An Extraordinary Introduction to the Birth of Israel and the Arab-Israeli Conflict

An Extraordinary Introduction to the Birth of Israel and the Arab-Israeli Conflict


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@giselapfeifer4666 - 15.05.2024 19:17

God himself gathered the Jewish people from the ends of the earth to return to the land he promised them according to his prophetic word in the holy sriptures.. so the world may know that he is Lord..!!

@ElieMaor - 18.05.2024 17:07

Beautiful and insightful to listen to Haviv.

@GoldasGirls - 20.05.2024 12:22


@lizbethartemis4886 - 20.05.2024 17:19

1897 Zionist Congress; 127 years ago; 44 years before the holicaust. Invasion of Palestine had nothing to do with holocaust. Get real …

@lizbethartemis4886 - 20.05.2024 17:25

Native Indians in USA were also raped. What’s new.

@lizbethartemis4886 - 20.05.2024 17:27

the holocaust give no justification to engage in genocide of Palestinians to steal their land.

@love777jets - 23.05.2024 10:03

This is the most amazing podcast I have ever heard. It is almost 3:00 am and I’m debating whether to watch it again or try to sleep. I want to memorize every word spoken by both of you. There is so much history to learn about getting us to today.
Thank you. I am a Jewish American, but 10/7 has vicariously made me Israeli! A Zionist I have always been, but an Israeli, I dream of being. Thank you, Haviv and Russ for the best history lesson I could have ever imagined.

@joantaylor468 - 27.05.2024 09:35

At 23 we see the Jews as coraled in Europe because the west won't allow them in.

@joantaylor468 - 27.05.2024 12:28

Can we trace this back to who are to blame for The USA not receiving the Jews even after the war was over?

@joantaylor468 - 27.05.2024 12:31

This discussion actually presents facts & experiences.

@joantaylor468 - 27.05.2024 12:33

Hertzl is their George Washington

@williamstewart7725 - 30.05.2024 02:47

Excellent. This is my 2nd hearing.

@uglyboy4067 - 30.05.2024 08:23

I have thoroughly enjoyed this podcast. This side of history is new to me. As a proud Yorkshire lad here in the UK, I am so sorry that we didn't do more to help you people, but as a proud Englishman, I am so proud that we are friends today. (I am actualy half German but I have no idea about my family history unfortunatly) I was born in Bradford in Westyorkshire, and if I am not mistaken, the synagogue off Manningham lane, played a pivotal role in the creation of the Balfore Declaration. It is such a dark history that you people have, and I really do hope and pray that Israel can weather this storm, and our government here in the uk grows a spine and stands up against this islamist wave of hate that is sweeping our country. I also apologise for George Galloway, thankfully he is Scotish, so I don't feel as much shame, but he is a vile human being and hopefully he wont be in government for long.

@underfellgirlsans2243 - 31.05.2024 06:01

Fantastic explanation ❤.

@DrivenByDetails - 01.06.2024 04:03

Always, look forward to learning something new when Haviv shares what’s on his mind with us.

@dalemcd1408 - 04.06.2024 16:25

All this is good history. But how do you explain the present Israeli government that frankly sounds sadistic and genocidal.

@ef2718 - 14.06.2024 09:20

1400 years conflict.

@ef2718 - 14.06.2024 09:29

Haviv you are wrong.
The first leader to bring the Israelis back to independence in Israel was Prophet Moses AS, he was the first Zionist leader, some 3300 years ago.
The second in importance was Ezra the scribe 538 BC.

@eidemmahs5847 - 20.06.2024 05:00

WOW!!! Thank you for your educational discussion in this show. I have been wondering for a long time, how the Jewish people ended up in the Holocaust! Thank you so much Russ and Haviv for your great show. I have learned so many interesting parts of the history. Well done! Keep up the good work! GOD bless 🙏 you both.

@speaktruth9313 - 22.06.2024 15:23

I like your content..but would love it if you’d put the words you say on the screen in English.. thanks..

@F4R4D4Y - 23.06.2024 22:37

Terrific conversation 👌

@rfsalad4118 - 02.07.2024 20:49

So Russian, Polish, German Jews migrated to Palestine And then they started oppressing native Palestinians there.

@boforce9096 - 05.07.2024 21:42

Stop Holocaust on Palestinians. Stop genocide. Free Palestine 🇵🇸⚖️🔻🔻🔻

@boforce9096 - 05.07.2024 21:43

Russia and the western countries knew very well how to deal with you😉✌️

@bellringrrakascaleywalez3240 - 07.07.2024 09:31

"We have nowhere else to go" falls a bit flat when the guys saying it have US citizenship. I get that most Israelis have nowhere else to go, but these particular guys choose to occupy Palestine, despite having better alternatives. These are not displaced persons. They're person displacers.

@davidhawkins5329 - 08.07.2024 20:49

Thank you very much for this study Gentlemen
Hashem is faithful to His people.
I am eternally fortunate and blessed and grateful for the Jewish people and the bona fide State of Eretz Israel.
In the words of St John Paul II, and his lifelong friendship with Jerzy and his family.
* Jews- our elder brethren in faith,
our indispensable ancestor,
fraternal partner of Christianity.

@CraigComley-zo1kd - 09.07.2024 11:59

The Black Paper on the Jewish Agency
and Zionist Terrorism
Zionist Plotting an d Totalitarianism:
Zionists must bear responsibility for every drop of innocent blood shed in the Holy Land. These
groups of international intriguers made broad, ambitious plans for the conquest of the Holy Land. They
tried to secure a promise for entry into that country from Turkey and from Germany, but failed. They
obtained a promise from England in 1917. They formed a network of Zionist organizations and Zionist
groups all over the world. They planned to plant pressure groups in the most important Governments in
the world. Through their advertisements and business interests, they have controlled the channels of
propaganda in important countries. They have tried to mobilize world Jewry for this task at the cost of
browbeating, threatening, bullying, terrorizing, economically ruining or assassinating the character of
those who opposed them. They have shamed Christians and intimidated them. They have branded and
smeared Gentiles who did not agree with them, as anti-Semite; they have used against them the same
methods of pressure and terror which they used against the Jews. With an elaborate machinery of propa ganda they have distorted facts about the Arabs and confused the issue on Palestine. They have created
a net of spying all over the world, in the Middle East, Palestine, Europe, the United States of America
and other countries. The activities of some Zionist spying organizations are well known to members of
the Arab Higher Committee Delegation and some United States Government officials. The shadowing of
people, tapping their telephones, prying into their private lives and attempting to obtain copies of pri vate documents, are only a few examples of the activities of Zionist spying organizations.
The Zionists have incited the Jews of Europe to migrate to Palestine, and to that end they have been
the real obstacle in the way of settlement of the refugees and displaced persons problem. With their cam paign of propaganda among refugees, with organized efforts of the Jewish Agency and Hagana, backed by
unlimited tax-exempt funds from the United Jewish Appeal, they grouped illegal immigrants in Euro pean ports, chartered ships and carried those "immigrants" as invaders to Palestine. The Zionists have
purposely and deliberately aggravated the refugees' problem. They have exploited the miseries of the
refugees to win world sympathy for Zionism. They even had the audacity to form kidnapping rings for
abducting children and taking them to Palestine. The Zionists, moreover, bought and smuggled big
quantities of arms, ammunition and military equipment, both from Europe and from America, and
shipped them to Palestine. They built in Palestine small factories for manufacturing arms and ammu ni tion and set up laboratories for bacteriological warfare.
The Zionist set-up in Palestine is totalitarian. Their youth movement and their system of education
have molded a generation of Jewish fanatics. Their terrorist organizations which rob, terrorize, black mail and murder Jews; the obligatory conscription of young men and women; the spying on Jews who
wish to leave the country; the terroristic measures applied to those Jews who, on many occasions, secretly
made contact with Arabs and sought their help to leave the country—are only a few of many examples of
the inroads on civil liberties made by Zionists on the Jews of Palestine. Their methods have been
equalled only by the Nazis!
On March 8, 1948, the correspondent of the New York Times cited an example of what the Hagana
and the Jewish Agency are doing. The correspondent, Dana Adams Schmidt, said:
"The Hagana claims the right to mobilize even United States citizens if they are of military age
and reside in Palestine, a spokesman of the Jewish Agency declared today. Jews holding United States
[ 3 ]
passports complained recently that they had been threatened with violence if they attempted to return
to the United States. When 200 Jewish Americans were about to sail for the United States in the
Russian ship Rossiya from Haifa at the end of February, a party of Hagana men invaded the pier
and threw some of the passports into the harbor before being removed by British marines. . . .יי
"The Hagana has watchers who check travel agencies, ticket offices and other key points to identify
those who hope to leave the country."
The spokesman of the Jewish Agency is reported in the same dispatch to have said:
"The Agency considered conscription to be in force and used whatever means to enforce it.
. . . Youth of military age have been asked to register. Anybody wishing to travel abroad must
get an exit permit from a registration office. Jewish travel agencies will not sell them tickets without
it. Men are sent by Hagana into cinema queues and restaurants to check on registration cards. Jew ish firms will not employ anybody who does not hold one."
The following few incidents reported by the correspondent of the New York Times on March 9,
1948, show further examples of the Jewish Agency and Hagana terror against fellow Jews:
(1) "Pickets of Hagana asked a young, well-dressed woman whether, she had a registration card.
'No, I haven't', she replied. A woman picket thereupon said, 'You had better not come here again or
attend any movie performance or be seen in public until you register.' "
(2) A house in Ramat Gan, near Tel Aviv, was seized by the Hagana on the ground of the
departure abroad of the family's eldest son.
(3) At Rishon-Le־Zion a man and a woman were fined the equivalent of $4,000, ordered to place
their home at the Hagana's disposal and warned to assure the return from England of their 18 year
old son, whom they had sent there by air. A Hagana "cburt" similarly directed that unless the son
returned within six weeks an additional $8,000 fine would be imposed, along with other penalties.
These terror methods of intimidation and retaliation against relatives to assure absolute submission
are the same methods that were applied by the Nazis.
Who Are the Top Men Behind All This?
The outfit behind the Zionist program is a Zionist Council elected by a Zionist Congress of Jewish
Communities all over the world. The Council elects the Executive of the Jewish Agency. The follow ing are the international members of the said Executive:
1. David Ben Gurion Polish 7. Eliezar Kaplan Russian
2. Eliahu Dobkin Russian 8. Dr. Emil Schmorak Polish
3. Rabbi T. L. Fishman Lithuanian 9. Dr. Werner Senator German
4. Moshe Sneh Russian 10. Moshe Shapiro German
5. Itzchat Gruenbaum Polish 11. Moshe Shertok Russian
6. Dr. Bernard Joseph Canadian 12. Golda Myerson Russian
13. Dr. Nahum Goldman American 16. Dr. M. J. Karpf American
14. Dr. M. B. Hextor American 17. Louis Lipsky American
15. Mrs. Edward Jacobs American 18. Dr. Abba Hillel Silver
American of Lithuanian origin
19. Dr. Stephen S. Wise—American of Hungarian origin
20. Prof. Selig Brodetsky British 21. Berl Locker British
[ 4 ]
The Jewish Terrorist Organizations:
Since 1939 the most dastardly outrages have been committed in Palestine by the Jewish illegal organ izations. These outrages were not sporadic or the acts of excited mobs, but the result of premeditated
malice, design and cold-blooded planning. Although the perpetrators of these crimes are so-called ter rorist organizations, they are directed, supervised and financed by the Jewish Agency, or its subsidiary
organs or collaborators.
The organizations responsible for these outrages are the Irgun Hagana, Irgun Zvai Leumi and the
Stern Gang. All these three organizations were originally one, namely the Irgun Hagana. Private rival ries caused these organizations to differ in method, but not in objectives and policy. At heart they have
always been in full agreement and coordination with each other and with members of the Executive of the
Jewish Agency.
Dispatches from Jerusalem dated the 9th of March state that Zionist leaders have agreed to merge the
Hagana and the Irgun Zvai Leumi in Palestine to create a unified military arm for the proposed Jewish
State, working under a single high command

@fayemcduling7744 - 10.07.2024 08:23

Rather tell us why were the Jew's Expulsion from over 100 countries over the centuries and even twice or three times by the same countries ????

@hazelgolding3455 - 11.07.2024 02:55


@henriettashenderey7096 - 13.07.2024 01:55

Amazing! I did not know so much of my People's history! Makes me be more proud of Israel! Amazing guest! Amazing segment. Thank you!🙏🇮🇱❤️

@aymanaamiry - 16.07.2024 04:44

Dear Sir(s)
I have Only one question to the Zionist gentleman .
“Do you accept the basic principle ( notion ) of BARTER ? or BARTERING ?
If so،. Please explain … and give examples .

Thank you both very much .

@fatalconceit3362 - 18.07.2024 13:02

The czar that was assassinated in 1881 was not Alexander I. and he was not replaced by his son, Alexander II. The czar that was assassinated in 1881 was Alexander II and he was replaced by his son, Alexander III. It is important to be precise when referring to historical figures since Czar Alexander I was a czar in his own right and was replaced by Czar Nicholas I, in 1825.

@DianeMonahan - 19.07.2024 00:37

@Nushqa Jewish Nakbah = almost one million Jews were savagely thrown out of the Middle East where Jews lived even before Christianity and Islam (also North Africa…), dispossessed of all they owned (robbed) and never compensated. They haven’t been whining as eternal intergeneration refugee$$$ for 70+ years and have rebuilt their lives and sovereign Jewish state despite 5+ @ROB states (notice not an inexistant greco-roman ‘Palestina’) waging wars of annihilation on the Jewish nation.

@DianeMonahan - 19.07.2024 00:39

@Hakeem357 I know many people with dual citizenship. Many North Africans have dual citizenship etc. You have a problem with dual citizenship when it comes to to the Jewish people?

@EvaRou-kx3qu - 22.07.2024 18:51

It is more and more clear to me that people are mixing the meaning of "zionism" with the meaning of "Freemasonry" and we have heard that Freemasonry is controlling governments and countries.... They don't know what Zionism is!

@horacebeachboy - 16.08.2024 04:35

All Zionist Lie ! God bless Palestine ! Rats of Talmud have no room to hide from Jesus Christ Justice !

@expand9487 - 21.08.2024 13:56

It may seem harsh, but there is a need for a broader perspective on historical victimization. While the tragic experiences of Jews during the Holocaust are profoundly significant, it's important to recognize that all communities have historical complexities. For instance, while many criticize the restrictive immigration policies of the U.S. during that time, one might also question whether Israel would open its borders under similar circumstances, noting its response during the Syrian conflict or its involvement in regional conflicts like in Azerbaijan. The point is, every group has its complexities and no community is entirely blameless or hasn't faced moral challenges. We must acknowledge that all societies have elements of both good and bad histories.

@MyNadje - 21.08.2024 17:44

De idee van een Verenigd Koninkrijk Israël is een later ideologisch construct; over het algemeen wordt op basis van archeologische vondsten aangenomen dat Juda als onafhankelijke staat niet eerder dan in de 8e eeuw v.Chr. ontstond.[3] Als Saul al een historisch persoon was, was zijn koninkrijk niet zo groot als in de Hebreeuwse Bijbel wordt beschreven. Waarschijnlijk omvatte het de gebieden van de stammen Efraïm en Benjamin en de streek Gilead. Hij had ook enige invloed op de noordelijke delen van Juda en achter de Vlakte van Jizreël. Zijn hoofdstad was waarschijnlijk een legerkamp in de buurt van Gibea. De archeologie lijkt te ondersteunen dat rond 1000 v.Chr, het einde van ijzertijd I, de bewoners van dit gebied hoofdzakelijk herders en veefokkers waren, zonder enige vorm van centraal bestuur of organisatie.[2]

@KingForever-zu5jl - 21.08.2024 18:33

In an op-ed in the Guardian on November 1, 2017, Palestinian Authority (PA) President Mahmoud Abbas stated..."Palestinians" were the Jews who lived, along with Muslims and Christians on land called Palestine, which was under British administration from 1917 to 1948.
All people born there during the time of the British Mandate had "Palestine" stamped on their passports. But the Arabs were offended when they were called Palestinians. They complained: "We are not Palestinians, we are Arabs. The Palestinians are the Jews".

@dantebenedetti2889 - 25.08.2024 22:03

Error: it was Alexander II, not Alexander I, who was the reformer. the son of Alexander II, Alexander III, reversed many of the reforms.

@spacebookpub3376 - 27.08.2024 23:49

Mr. Gur is phenomenal! As a Jewish person born in eastern Poland / western Ukraine I agree with his thesis 100% - it did not begin with WWII. Antisemitism is a disease that's been plaguing Europe for a very long time. To its own detriment.

@jimmycake7143 - 01.09.2024 13:53

Very important info that most people never heard. even with an interest in world history and fills in missing big pieces of missing history .

@ge12mma345ge12 - 05.09.2024 13:43

I found it unbelievable. The Jews took the Palestinian’s homes, Gaza (being genocided right now), and the Jews have been disgusting toward the Palestinian inhabitants. They lock them into places such as Gaza, build walls around them, and right now they’ve decided they want the West Bank. That was divided and and it Palestinians. But no, the Jews are murdering and bearing up the rightful owners and taking over. So now there is nothing left for the Palestinians. They love the land they’ve worked for so long. And October 7 was almost a complete lie. Look up the Grayzone (run by Jews) or Electronic Intifada.
But you won’t listen. Jews are always right. Only this time they’re not. And now they’re committing genocide in Gaza - and they’ve started killing off the Palestinians in the West Bank. So they can steal that land. Jared Kushner told us what they want to do with Gaza - he pictures a playground for wealthy Jews by the sea. Ibm so angry.

@YOGAthletica - 14.09.2024 16:29

That revelation about the Harrison survey of DPs, though… 😭🇮🇱

@YOGAthletica - 14.09.2024 17:25

BTW, there is historical/archeological evidence that Jews have lived in Israel for 3500+ years…not just 2000….🙏

@DELRAYDISH - 14.09.2024 21:31

What does it mean to be an IDF soldier .

@lindamischel3036 - 28.09.2024 12:15

Extraordinary! Haviv, you did it again. You are the finest spokesperson in the land! Best of all, you manage to uplift our spirit during these dark times. Thanks.
