Hello everyone in this video we will be highlighting vendors at the Town of Halfmoon Farmers Market, but we will also give info on how to find farmers markets in your area. Below are links on how to contact these vendors we have highlighted.
For the Real News
Unitednetwork.nunchee.tv/home - 5.99 month
United. Plus - Free trial- 17.99 month
Town of Halfmoon Farmers Market
Every Wednesday 3 - 6 pm
#2 Half-moon Town Plaza Half-moon NY 12065
518-371-7410 for more info
Facebook - fb.com/halfmoonfarmersmarket
Carpenter Farm:
Website -
Facebook - Carpenter Landscaping and Farm
Vegetables, Jams, Jellies, Home-baked goods and more - to order and schedule a pick up from their many farmers markets locations.
Bare Roots Family Farm:
Website - Barerootsfamilyfarm.com
Email -
[email protected]
Ethically Farmed Grass Fed - Pork, Beef, Chicken, Eggs, Summer Veggies
Young Living Essential Oils:
[email protected]
Heather Henderson- 518-859-6171
Essential Oils for you and your pets, Crystals, Crystal Jewelry, pet beds
LifeSong-Adults with Developmental Disabilities:
To volunteer or donate they are located at - LifeSong Inc, Plaza 8, 1536 Crescent Rd, Clifton Park, NY 12065
Wood shop, wooden pens, birdhouses, jewelry, ceramics, teaching life skills for adult employment
Strohmeyer Honey & Hive
Instagram- Strohmeyer_Honey
Miles - 518-638-6276
Honey, soap, lotions, candles, honeycombs, leather conditioners
Abba’s Acres
Facebook- Abba’s Acres
Eggs, honey, veggies, maple syrup, home baked goods, soaps, jams
The Nut Lady
Gourmet almonds, cashews, walnuts, Pecans, Salt & Sugar free available.
Brian Bennett & Frank Voce- 518-489-9820
[email protected]
Adirondack Kettle Korn
Facbook - fb.com/Adkkettlekorn
Kettledrum popped corn, regular and flavored
Yellow Door Pottery
Guilderland NY
Handmade pottery, dishes, vases, water jugs, platters, plates, bowls
Gails Hand-sewn Items
Email -
[email protected]
Hand sewn, microwaveable bowl cookies, neck warmers, aprons, doll cloths, pet items and more
Judy McCampbell
The Potters Wheel of Halfmoon
Email -
[email protected]
Ceramics, hand sewn aprons for children and adults, dishtowels, ceramic decorations, yard name
markers, dog scarfs, and more
Your CBD Store
[email protected]
More Options Available in Saratoga County:
Pastore’s Green Grocer
Full Healthy Organic grocery Store
Darfler Farm:
[email protected]
Facebook - Darfler Farm
Contact # - H-518-692-2154
Ethically Farmed Grass Fed Angus Beef, Maple Syrup, Bourbon Barrel Maple Syrup, Honey
Saratoga Farmers Market
Website - Saratogafarmersmarket.org
Localharvest.org - Farmers Markets, Family Farms, organic food, pick your own - Find local food anywhere in the country
Yuka- Food and cosmetic scanner- App Store-free to download
A Special Thank you to Chrissy for her wonderful editing of this video :)
#SandysPage #Halfmoon_Farmers_Market #Farmers_Markets #fresh_produce #grass_fed_beef #ethically_farmed_meat #farmers #where_to_find_farmers_markets #where_to_find_farmers #crafts #farmers_market_crafts #honey #bee_farmers #local_farmers #local_harvest #farm_to_table #farmers_markets_pickups #vegetables #fruits