Sadly, The End Of PTCGO Is Almost Here...

Sadly, The End Of PTCGO Is Almost Here...


2 года назад

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@paulpreserves8310 - 02.02.2023 11:49

i really hate how they ban cards for several days even weeks, and it happened with forest and now sky seal stone.
Like those cards are crazy important to some decks, and making them unavailable just makes those decks way less powerful;
some cards even were released in the past free and banned later, like furisode girl. I played that card and didnt experience any bugs, but now its banned so i cant play a deck that includes it, cool

@paulpreserves8310 - 02.02.2023 11:53

hopefully with this happening, the community decides to invest into their own simulator; be it hard or soft, i would still play it over Live (even if it has no pack openings, or shiny cards)

@alfonsopessolano9239 - 02.02.2023 12:46

Live is shit

@cheddarsmith6568 - 02.02.2023 12:46

We need so start a godamn movement to delete live and stay on O. Is anyone skilled enough to do that?

@majikmo2639 - 02.02.2023 13:14

It was an Honor to be able to play against you & in Legacy no less.
RIP to PTCGO and Legacy format, all my locked Mew Primes and Portrait Smeargles must go down with the ship :(

@robertical - 02.02.2023 13:16

When you migrate to Live, Are you going to give away any cards or you are going to let them take the cards when you have more than 4?

@teamfamza9821 - 02.02.2023 14:01

Sky Seal Stone is now working in Live.

@nabilbrahim3074 - 02.02.2023 14:53

You know what’s more sad my birthday on 1 march

@TheCookinHam - 02.02.2023 15:49

Live is so trash. Ptcgo is so much better. And it's kind of bs that we can't transfer everything over.

@dragonsigner - 02.02.2023 15:54

It seems like the only thing that developers care about about to voting and time and money and effort to is the backgrounds and avatars and the full board effects.. basically making it look pretty instead of trying to make a game and actually works

@dragonsigner - 02.02.2023 16:05

I got something to watch you play till the end as long as we're not at work..

so does the migration automatically happen automatically when the game shuts down or do you have to migrate before the shutdown, just want to make sure I don't lose all my stuff

@dcom90 - 02.02.2023 16:17

What about in game currency, will it transfer over??

@ooktookgaming9154 - 02.02.2023 16:49

Imagine if the bad ptcg aka ptcgo never existed it would just be around hype about all the amazing different free decks and styles that can be adapted in ptcgl wouldn't that be great

@gamemodejm - 02.02.2023 17:37

So many memories from playing competitive ladder and tournament, playing against friends and also the trading system. I'm very sad that I'm not able to play anymore old decks like the EX cards or the break ones

@pokeregidrago - 02.02.2023 17:49

This is very sad news, hopefully they make PTCGL better soon.

@kurt8174 - 02.02.2023 18:15

I won't transfer my account yet. I'll play chicken until the bitter end.

@MrWessiide - 02.02.2023 18:19

Honestly I love the variety of the format we have now I would gladly play crown zenith format for here on out, Shady dealing forever lol. Unfortunately the servers will prob go down in the next couple months anyway

@cbass8758 - 02.02.2023 18:19

Looks like you are going to need a real job now lol

@kitwong8955 - 02.02.2023 18:30


@Natedogg3100 - 02.02.2023 20:36

Everyone should screenshot their stats page at the end and post em all to see. I was shocked to see my stat page for the first time and be awed by actually how many games ive won. I hope this next gen game can live up to ptcgo's legacy with updates in the months and years to come.

@TrustYourPilotTCG - 02.02.2023 21:02

I used to enjoy opening packs, then I migrated to TCG Live...

@danielfrimpong6412 - 02.02.2023 22:06

What about expanded?

@tamilazzaro2145 - 02.02.2023 22:11

PTCGO is gone..... Not worth talking about it any longer. Live is junk, no plans on moving over.

@Nightmare_NPC - 02.02.2023 22:22

How fitting it is that scarlet and violet tcg will be full of bugs on launch it’s almost like they don’t care about the quality anymore and just want to save money

@DeafCuber - 03.02.2023 02:04

Why not show us your Collection Stats?

@TheItalianScarecrow - 03.02.2023 03:40

I have a bunch of QR codes. Should I redeem those now? Or in live? Will I even be able to?

@brandonelizarde4585 - 03.02.2023 06:27

I should of watched this vid before I migrated my account 😢

@rainbowunicode8352 - 03.02.2023 09:23

I think what's more impressive than having played the game 223 days is that you've done 1.4 billion (yes, *billion*) damage. That's 140 million damage counters.

@sauce773 - 03.02.2023 10:29

I swear tcg live has even worse rng than ptcgo. I keep getting crucial cards prized or no matter how much I dig for a card it's no where to be found.

@hesohit - 03.02.2023 16:33

rip anyone want my ptgo account i drop the name and password, i done.

@Imsharkb8 - 03.02.2023 19:50

lol they got to make a whole new game instead of just updating there current game.

@qpon7915 - 03.02.2023 19:52

Lookig forward to send off live stream

@geoffcarroll05 - 03.02.2023 20:11

I've got a ton of packs. What cards should I trade them for?

@wailbail7307 - 03.02.2023 22:57

What I don't understand is why the would get rid of something that is not broke ?

@alch2041 - 04.02.2023 01:03

me on my way to completely and directly downgrade my game 🏃

@hifumibestgirl - 04.02.2023 15:03

I won’t be spending any time or money on Live until it’s vastly improved. If that means refraining from playing PTCG for years, so be it.

@michaelwarren7208 - 04.02.2023 16:57

I'm just a nobody and I can't

make it happen but somebody need get a big tourney on limitless going RIght as months ending. I've seen 400 500 limitless showdown let's go bigger!! they say Orlando biggest regional let's get biggest online pokemon tourney in history of g ptcgo

@AffectZzz - 05.02.2023 07:46

Does all of our cards in ptcgo transfer and packs decks and etc Or are we starting fresh ? If we have saved codes could we use em there ?

@nortonclark9433 - 05.02.2023 14:15

Need advise: do i rip all my packs before moving over or leave them sealed ??

@HappytimeHarrEy - 05.02.2023 22:24

Comparing a 12 year old polished game to a beta?

@PMJ1234567890 - 06.02.2023 12:12

It's a real shame that Legacy isn't coming to Live. I think having an even playing field in terms of all cards being available in the shop would do wonders with getting more folks interested in the format.

@ghostchannelt6624 - 06.02.2023 20:38

That why am saving your content, so am plenty of stuff catch up on.

@braidedthrone7168 - 07.02.2023 11:59

Bruh the v-unions are bugged ☠️
Sometimes I can’t summon zacianV-U because the summon button doesn’t appear.
Also still waiting on a zacian Union update LDF !!!!!

@Notfullyevolved - 07.02.2023 13:35

Any tips for the migration?

@spongebobsquarepants367 - 11.02.2023 11:28

On march1 2023 the game permanently deleted?

@CALIGS - 21.02.2023 13:48

Mmm, aren't Scarlet & Violet not even legal for standard play on release day though? I heard they won't get rotation into standard until 14 April or May or something, is that wrong?

@gladsumthin4187 - 15.03.2023 05:02

I got a mimikyu gx box and it was only redeemable in live. So, it applies to boxes after March 1st but before scarlet and violet.

@ahsanx0 - 20.04.2023 01:20

I'm a loyal man I ain't switch'n to nothing 🙂 I die with it .

@ahsanx0 - 20.04.2023 01:21

I'm back And guess what I am hearing, this is just sad 🙁

@ZephaniahNoah - 26.07.2024 01:45

This client was so good.
