Obturator Internus and Externus

Obturator Internus and Externus

Andrew Dowler

1 год назад

11,380 Просмотров

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@diane7534 - 17.05.2023 22:57

Really interesting and well presented - thank you. I discovered my obturator internus last week after walking/jogging - could hardly walk for a couple of days. It's recovering, but I have no idea how it happened, so don't know how to mitigate for the future. Any suggestions? Squats have helped.

@peggygillis3456 - 05.06.2023 22:21

Thank you so much for the information. I have obturator externis muscle pain on my left side. I am presently doing physiotherapy with a pelvic floor physiotherapist who works with me internally to relieve some of the pain. Is there any type of exercise I can do externally at home myself to ease the pain of the obturator externis muscle.

@LostinTranslationss - 13.12.2023 20:15

I have obturator internus syndrome. Reading the comments how to heal it. Im regularly Pilates, Yoga practice and it doesn’t fix the pain. 😢

@exphys6513 - 20.12.2023 18:57

Are the hip rotations affected by hip angle?

@wernerustettler9731 - 21.12.2023 15:37

Would you comment what happens after a Hip Joint Replacement and how best training is handled

@ConstantGardener-q9q - 24.01.2024 15:54

Amazing video! I’ve had a hip impingement on my left side with a pinch in the front crease of the hip. Been working on my gluts doing shallow squats and have felt/heard clicking across by sit bone. It doesn’t hurt but was wondering if it could be the ligaments around the obturator. When I point my toes out during the squat the clicking goes away. Am I doing any harm if it keeps clinching?

@mr.safecharliedefensivedri9741 - 03.02.2024 17:03

Outstanding, you rule.nailed it.

@JohnnyBoy-c4b - 28.02.2024 14:44

Excellent! I particularly appreciate all you share specifically concerning your practice with clients - what you do, how you do it and why. So glad I found you!

@christopherebhabha - 05.03.2024 06:23

great great video, thank you for the info

@TigerKing77 - 14.05.2024 14:37

Had total hip replacement 2016.I have a lot of pain on the inside near the groin in the bend of my leg. Had an examination for hernia not found. This sounds like what it might be. Thanks a million for your video.

@sebastianjakobsen548 - 14.06.2024 22:09

could this cause pain in the bladder/pelvic pain?. And could this cause hip/foot to turn out only on one side.

@ChelseaHaycock - 26.06.2024 14:50

Great video! Really appreciate this. What anatomy app do you use?
