I was very happy with the mistake 😂

@nathanloggins1721 - 06.02.2025 02:23

Ok 👌..just a thought don't preorder the Clint Eastwood 4k spaghetti 🍝 westerns until you see a comparison video with the KN versions. 🤨

@Jsing6946 - 06.02.2025 00:18

Wonder if they transferred my photo gallery of tcm 2 screen used props and wardrobe featuring nubbins from the scream factory release that vinegar syndrome failed to port over(collection of Jason Guy)

@donlengel4770 - 05.02.2025 23:32

I finally got this on Blu Ray. And that's fine just the way it is. Sorry Chainsaw massacre 2 .

@80sMadeConsumer - 05.02.2025 23:16

More bad disc 😮

@A24sucks - 05.02.2025 23:15

This has happened one too many times with Arrow. This has been an issue with them ever since they were bought out by Zavvi.

@extofer - 05.02.2025 22:36

Inglourious Basterds from Arrow has special features that won’t play on the ub820. That’s also a known issue. Their QC has really gone down the hill.

@tyronenaidoo6675 - 05.02.2025 21:58

That cell error , the audio is like in sync in that scene I’m not sure if that was just to make to be Deja vu since it a nightmare sequence and not them in someone’s mind , that was a directors cut scene

@RetroReels - 05.02.2025 21:58

Thanks for sharing Frank - I have had another response from Arrow today saying that the problem has been escalated- so hopefully they will address the error in the near future

@dansanfrisco - 05.02.2025 21:33

I've had issues with Arrow's Weird Science 4K release (image pause and audio skips for 15 whole minutes) and their Conan 4K release (no image only audio for about 10 minutes). I asked about both of those issues and Arrow CS stated they hadn't had any complaints. I received no help from their CS. The recent Titanic 4K had a minor audio issue and I was able to get a replacement disc for that (took two months). The Scream Factory Labyrinth release has a video issue that I've recently sent in a request for a replacement disc. QC definitely has been slacking the last few years.

@paulconway384 - 05.02.2025 21:12

Better off collecting blu-Ray 👍

@mikehernandez8063 - 05.02.2025 20:44

Arrow really needs to be called out,but with some of these 4k "influencers" constantly sucking their "Arrow" they feel they are untouchable.

@adamhunt4462 - 05.02.2025 20:44

Fingers crossed the Dollars Trilogy comes out without issues

@tzmkira002 - 05.02.2025 20:43

Dang, that's a shame. Arrow should take note of how Second Sight corrects their mistakes.

@mynock250 - 05.02.2025 19:00

You’re not getting a new disc, get over it. Also many people do not have this glitch.

@southendonseaarts - 05.02.2025 18:59

They may just pull the release if it’s not actually shipped yet. The UK release date for this is 17th Feb.

@southendonseaarts - 05.02.2025 18:51

I got the vin syn edition so I didn’t go for this one.

@NTipton90 - 05.02.2025 18:49

Something everyone in this comment section needs to keep in mind. Lots of disc replacements have been caused by replicators. We don't how many are and how many aren't. The Cell seems to be an issue on Arrows end, but we've heard about plenty of issues from replicators.

@skincrawlers2510 - 05.02.2025 18:33

Not to bad mouth the companies too much but I feel like we collectors are being taken for granted sometimes. They know we yearn for these releases and with that being said why don’t they just take a little more care. I have the VS 4k but double dipped for the stunning artwork. Thanks for the heads up 👍

@gina4008 - 05.02.2025 18:33

Exactly! I experienced audio problems with the Arrow release of "The Demolition Man" I recently purchased. I have this movie in VHS, DVD and now this 4K ...the 4K video is 'fair', but this "Atmos' sound no better than the DVD. Arrow's description on the back of the case reads "5.1Atmos"....THERE'S NOT SUCH THING AS A 5.1 Atmos.... you must have at least a 5.1.2 or greater speaker setup to have Atmos. Very misleading. I knew something was wrong as soon as the movie started; the sound is 'tinny' trebel forward, no bass, especially on the explosion scenes. (My system: 5.1.4 Klipsch Reference speakers, Onkyo TX-RZ50 AVR, Panasonic UB9000 and an Oppo bluray player) I have over 2000+ movies; this release is by far the worse in my collection

@Jailbuild - 05.02.2025 18:25

"Thank you for getting in touch.

I apologize for any inconvenience this has caused you.

Sorry to hear that you’ve been experiencing issues with the director’s cut on your copy of THE CELL. The relevant teams are investigating and we expect a resolution soon, please reach out again in February and we’ll be able to update you. Thank you so much for your patience and support.

If there is anything else that we can do, then please do not hesitate to get in touch and a member of our team will be happy to help.

Kind regards,


Arrow Films Customer Care Team"

@davek3373 - 05.02.2025 18:15

I had ordered The Cell and cancelled my order when I heard about the issue... it really seems odd that Arrow hasn't acknowledged the error and come forward with a disc replacement program

@ScruffyWarlord - 05.02.2025 18:11

Arrow video are the absolute best when it comes to the 4k transfers themselves (along with SONY). But arrow video is also the absolute WORST when it comes to disc errors in their factory, and they have horrible customer service since being taken over by The Hut UK. It's a very strange company overall.

@Solidus2 - 05.02.2025 17:59

Man I was planning on grabbing tcm2 I didn’t want to pay resale on the vinegar syndrome version now I don’t know what to do lol

@bloodydominations992 - 05.02.2025 17:55

How did you get those magnets to stick to a textured wall? I tried making a steelbook wall and all the magnets peeled off the wall within a day.

@rendez2k - 05.02.2025 17:35

You had one job.....! Seems to be a general symptom these days, release and fix later: games, media, even hardware.

@chitownbud4769 - 05.02.2025 17:17

Should I wait to buy terrifier 3 ? I heard the transfer is ok and could be better, thanks

@williamdriver1959 - 05.02.2025 17:02

Arrow has had a few recently. For them to be a favorite they mess quite a bit.
