Fans; High is next to Off on purpose

Fans; High is next to Off on purpose

Technology Connections

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@Souls-at-zer0 - 06.12.2024 09:58

Because who the heck uses a fan on LOW…if you’re not using high…why is it even on lol

@ponyote - 11.12.2024 06:35

I have actually always wanted to know this. Thanks fans, thans!

@pumpkinsproutarts - 12.12.2024 19:05

I watched this video despite never having come across a fan that starts at high. It's that a US thing? I'm in the uk and all of mine start at low

@kageotaku - 25.12.2024 04:50

I wondered this as a child and came to the conclusion it was because "high" is the most commonly used speed. The fact that this is something I wondered about as a child says something about me, I imagine.

@TheFanMan2009-q2t - 30.12.2024 12:38

actually as a matter of fact Casablanca Ceiling Fans go off-low-medium-high

@schex9 - 31.12.2024 10:09

I like that fans turn to High, then Medium and Low, because I'm usually hot and wanting the relief of cooling that the fan produces (by evaporating moisture from clothes and skin). I'd slap it right to High immediately if it were Off-Low-Med-High.

@christophermorrison4176 - 02.01.2025 00:13

So are we old enough to talk about the fancy stuff yet? Just used this video to explain to a coworker how I could diagnose a busted capacitor by listening to a motor hum!

@maxpower1363 - 12.01.2025 09:14

How do you boil water in a kettle or weld at home in the US without 240V 1Ø or 440V 3Ø? Are you just running massive cables?

@cypher686 - 13.01.2025 16:43

so if you stop a fan while its on, it won't rotate again?

@jeregellison - 13.01.2025 18:49

Hoping someone where can help. I have a Panasonic F-1205 fan with a broken blade, and I'm struggling to find a replacement one. If anyone knows where I can look to get the blade without having to buy a whole new fan, I'd really appreciate it. I tried a generic replacement blade that was like $5, but it didn't fit where the blades screw on.

I'm no engineer, just a guy with a sentimental fan from my grandma, but I'll do my best to answer any other questions if it'll help. Thanks :-)

@ChiefBootyClap - 16.01.2025 11:41

I came here wondering why ceiling fans start on high. I heard stall conditions and I feel like an idiot. Thank you, sir.

@michaelschweitzer6718 - 21.01.2025 02:00

Thanks for making a 17 minute video, discussing something I never wondered about, ever.

@sparksgaming1955 - 22.01.2025 05:57

i literally have that same purple box fan in the cover image

@Moopatic - 24.01.2025 04:28

Ah yes: OnlyFans.

@VinnyZoomer - 24.01.2025 18:54

I always use the highest setting anyway so its convenient.

@mauiwowiecueto - 27.01.2025 06:35

I loved this video
This is one of the channels that made me sub with just one video

@MaxtheBraincellFree - 28.01.2025 18:00

Love to see a short video answering one simple questio- nevermind the vid is 17 minutes long

@Lampyde - 29.01.2025 06:12

My adhd ass cannot understand or try to understand anything being said and I’m still watching

@baysidethe1st817 - 29.01.2025 18:19

Wasn't expecting fan lore but here we are

@alex1carm - 29.01.2025 22:23

I am confused I don't think I have ever seen a fan that goes off,3,2,1 until now... The only dial I have seen that starts high is a gas dial on a stove. Maybe it's a UK vs US thing I don't know.
EDIT: not to mention I have also never seen a domestic house fan stall on low probably due to the fact it doesn't take much to move a fan blade

@matthewskorupan5127 - 31.01.2025 06:38

Yeah, imagine turning on your TV and unmute it and it just goes to 100 volume

@Lachlant1984 - 06.02.2025 09:29

My sister's family have DC powered ceiling fans, and I've noticed that when you turn them on, they first rotate in the opposing direction before rotating in the selected direction. I think this is to help ensure the fan starts, even at low speed, and to prevent it from stalling upon start up at low speed.

@Par_x3D - 07.02.2025 08:02

The "Fans! It's what's for dinner" gets me every time and I don't entirely know why 🤣

@mallwalker7770 - 07.02.2025 20:52

i just noticed that one of my ceiling fans will not spin if it's set to low when i turn the switch on. I have to set it to high to get it moving. I have the same fan in another room with a different remote. This fan will turn on with any setting, and I can hear the motor briefly run at a higher power to get it going. I wonder if that behavior is actually done by the remote and not the fan...

@artisanrox - 08.02.2025 05:30

"hand chopper" lmfao 🤣🤣🤣

@Pescado_55 - 11.02.2025 09:16

I'm a fan of fans.

@tk423b - 13.02.2025 03:09

Makes food taste better.

@denniss3980 - 23.02.2025 16:10

I had a cheap fan that would only spin if I reached my hand in and gave the blade a push, now I know why

@xhappybunnyx - 24.02.2025 05:11

I like to think I'm a pretty smart dude but this stuff is so humbling

@robinrye9717 - 25.02.2025 13:51

THANK YOU for the electromagnetics thank you SO MUCH for not deciding we definitely don't want the electromagnetics.

@stevebeschakis9775 - 27.02.2025 02:32

OK, so why is this not true of hair dryers?

@Meyer-gp7nq - 27.02.2025 04:17

big fan of this channel

@Amin_2k - 01.03.2025 03:23

I have NEVER seen a fan that starts with High. This is probably a USA thing

@seligjuggalo9378 - 05.03.2025 08:59

Iv never seen a fan switch go from off to high then medium then low.. it’s always been off low medium then high last….

@MattKrack - 06.03.2025 08:08

Well, just great! Now I'm afraid to turn anything on if it's gonna summon Decepticons.

@LincolnBliss-j2r - 11.03.2025 07:51

So its literally a starter for an electric motor

@joshuaclark1461 - 14.03.2025 20:11

I'm 4 years older now. Can we talk about Flemings rules and lenses laws now?

@balamstudios - 15.03.2025 06:19

even digital fans have this

@TechnologyConnections - 11.05.2020 06:51

Good gravy are there just so many motors out there. Like brushless DC motors which are absolutely cool in their own right! Therefore I just want to put up here that you should definitely not go thinking that all motors work like this, because many don't! In fact, the universal motor? One of the reasons those are still so common despite their (relatively) shorter life is that they create gobs of starting torque on their own. An induction motor would be absolutely awful for something like a power tool with its poor starting torque, unless you went real fancy with a VFD and stuff.
It's all about what's best for what purpose!
