멤버 한둘의 잘못으로 팀해체라니
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최신댓글이 정말 적다...
ОтветитьI'm so sad when I come here and know that they already disband... Dude they are like next seventeen generation but why they disband? TvT they are so talented! Can anyone tell me why it's call 14u Indonesia? Are they Indonesian?
ОтветитьHwaaa!!! Gw msh gk bsa move on😣😣😭😢😢😭😭 pdhal gw ykin mereka bkl jdi grup besar tpi ud bubar😢😢😭😭
Ответить14U comeback pls😭😭
I miss loudi🤧❤
Loudi yg mana ??
Ответить2020 😥
ОтветитьMiss them.
2020? :>
Kolom komentar menjadi bukti dukungan kita ya, jejak digital.
ОтветитьThey are so amazing
ОтветитьYah sekarang dah bubar :(
ОтветитьThey are amazing
ОтветитьThe song is actually kinda amusing. 14 boy are cool too see on the stage... but i think 7 members are actually enough.
Ответитьwoy kangennmn😭😭😭😭
ОтветитьKenapa kalian musti bubar sih 😢😢
ОтветитьThey are so amazing
Ответитьmiss :(
ОтветитьWhy is Gyeongtae wearing like a cowboy hat
ОтветитьDoes anybody noticed that their K-pop name is actually pronounced "One For You" but not "Fourteen You"?
ОтветитьNeed this on Spotify ❤
Ответить노래를 🥕 마켓에서 사왔냥..
ОтветитьStay amazing all 😁😁
ОтветитьI miss you all T_T
ОтветитьWow cool
Ответитьand I miss them
Ответитьaaaaa i miss you sm
ОтветитьI miss you guys, 14u is my frist stan grup kpop idol and first time i like kpop and my frist love kpop, when they were disbanded , i am so sad
I can not forget my frist love kpop😭😭
Tiba² muncul di tl kyaaaa kngnnnn
ОтветитьMasih Jadi OnlyU Di tahun 2021 :) tpu syg udh bubar
ОтветитьHai saya dari 2021 masih nonton mvnya aaah sad bngt
kangen 14u
It's sadly they disbanded.. 😐 their song's so good
ОтветитьBisa enggak waktunya di ulang? Sedikit aja😭
ОтветитьIni mah kebanyakan member,😀
ОтветитьThey're all perfect omg
ОтветитьKangen woy!!!!
ОтветитьPadahal ini bagus loh, harusnya dulu lebih bersinar
ОтветитьSayang banget ya
ОтветитьTiba" kangen mereka semua 😭
ОтветитьSayang sekali harus bubar pdhal bagus2 lagunya
ОтветитьYa ampun padahal udah bagus kenapa harus bubar sih
ОтветитьFighting 14u! I hope they all reunite and debut again, a new start, they DESERVE it
ОтветитьFanchant bagian "Gyeongtae yaaa sama ARASEO !" bener" bikin nangis 😭😭
Ответитьlagi kangen sini lagi
Ответитьplis suka bgt sama lagu ini karna bikin mood happy
ОтветитьGroup sebagus ini kok bubar ya Allah