12 Poses for Osteoporosis and Better Bone Health

12 Poses for Osteoporosis and Better Bone Health

Yoga's Joyful Journey

3 года назад

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@christelnielandt5117 - 01.12.2023 21:51

I feel SO grateful that I’ve come across your video. I just recently got diagnosed with osteoporosis. I LOVE yoga. Thanks for showing all these postures, will / love to practice them on a regular basis. Huge thanks. Love to check out your other videos too. Huge thanks from Belgium 🌻🌟💛🙏

@evelyngonzaga4762 - 03.12.2023 01:03

Thank you! Helps me a lot strengthen my bones, my body relaxed and my mind quiet.

@BetsyFanning-u6q - 03.12.2023 22:34

Thank you for this video. It is so helpful the way you took it slow and purposeful. I appreciate your explanations of how each pose benefits building and strengthening bones. I had practiced yoga for three years until an illness interrupted my practice for a year and a half. I am now well enough to begin again. I needed refreshers on the poses.. Thank you for teaching and demonstration the proper way to execute each pose. It is going to take me a while to get my game on again, but feel your video will help me. I will be using this video and sharing it with my friends.

@Salma-m6w7x - 12.12.2023 08:09

I have osteoporosis at my back so doing this exercise can I improve my bone density pls answer me ma'am I'm having lot of pain

@MissMarieB7075 - 14.12.2023 18:11

There are many different videos with the 12 yoga poses, but I love this one the most! I love your calming voice, clear instruction, all of the directions during the pose to improve and correct the form. Thank you, and I am so happy I found your channel! Namaste💗

@masumaroshanali7947 - 18.12.2023 18:34

It was amazing just loved it ❤

@mizzitaurisano6660 - 20.12.2023 10:54

Lo sa che chi ha osteoporosi non può fare torsioni???

@MsArtistwannabe - 05.01.2024 03:53

Thank you.

@JP-wi6sy - 08.01.2024 20:51

Thank you so much for these 12 poses and such clear direction. I’m so glad I found your channel

@ellennunez3375 - 19.01.2024 17:05

Thank you! The poses were very helpful to my physical condition.

@januszfajkis4616 - 22.01.2024 20:43

Super to dla mnie ❤

@iamaef - 23.01.2024 03:46

I’m so glad I found this. Thank you!

@karennoe1001 - 25.01.2024 13:30

New chapter 🙏

@bowler8 - 10.02.2024 06:14

10years?...thats a long time to see results

@peggyottman3640 - 20.02.2024 01:44

Thank you! This is by far the best video I've come across of these poses (and I've done a few!)...your guidance is so easy to follow and I just love your quiet, soothing voice! I am a new fan!

@lucianunez8557 - 10.03.2024 17:13


@lindawalker7065 - 15.03.2024 10:46

Thank you Becky I do this routine every day, or at least every other day, I really enjoy your teaching method and you are now part of my daily life. Thank you from Linda in England ❤

@moniquek9685 - 23.03.2024 17:36

Great practice! Your explanations on breath and posture were so helpful. Thank you!

@paisleybabee - 26.03.2024 04:52

Thank you 🙏

@evasmith8032 - 27.03.2024 18:09

Thank you so much for your clear instructions and overall approach to these 12 poses. I have tried other videos of the poses, but when I do your version, I know I am doing them correctly. 🙏❤

@bonniehay - 27.03.2024 20:24

I love your detailed instructions and your scientific approach. Being diagnosed with osteoporosis I'm afraid of hurting myself. Your careful instruction lets me practice with confidence. Thank you so much.

@nicosiaize - 29.03.2024 18:28

Hi! It really works! And the poses are not difficult.I am glad to be your follower.

@wyluq28 - 06.04.2024 03:17

I LOVE the way you teach. Your tone, clarity, precision , and pacing are Perfect ( and motivating) for me. I feel super safe following your instructions; which is critical as you know. Are these the same poses as Dr. Fishmans program?

@junethompson5770 - 25.04.2024 20:03

Hi I just did the exercise . I feel relax . I will try to do these every other day . Thanks for your help . ❤

@lilliehord5185 - 06.05.2024 22:19

Great practice and well demonstrated
I have osteoporosis and will do these 12 poses routinely
Thank you

@bridgetteseville-jj9lq - 21.05.2024 16:41

Super class👍

@constanceaigner8476 - 22.05.2024 04:44

Thank you so much for this class! I have probably practiced with you 50 times or more. I only wish that the 30 seconds would begin once we are in the pose. For example, revolved triangle - seems we barely get into the pose and we're coming out of it again. There are so many subtle adjustments made once we are in the poses that are essential to their effectiveness.

@sallyrosloff8384 - 29.05.2024 02:24

Such a puzzlement. Some channels I've explored say they've been told that osteoporosis routines should not include any twists. I'm curious what your understanding is of this aspect. I moved from osteopenia to osteoporosis a couple of years ago and other than walking a few times a week have not been able to feel comfortable with exercise routines...end up feeling out of alignment or with discomfort somewhere...I think I have a hard time positioning my body correctly. I'll be 75 in a couple of months, which is motivating me to find some routine I can stick with and make work for my body so I can feel strong moving forward. I did try your 10 seated strength exercises routine and that felt easy to follow...it doesn't have the advantage of the stretching though. Lots to learn!

@junethompson5770 - 27.06.2024 21:16

I tried the exercises , I feel better since started the exercise . You are doing a good job . You make it simple to do those exercise. ❤

@junethompson5770 - 27.06.2024 21:17

I enjoyed the exercise . I am getting better . You are doing a good job .❤

@junethompson5770 - 12.07.2024 23:27

I am enjoying the exercising . I feel stronger since , I started the exercise . I have better balance . ❤

@paolanottoli4162 - 16.07.2024 15:23


@letitianewton1534 - 07.08.2024 13:19

Wish i had found this 2 years ago. I'm trying to do yoga twice a week but in awful pain this class felt the stretch but not so much pain.

@shelleyvandervelde3764 - 09.08.2024 19:12

Thank you

@adriannaab - 15.08.2024 20:43

Thank you for these exercises. I am 56 years old and I started this set about a month ago. I do them almost every day and I am very happy to see visible results from one day to the next. I have never had such good mobility, although I have practiced cardio exercises throughout my life. Thank you very much. Good health.

@newportwellness367 - 26.08.2024 03:30

Thanks so much for the clear instructions! I have done the Osteopenia version. This was beneficial as I haven't done a regular yoga practice recently.

@janetkaledzi2506 - 24.09.2024 13:09

@alexac3098 - 30.09.2024 03:07

I am 52 and recently dx with osteoporosis in my left hip and osteopenia in my lower back. I've joined a gym and personal trainer helps me concentrate on bone building exercises. I'm wanting to take up yoga to help with flexibility as well...imagine my surprise that my balance is so poor that I have a lot of difficulty doing most of these poses. (Well, not complete surprise as I have a hypermobile left hip and consequently that side is very weak). I do hope that my balance is recoverable.

@joancroce8993 - 09.10.2024 00:19

Be very careful with the twist if you have osteoporosis in your back.

@rickwilson9741 - 21.10.2024 20:57

Very good information with poses. You describe poses nicely and use words well! Thank you!

@CrushedRockBand - 24.11.2024 15:48

Thank you for this!!

@bernadettewidolff9721 - 07.12.2024 20:03

Thank you I like the poses. Where do I find the Study on these exercises for osteoporosis

@kathleenbayly7504 - 05.01.2025 06:41

I just found this video, Becky. It feels amazing. I taught yoga until 2020, when the studio closed. I've taken classes with an instructor of Dr Fishman. I want to compliment you on your clear instructions, gentle reminders of form in every pose and the kindness that comes through in your voice. Thank you for providing this video. I will be sharing it and checking out your other videos. 🙏💕

@KarenChin-v5r - 24.01.2025 20:51

Very helpful. Other info I’ve read says to hold these poses 40-60 seconds, which is longer than they are held in this video.

@KarenChin-v5r - 29.01.2025 20:40

Love this video and the 30-sec and 60-sec ones, too! For the bones to benefit, do the poses need to be done in the order you have them and all at once? For example, can I do Triangle and then Revolved Triangle and both supine strap poses on one leg and then the other (vs supine 1 for each leg and then supine 2 for each leg)? Thanks.

@Lelanela-q4q - 30.01.2025 23:28


@ingridjeffries2910 - 05.02.2025 20:30

I so appreciated your being specific regarding the set up of the body for these poses. Too often in my experience that is not the case. I especially liked your reminders regarding the knees. I will be following this regimen. Thank you so much!

@DianaCarolinaGirl22 - 03.03.2025 05:32

I thought if you had osteoporosis you should not twist?
