Thanks for the donk captions. I have seen that clip several times and had no idea what he was saying.
ОтветитьAt 17 I was already mature enough to be humble when I win. Some people just never grow up. This kid obviously hasn’t. And 13k hours in a video game at 17 he clearly hasn’t achieved any goals in life other than virtual reality. At 17 I had already built over 10 miles of fence on ranches and now owning a business doing the same which is now a multi million dollar company. I wouldn’t compare my achievements with his because I would hate to have his. Especially those Mountain Dew teeth.
ОтветитьHeatoN would have humbled him in the old days. Nowadays pro gamers at a mid-high skill lvl compared to back then where they were ultra high by today’s standards. It’s so ridiculous to see that and quite frankly I haven’t been able to get myself to get back into CS because of this and many other reasons. I feel like the world is going to shit the more modernized we become
ОтветитьI can definitely tell who’s never been to a lan before. This kind of stuff was normal way back in the day when local lans were being held in your town. People used to trash talk right in your face across from you. Get Donked
ОтветитьThen he lost Mongolz
ОтветитьHe is like the cs Peter bot
ОтветитьLoudest person in the room is always the most insecure
ОтветитьIt good that his Getting fined
ОтветитьLet him have fun if you deadass care about this you have no real issues
ОтветитьI dont like him
ОтветитьTo be fair half the CS community probably have ASPD.
ОтветитьNo that’s just superautism
ОтветитьHe is good in the game but his antics are trash...he acts like there was noone before him being insanely talented....i miss csgo days when players were respectful but hyping the spectators in same time
Ответитьpls put this kid 1x1 vs pasha byceps
ОтветитьStop flaming this little girl
ОтветитьEvil m0nesy:
ОтветитьThis is average CS2 behavior, they're all toxic
ОтветитьOmg do people need their diaper changed getting upset over shouting in a video game. Give me a break. Let him live his life man
Ответитьi mean dude ngl if i was the youngest person to go to the major and i was shitting on IGLs i’d be toxic asf too 💀💀💀
ОтветитьWasn't s1mple like donk back then? Manz used to hit you in the dome and then tell his teammates they're trash.
Ответитьlet the kid do what they want. I mean they have to live with a face like that day in and day out.
ОтветитьThis kid gonna be roasted when he plays CS 1.6, the us more harder
ОтветитьHe never heard of public servers, in my opinion this championship doesn’t even mean you are the best player in cs2 just because you win, you have to see the players in public servers I swear they should be in the championships :D mfs doing trick shots and wall banging like the walls are made out of glass and killing after 5 seconds round starts
ОтветитьTeam Spirit is weak as shit though hahahaha
Ответитьjl literary 1v3 them ez. He got headshot without donk even knowing where it came from
Ответитьim just a fan of cs recently but ive never seen a player like this one before
ОтветитьBro is named donk
ОтветитьI honestly agree with Monesy and Taz on this
Kid has talent and its his first time showing that he has the skills to prove it on the big stage
Plus the kid can fuckin pop heads
cool guy
Ответитьthis kid was in dipers when mw2 lobbies existed, he dosent even know toxicity
ОтветитьThe kid is 17. They must let him be. If you expect anyone whose age has “teen” in it to be humble, then you’ll be very disappointed. Let him be a kid. Let him have fun and when he hits 20, you can slap him with whatever punishments you want.
ОтветитьThats 17 years old kid?
Man, you can tell he loves cs just by looking at that creature
Its not going to well for them right now 😎
Ответитьthe problem with behaving poorly in the pro scene is that a day will probably come where you need to change teams and if no one likes you and wants to play with you that could close a lot of doors with the bigger teams.
ОтветитьI hate this kid(and that is why he is a good player) his lack of humility allows him to truly show his toxic side angering and tilting the opposing team.
Ответитьı think he sould be banned
Ответитьq vergonha
ОтветитьOh my I bet he reeks
ОтветитьNo.1 Player Right now
ОтветитьI like him. Go donk! Haha
ОтветитьAnd he won the major
ОтветитьHe is a lesbian
ОтветитьPashul nahuy sobaka dolbaeb 😂
ОтветитьNo he is stealing every sin from you completely silent af
ОтветитьNow you can see a toxic player in real life 😂😂
ОтветитьMmm typical 17 year old 🤷♂️
Ответитьwow look at him now he's the fucking goat
ОтветитьNobody who looks like that should have any kind of confidence whatsoever