I wrote my Dissertation on Prognosis vs Auto Suggestive Healing. I am a firm believer against a Doctor's Prognoses of Timeline Death and as a Doctor and I am also a firm believer of Auto Suggestive Healing. Simply Believe. If you believe you are healing then you have given your body the command to heal. If you believe the Doctor who said you are dying then you will Auto Suggest a death and your circadian clock will begin to count down till expiration. I am a Neuropsychologist PhD, FDN-P and I have seen too many deaths from this. The 3rd leading cause of death in the USA is Medical Intervention/Unintentional Injury according to Dr. Peter Glidden N.D.
ОтветитьIt is deliberate because Satan comes to steal, kill and destroy and foods and water are the main ways he is killing us off, along with chemtrails, music, emotions, indoctrinations. It is a battle for the mind and soul.
ОтветитьSo you think they all look unwell. Look at a thoroughbred horse, a gymnast or runner ect not one ounce of fat. Very nimble, strong and quick, unlike MOST PEOPLE.
ОтветитьIve tried fruit diet once, but after about 10 days, started having bleeding gums. Anyone can weigh in on that - why would that happen and how to avoid it
ОтветитьI swear ito almighty god i had cancer and when i heard dr more explaining i survived. If just people listen
ОтветитьThank god for Dr. Morse & Dr. Sebi.
ОтветитьCan you give kidney and lymphatic Dr. morses herbs to a 14-month-old baby? If yes, how much a day?
ОтветитьI fasted for 3 weeks lol
ОтветитьI Love Dr. Robert Morse! I had great results with his stuff 10 years ago. I'm getting back on the program I've had enough lol
ОтветитьI’m a nurse and don’t agree with the medical advice they want to do all these invasive test and I don’t agree I’ve always been very healthy and I feel like I’m falling apart however I don’t believe in taking the medications prescribed however I must take the mylanta because the acid is abundant in my system and burn the crap out of my esophagus I have thickening of my esophagus
ОтветитьI’m currently drinking your tea and taking mil thistle the only thing I could put in my system is banana almond milk arugula spinach peanut butter smoothie I’ve tried juicing berries in the morning and I’m feeling excruciating pain heeeeeelp
ОтветитьI love this teaching however I’m allergic to apples peaches cherries plums also should I juice in blender or eat the fruit I usually get organic fruit which is better? frozen or fresh I just had an acute case of digestive issues and fasted for 3 weeks just bought your tea. Which I helped with Also should I blend with water because I’m using almond or coconut milk I think I have an ulcer I often get kidney stones and I was just dx with a 2.4 cm gallstones I’m not over weight and exercise regularly please advise I don’t take or believe in meds I tried drinking lemon water and it gave me terrible epigastric pain I’m lethargic and experiencing a lot of boating and gi inflammation Please help I don’t know what to do ?
ОтветитьIt's amazing to me that this video only has 2k veiws. If anything is criminal, not having more views is criminal. ❤
ОтветитьDr Morse is A Blessing for the world.
ОтветитьCan I drink the grape juice or can I eat the grapes ??
ОтветитьCan you provide any peer-reviewed evidence to support your claims? As a public health professional specializing in integrative wellness, I am alarmed by the lack of research supporting this information. Claims appear to be largely anecdotal.
ОтветитьThe earth is also inteligent designed by god and its not a planet, its flat and stationary, that is also common sense, they lied to us about EVERYTHING
ОтветитьGreat info
ОтветитьPlease discuss lacto bacillus salivarius
ОтветитьWhy is it when you starve, your body digests muscle (protein)?
ОтветитьStomach creates acids for what purpose? Are you saying body doesn't know what it's doing?
ОтветитьI had these little black berries all over my property and I thought last year I'm going to stop mowing over them and start harvesting them . They are small but very nutritious. I still have some in my freezer from the spring harvest
ОтветитьGod bless Dr. Morse as he shares his knowledge to help us. Thank you Lord.
ОтветитьI am living in the chemical world, and I am a chemical boy.
ОтветитьSo if the cancer is just dead cells why chemo then? Although I am not in favor for it of course
ОтветитьHow do you do the fruit or fruit juice fast please? Thank you
ОтветитьAll you people going to hell anyways
ОтветитьLMAO! You all look like cancer patients
ОтветитьWhats the ladies full name
ОтветитьAm chronically ill this is brilliant
ОтветитьI love Dr. Morse <3
ОтветитьWhat a gift of an interview. I love Dr. Morse. And your channel! I am extremely passionate about longevity an diet and am eager to work in this space. I just earned a holistic health coaching degree and endeavor to dedicate my life to helping others. If you have any opportunities in this space perhaps we could chat sometime, I would be grateful for the chance. Best
ОтветитьDoes anyone has purchased dr moorse anatomy and physiology course
I cannot afford it
Miss Marcie 💔😢
ОтветитьGreat information! I'm so happy to have found Dr. Morse!☺
ОтветитьTrampoline jumping is wonderful for the lymph system
ОтветитьTon of informative and RAW truth! Thank you all for sharing your wisdom and thoughts. Healing to all watching and who filmed this video. All glory to the creator Father YAH.
ОтветитьMarcie passed away. Does anyone know how? I was shocked to see she died in 2022 in the state of Indiana I guess no longer with Dr Morse. I went to school in fla to become certified and met them all. What a nice bunch of folks. Loved them. Marcie was a doll. Wonder what happened to her? I mean, they were all about the fruit and herbs so ..... strange she would get sick and die at only 54.
ОтветитьWhat's up with the eugenics vibe???? Yikes... "religious oppression" is not why humans have compassion on their young- we are compassionate by design. He had compassion on us first, and not moreso on the healthy or spiritually healthy.
Birds tossing a sick hatchling from the nest is because birds are animals, subject to the fall and sin and death, and they have no remorse because they are not made in the image of God, as we are.
Dr. Morse is coming off as prideful and giving a mixture of good advice and evil... the enemy always laces his lies with just enough truth to make them desirable.
Does Dr. Morse know that we are vastly genetically different from apes, and our close genetic relationship is a now debunked myth that has been perpetuated by the mainstream to keep people detatched from their Creator?
Proceed with caution and great prayer. Lots of good info, otherwise.
Got fibromyalgia for years now, only thing that helped me so far is long fasts... should I only eat fruits for a while ? What do you suggest ? Thank you
Ответить100% fascinating and enlightening. Bravo everyone!
ОтветитьIn soviet time mothers were advised to feed their babies sugar water every day.
ОтветитьI'm suffering bad with lower back pain after failed surgeries nothing but a scam! I'm going fully raw and hoping to have a miracle healing! And What would you feed a 9 month old with cancer?
ОтветитьIs Marcie okay?
Ответить"People thinks you're crazy"... Yeah... I think you're crazy to eat dead corpses and dead bodies and fed your children with it..