About Korea Nazarene University Korean

About Korea Nazarene University Korean

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한국나사렛대학교를 소개합니다!
KNU에 대해 더 많은 정보가 필요하시다면 아래의 링크를 참고해주세요!
스터디인코리아 :https://www.studyinkorea.go.kr/ko/main.do
KNU 국제교류본부 웹사이트
: 한국어, 영어 - https://cms.kornu.ac.kr/io/index.do
중국어 - https://cms.kornu.ac.kr/china/index.do
We chat : https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/q5ZhpHlh6Bxggw9UYxn1nQ

Introduce the Korea Nazarene University!
If you want more information about KNU please visit the link below.
Study in Korea : https://www.studyinkorea.go.kr/ko/main.do
KNU International office website
: Korean, English - https://cms.kornu.ac.kr/io/index.do
Chinese - https://cms.kornu.ac.kr/china/index.do
We chat : https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/q5ZhpHlh6Bxggw9UYxn1nQ
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