What happened to REPUBLIC CAPITAL SHIPS after the Clone Wars? | Star Wars Lore

What happened to REPUBLIC CAPITAL SHIPS after the Clone Wars? | Star Wars Lore


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@vegapthalo03yuioplo.j.i.u25 - 01.12.2020 08:41


@vegapthalo03yuioplo.j.i.u25 - 01.12.2020 08:42


@vegapthalo03yuioplo.j.i.u25 - 01.12.2020 08:47

[email protected]×HYPERION 7790 0

@vegapthalo03yuioplo.j.i.u25 - 01.12.2020 08:48


@vegapthalo03yuioplo.j.i.u25 - 01.12.2020 08:53


@vegapthalo03yuioplo.j.i.u25 - 01.12.2020 08:53

JESUS 4500 0 j e w r u e ÷ w e e s a l a e ÷ m 0 jordan`6_ 0

@InquisitorKryptman - 07.12.2020 13:15

Gone... Reduced to atoms

@nadiagonzalez6176 - 15.12.2020 04:53

I love that ship I wish covenant have it

@HeavyTanker-vx4oq - 16.12.2020 17:49

Knowing Venators survived until the sequel trilogy era, makes me disappointed that one or two didn't appear in the Rise of Skywalker ship scene. Or any actual ships of that size, multiple ISDs and Venators survived until that era. And I certainly wouldn't have wanted to go fighting the Sith Eternal fleet without a couple flag ships like that. And You can't argue it wouldn't have been amazing to see old Star destroyers fighting the new ships.

@Maverick-rd5ok - 02.01.2021 19:15


@davecargill1356 - 05.01.2021 01:58

It varies that much is your way of saying you don’t really know and just guess the whole of this video

@trippycoolio3608 - 09.02.2021 03:09

Venator > Str Destroyer

@daplan2123 - 11.02.2021 02:40

Scrap em turn them into imperial star destroyers

@Malvisk - 12.02.2021 05:58

I'm just amazed at how quickly the Star Wars universe pumps out fleets of ships.

@panzeronbridge7189 - 23.02.2021 07:13

I wish Venator would return somehow in the future film because it was a very sexy star destroyer...

@fazbrogaming7776 - 24.02.2021 19:32

I haven’t even watch the video yet I am still leaving this as my answer; they ended up on the planet Bracca, where the imperial scrapper guild salvages them for parts, we learn this in “Jedi Fallen Order”

@Werrf1 - 07.03.2021 17:42

I was rather disappointed when in Rebels, they needed to capture a dedicated carrier for their A-wings and they went for a Quasar Fire class instead of a Venator. I understand why they did, I just really love the Venator's design.

@adamkorzon2972 - 18.04.2021 18:42

they repainted them in the prequels ending,and ran them till they were junk,like any military does

@ryujose3681 - 15.05.2021 03:09

Play Fallen Order, they were all sent a scrapyard unfortunately, best ship the Republic had such a waste

@ChrisBLACK777 - 19.05.2021 01:22

This is my favourite star ship in SW!

@Verminator4 - 20.05.2021 10:01

Military-Industrial complex reasons are most likely to blame. In the wake of the CIS' defeat there really weren't any peer-level adversaries to the Galactic Empire capable of fielding the kinds of fleets that warranted the ISD, and in fact the starfighter-heavy tactics that suit the Venator were most likely more flexible and thus better suited to adjusting to new foes than the ISD was. Of course, it's not strange for states to end up buying unsuitable weapons. Notable real-world example, the Lockheed F-104 Starfighter in West Germany in the Cold War, a jet specialised for high-altitude, high velocity interception missions was bought in large quantities after Lockheed bribed West German officials and was pressed into duty as a fighter-bomber with ground attack duties, leading to an incredibly high accident rate that killed many pilots. Likewise, the ISD is huge and no doubt extremely expensive, and complete overkill compared to the perfectly-adequate Venator, but the contract to replace the Empire's entirely inventory of Venators with ISDs would almost certainly be massively profitable for Kuat Drive Yards. They may have bribed important Imperal Moffs and whichever officers were responsible for requisitions in the Imperial Navy, or Palpatine simply decided it was in his interests to consolidate more wealth and power into the hands of Kuat Drive Yards and the Imperial military-industrial complex in general, both to expand Imperial military production capacity and to keep KDY loyal to the Empire.

@tbirum - 07.06.2021 19:31

The "Tarkin Doctrine" was deeply flawed. OK, I understand that while the Imperials were largely comprised of "Humans" we are not talking about Humans from Earth. but The Battle of "Pearl Harbor" taught the United States and really the world just how powerful planes carrying bombs could be. Prior to WW2 most Naval barring nations thought that BATTLESHIPS would rule the Oceans and that the Nation with the most and best Battleships would be able to defeat Navies with smaller numbers of Battleships/outdated Battleships. During WW2 Naval barring nations found out that it was the Aircraft Carrier that would decide which nation ruled the Oceans. "The Rebels/Alliance" would never be able to match the Empire when it came to Capital Ships, they needed to do fast hit and run tactics to survive. This is where the Venator Class ship would have come in handy. Form ISD wings consisting of 2 ISD and 1 Venator class ship, ALWAYS have around 5-10% of your Tie Fighters already launched (consider it training) this way in the event of a Rebel surprise attack you would already have your fighters launched and they could keep the rebel fighters occupied until you were able to get the rest of your fighters out to protect your Capital ships IN the event of a Large Scale attack that 5 - 10 % would still be enough to occupy enemy fighters long enough to get your fighters into the action to win the battle.
the ISD1&2 carried 72 Tie Fighters (a total of 144) so 10% would mean around 14 Ties in space at all times
but the Venator carried 420 so with those 3 ships traveling as a group 5% would mean 28 and 10% would mean 56 (MORE THEN ENOUGH) to repel all but the largest of Rebel "Surprise Attacks"

@tburrows357 - 17.07.2021 20:39

Love that you have a picture of the skipray blast boat in there

I also liked the idea of the Victory class star destroyers that could enter into the atmosphere where later and larger models could not

@theopmc7548 - 03.08.2021 21:46

You should do a battle between Mc 75 and venator. I like venator but I'm rooting for Mc 75

@HolyCrusader5 - 12.09.2021 03:29

Before the ISDs, they did use Imperial Venators but they probably disassembled them so they could have more resources for the making of the ISDs

@deletedwaffles - 25.09.2021 04:39

The Venators were so much cooler looking than the Star Destroyers.

@youtubeaccount9578 - 10.10.2021 23:28

How awesome would that be to see a group of decommissioned clones living in one of these after war.. kinda like the clones from rebels 🤔

@muhammadksatriaakbarariend8684 - 02.11.2021 14:38

Its somehow weird seeing the venator class star destroyer without the paint

@maddox471 - 05.12.2021 03:52

Jedi fallen order shows that nearly all clone war era ships and military vehicles were taken apart and scraped to be turned into Imperial Star Destroyers and other parts of the Imperial military

@joelott531 - 17.01.2022 23:39

Gotta Love it that i Made venators my Main Ships again in Empire at war Remake.

@didledump2000 - 21.02.2022 07:58

As the new star destroyers were rapidly built they were replaced at thier duty stations. Some went to recycling where the best of the yard got repaired with parts from others. But the best of the mothballed fleet served Palpatine plans for Exigol, they were loaded with construction droids and his fanatical scientists and sith worshipping followers. The ships landed on the planet surface in craters where they were temporary housing while rhe base was constructed, then each ship was deconstructed and used as materials to create the fleet that burst out of the surface of the planet, over the decades the sith worshipers had children that made the new generation of crews for the ships. The venators were reborn into the vengence fleet.

@CloneScavengerVulpin8389 - 08.03.2022 05:11

I love the Venator-class.

@DarthMetool - 10.03.2022 20:48

Someone needs to make a comic showing Palpatine shoving the old ships into a broom closet.

@HelluvaOpp - 14.03.2022 23:06

Average Star Destroyer Fan: A Bozo
Average Venator Class Star Destroyer Enjoyer: A Chad

@ejt2287 - 31.03.2022 15:35

Too bad they didn’t keep the republic gunship tho. They’d probably have operated better with it

@georgesucksattwister8039 - 13.05.2022 00:06

If there are ships and vehicles that are like in between republic and empire in the Kenobi series that would be cool

@rjan9719 - 11.06.2022 01:06

Could I have one? Since they're not using them😊

@mmartinu327 - 18.06.2022 03:15

It doesnt make any sense that the empire heavily militarized when the republic was already heavily militarized.

@cbennetts2746 - 19.06.2022 17:09

honestly id love to see venators as a part of a moff's militia force.

@PetePlayGames1992 - 25.06.2022 06:51

A few Venators were sold as scrap and dismantled on Bracca.

@LordPadriac - 25.07.2022 04:08

I think people intensely asking questions like this forget how effective Palpatine was at grinding down both the droid armies and the Republic armies throughout the war. There were just not as many of either side's fleets left after Order 66 and the end of the war and many of those that were left were damaged and awaiting repair and then just scrapped. Those left might have been more than enough on technologically inferior backwater worlds or fighting less well armed pirates but neither the Republic fleet or the Droid fleet were designed properly for war. They were designed more like high tech version of the gladiatorial weapons and armor of the Roman Empire. They were designed by Palpatine to drag out the war and fighting as long as possible for the many benefits the spectacle lent to his plans.

@ThouHast - 16.08.2022 15:28

Would haveade a good trade ship heaps of cargo space amd well defended for such a vessel.

@sergius0202 - 14.12.2022 13:15

The Fallen order showed us it were dumped and utilized.

@violetlight1548 - 01.01.2023 04:30

Considering how many of these Clone War era ships, if not outright scrapped, were regulated to "backwater, unimportant" areas, I bet quite a few in Legends made their way to the Empire of the Hand. Thrawn demonstrated with the Katana fleet that he had no issues with using older ships, with utilizing the resources available to him. I can't see him turning them down. I bet quite a few are still active in the Hand's navy by "Visions of the Future".

@hotwheelsbrothers687 - 21.02.2023 03:37

I would love to see one of the ORIGINAL Republic Venator be brought back as a Rebel/Resistance ship that was recovered from some old hanger like the B wing

@CharlieHepp - 26.08.2023 22:20

I wanted to write a story where a Jedi and their padawan teamed up with an Admiral to squirrel away a flotilla of Venators and Acclimators with no clones prior to order 66 because the padawan had a forced vision of the doom of the Jedi but could only convince their master of it Since the 90s, Star Wars has suffered from this bizarre 'more cowbell' mentality where every number has to be orders of magnitude too large to be sensible. Before CGI, when ILM had to make the effects practically, they thought through the realities of what they were building. The fleets were realistic in scope and design. The battle of Endor, the ultimate showdown of the first trilogy, had a few dozen ships. The wiki says 30 Star Destroyers. That's a sensible fleet size. As soon as CGI makes ships a copy-and-paste matter, we get these utterly insane numbers mentioned. Thousands and thousands of ships with thousands and thousands of crew members. Literally, tens of millions of people living their lives on Star Destroyers that fight … who exactly? It's just not thought through, because CGI doesn't force you to stop and think. Even at Endor, since someone went back and decided each Imperator had a crew complement of 37,500, that means that 1.25 MILLION men fought on the Empire's side in that fleet. In Episode 9, they say that the stupid vampire Final Order fleet will make the First Order force '10,000 times stronger'. They're already a sizeable force! Let's say that only have 10 Star Destroyers, that means Palpatine has conjured up 100,000 Star Destroyers, each with its own planet-killing weapon! If the first order has 100 ships, that's 1 MILLION Star Destroyers that Palps has gone through one antenna LOL. I mean why does nobody do this math? It renders Star Wars silly when it doesn't have to be. It's all so different from its 1970s beginnings when the ships were thoughtfully designed and fleets made sense. CGI is like sugar: you have to be an adult and not put the whole bag into the cake, or you spoil the cake. Considering how many of these Clone War-era ships, if not outright scrapped, were regulated to "backwater, unimportant" areas, I bet quite a few in Legends made their way to the Empire of the Hand. Thrawn demonstrated with the Katana fleet that he had no issues with using older ships, with utilizing the resources available to him. I can't see him turning them down. I bet quite a few are still active in the Hand's navy by "Visions of the Future".

@hmboret-vq2cg - 21.01.2024 12:23

I actually disagree with most of this

@EckhartsLadder - 11.01.2019 01:41

Hope you enjoyed! Leave your suggestions below and I'll run a poll tonight so YOU can choose tomorrow's vid.
