My 3 tips for shooting low light events! No Flash no problem!

My 3 tips for shooting low light events! No Flash no problem!

Warren C

2 года назад

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@technodronesogxl9783 - 01.12.2022 18:59

Thanks for the information. I just learning all of this, and Pal2tech seems to back up your statement about the 90mm lens. It is definitely on my buy list for sure.

@brianw6645 - 02.12.2022 06:43

What body/lens did you use for the band photos?

@JDFPHOTOZ - 18.05.2023 23:36

Would a 24-70 2.8 zoom lens help in that situation

@scarcreativelabs7215 - 27.05.2023 06:16

i love it Great tips, but the ad on the video was an ad for Lights, on a video how to shoot with no flash lmao

@GuitarPlayingFool93 - 07.06.2023 02:38

Is that the loving touch in detroit?

@keitharchie8120 - 16.09.2023 17:56

Did you speak about light?

@williambryce7156 - 28.05.2024 20:27

great tutorial & well explained sir warren- good tips- i am hoping to get the mirrorless Fuji XT-5 by end of July ? Q: whats your main all purpose Wedding event fuji lens - as i only have the 16mm- 16-55mm kit lens & the 56mm 1.2 sweetie - will be watching more of your teaching videos

@sycobawazirakpuriya8330 - 10.07.2024 16:24

Nice information u give bro

@victorbaradit8715 - 27.07.2024 05:45

Nice info bro, but what if all you've got is a zoom lens kit and a Canon rebel XT D350 lol.
It happened to me today. I had an indoor event with poor light and high ceiling (like a conference room). Shooting people in that light was a headache. I was shooting shutter priority at 1/40 up to 1/80 🥴. Any advice would gladly appreciate
Greetings from Chile 🇨🇱

@MatN1988 - 23.10.2024 02:55

What do you think of a full frame 20mm 1.4? Is that a bit too wide?

@GORILLAZ41 - 06.12.2024 11:12

2.8 would work just fine. And yes zoom works great. Most professionals say zooms are go to for events. Primes create to much swapping therefore missing shots.
