Great Western Trail Full Playthrough - JonGetsGames

Great Western Trail Full Playthrough - JonGetsGames

Getting Games

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@lucianomaia9460 - 02.08.2019 12:20

You're great Jon :)

@MohamadSobh - 09.09.2019 08:59

Stellar work as usual Jon! Thank you for demystifying another game for me.

@davidgustafsson5559 - 20.10.2019 08:58

This is a really great video for me to watch. I am soon going to play my first game with some friends that haven't played it before either. This video is the best "how to play" I have found. Without being a how to play :p

@MayorTrent - 03.11.2019 11:46

On your first turn, when you moved the blue player, you didnt pay the yellow player for his building, or does that not count on the first turn? You can just skip that?

@falconne - 27.01.2020 09:33

If, like me, you find the sped up video discomforting, set the video speed to 0.8x or 0.85x to get it to normal speed (you'll have to use the custom speed option).

I like this channel but hate the sped up videos; would be better if they were just played at normal speed and people in a hurry can speed it up themselves.

@beautifulboards4404 - 15.04.2020 14:03

Great job Jon. Your playthroughs are easily the best way to learn a game!

@nala28 - 19.08.2020 16:30

Well done sir. We just finished our play through and your video should almost be essential viewing. I hope you got some sort of bonus from the producers of GWT.

@glamalkisen - 29.08.2020 09:51

Why don't the train move once the player is done in Kansas City? You moved a disc to the different cities, but not the train?

@rob__rob_5131 - 03.10.2020 03:43

I told you I would do this.

@carrickrichards2457 - 29.10.2020 15:55

Fantastic: Entertaining, concise, focused and very helpful. Thank you

@mongoosethe - 09.11.2020 09:32

This is an amazing job. Many thanks!

@armandp9852 - 05.12.2020 17:54

The rule book states that if you land on a neutral building tile (or your own) then you can: (1) perform some or all of the local actions OR (2) if you do not perform any local actions then an auxiliary action is permitted. Correct me if I’m wrong but I continually noticed you performed local actions AND auxiliary actions?

@Cleansweep38 - 09.01.2021 01:40

I’m Very Happy to still discover some of your FULL Play throughs! Thanks for sharing! I also just watched your Maracaibo play thru and I certainly like the Maracaibo game better and just bought it!
I do have a question for you.
There is a western themed game that plays like the first half of Sir Francis Drake (the board walk part) and I think you build properties or buildings in the desert part of the board. ( I only played it once over 10 years ago. I thought it was this game, but it’s not,)
Thanks for being out there and I still let people know about your videos!

@MoriMemento117 - 25.01.2021 11:08

This is an incredible playthrough, Jon!

@jonahdunstan6514 - 11.02.2021 03:58

jon the mj of playthroughs

@Boardgame_fun - 06.03.2021 17:10

I really love your playthroughs! You're doing a great job!

@anshuljoshi6149 - 08.03.2021 13:40

What a superb playthrough... easily the best I've seen of GWT. It's unfortunate you don't like the game but we are very fortunate that you made this runthrough for us. :)

@Calistake047 - 14.03.2021 21:05

Best GWT playthrough, period. Great job man, thank you.

@harleygrattan2851 - 15.03.2021 04:29

Well explained and I enjoyed it.

@Bill-xv9mz - 01.07.2021 03:42

Quite possibly the best playthrough that I've ever seen for a relatively complex game. Thanks Jon. P.S. I got to play this game for the first time a couple weeks ago, and absolutely loved it. Thanks for making this much easier to understand.

@carolineheinz3573 - 07.08.2021 10:36

Thank you very much for this great explanation, you make the game seem interesting and fun. I have been afraid to play this game because it looks so daunting but also dry somehow and the theme about cowboys and cattle wasn't really something I was interested in. But now, thanks to the insight you gave me, I'm looking forward to the next game night, I am sure they will suggest Great Western Trail again 😁

@KBrandes - 26.09.2021 05:01

This was excellent! Feeling confident to tackle it myself.

@stevesmith7351 - 10.11.2021 00:50

Top notch playthrough and I liked your wrap-up analysis. Good job, Jon.

@bill0804 - 16.11.2021 19:49

Another great video

@aliighanavatii5196 - 01.12.2021 01:40


@JamesBjorkSax - 26.12.2021 20:32

This was brisk and on point and exactly what I needed. Bam bam bam, each turn explained, each move rationalized. Gave me a solid grasp

@dougwarr9459 - 04.01.2022 19:12

I just got this game for Christmas 2021. Been wanting to play it for a while now. This play through was fantastic. Thank you! Will be getting it to the table soon!

@timoseppa9124 - 23.03.2022 03:59

This young guy has a lot of energy and promise. I enjoyed this playthrough!

@NekoNoBaka13 - 16.04.2022 22:23

I decided I wanted to learn this game, since it's on BGA in beta right now. I watched an 8 minute video with fancy camera work, music, and special effects, and came away very, very confused. Then I watched this one and was all set! Thank you for making these, Jon!

@jollyroger1009 - 20.04.2022 06:41

I was glad when I saw that Jon had done a video explaining this. Great as always!

@ChilledoutOZ - 25.07.2022 19:29

Really useful playthrough, helps to cement the rules into my brain. In your other video you said that you had played the fame 4 times and would not play it again. I have just bought the game and I am curious to know if you have played it again,
and if so, what you think of it now.

@Tomwitch32 - 04.08.2022 09:59

OMG, such an amazing production. Really helpful and extremely detailed, especially with the zoom-ins. Keep it up!

@DavidOdum - 01.09.2022 22:44

Amazing playthrough. On par with Before You Play. Really good way to learn the game.

@bonehead797 - 08.11.2022 04:01

Great playthrough. I just got the game and after watching a few reviews and quick playthroughs, I was gonna go hard in a strategy of either just cow buying or engine moving but after watching this I think that you really to diversify. Quite eye-opening. Thanx.

@Deadshot15 - 08.12.2022 21:10

I love watching Jon play games. I have seen flashier productions but he just has a great way of explaining that actually helps me learn the game which is the whole point. Great job and thanks for posting!

@maheshalur6361 - 11.06.2023 16:17

Wow, fantastic! Thanks.

@dave0754 - 01.09.2023 09:56

I felt intimidated to play that game but not anymore! This is an incredible video. Thanks for everything you do, Jon.

@elizaengen4141 - 23.09.2024 13:28

Rancher. 😀👍

@elizaengen4141 - 23.09.2024 14:56

Complicated. 😀👍

@GameWeekendChalbie - 13.10.2024 16:27

I love your videos so much
