To this day I am still not tired of any of the Mega Man games. The music and visuals are top notch. They are the only games where I know all of the level songs beat for beat by memory.
Ответитьanyone else get a Paramount ad right after the Mega Man 6 Paramount mention?
Ответить'Mega Man 6' imho was a good game. It can't beat 'Mega Man 5' or 'Mega Man 3', but the sixth entry did offer several stages where the path splits, adding to the replay value (plus, those alternate paths lead to the Robot Boss that'll allow you to eventually gain access to the bird sidekick, Beat). My biggest complaints about 6 was it was harder than 5 (the wide-range Mega Buster in 5 spoiled me) and the multi-blast sound effect was overused...alot.
ОтветитьMega Man V is an amazing game for the nes. for home consoles, Playstation is definitely the main choice.
ОтветитьIf I could have had a job and my own money back then, I'd have bought all the nes games I could've back then...loved that system
ОтветитьI still have my NES and SNES i got for Xmas.
ОтветитьMegamans are my favorite games. I started with megaman II. But played 2 through 6 on nes and all of the mega man x titles including the last standard megaman on snes without the x but i don't like the 3d titles.
The 3d titles screws up the kind of platforming gameplay. Get close you shoot faster because the games go by the amount of projectiles on the screen from the player to determine if you can fire more projectiles.
Megaman two is one of my favorites with Mega man 5 being another favorite. But i like them all still to this day. On s whim i can fire them up and play and still enjoy playing.
Love the megaman music on different stages just made megaman seem more powerful.
Bad ass humanoid robot until X all robot. Takes enemy powers to use against enemies. Sometimes effective against themselves later on when you fight them again in wily levels. Yes awesome game.
The other games you mentioned before this are bland and wouldn't be much fun. Megaman is opposite of bland. Level layout is better. Powerups work better. More to do for that reason.
That is megaman 6 and no charging of the buster? Power up run shoot powerful enemies with megabuster keep going forward tap that fire button as fast as you can while moving and jumping but keep recharging. Usually it's buster an enemy then rapid fire a few more hits and charge buster and rinse and repeat.
Megaman 2 didn't have a mega buster that charges and some megamanz have a slice kick or to slide in smaller spots.
Sometimes i do half charges and the order to defeat stages helps win.
But of course megaman x is more badass. You get ground and air dash and can chain them and fire after being airborne off a dash including releasing a full charge and wall jumping and other upgrades you get that power you up bad ass.
I was 13 in 93. Those was the cool games. But plenty of other cool games.
Megaman II. I can best the game without losing a life or using an E tank and have all e tanks full.
Bubbles beats the last boss and i can jump kill the last boss and keep max health and E tanks.
As far as rpg games and action adventure rpg style games. Better on snes than nes by far. So prefer snes rpg over nes and Gameboy rpg titles.
Sure original zeldas are still good but got awesome on snes.
Also wrong about Megan the stages are different and you didn't play them all. They have different with using powerups to climb or get higher or go across gaps. That is completely wrong.
You shit on a top tier game of its time and talk up the bland other games you talked about before megaman.
Just like if you play battle royal on fortnite. All the same repeated and even new stuff is a different look of the same thing sometimes with slightly tweaks specs but endless repeating of the exact same thing snd and the creator games are trash and unfun unless you a tiny kid who seem to play them more often. Plus i zero build.
Lego is turning into battle royal now to be too close to battle royal instead of a different game. Even my nephew soon to be 9 plays Minecraft instead even though he liked the Lego Minecraft is where he spends all his time then he watches those people who play Minecraft then voice act the game still in a lame creepy way that makes children and adults more dumb.
The over the top bad emotional acting that makes you cringe while also making you more dumb by what they say.
Bad phycological effect to be put on children. Keeps their brains from developing the right way.
Pore-ly acted over excitement to everyone like those people need to be on drugs. Probably the type who could kill you with a smile and be happy the whole time like a psychopath.
Go to older games. Blaster Master. And one of my favorite shooters that is also both a land walking shooter and a forward shooter for flight stages the guardian legend.
Mario time machine flopped.
That game doesn't exist. Forget about Mario time machine. I did until you said something and i could have lived the rest of my life without being reminded.
Mario is missing was an snes flop. Takes 20 minutes to beat the game and literally sucked and was boring and wasn't fun or cool but was supposed to he a learning game at the time.
Megaman was the only awesome game in this list. I watched the whole video finally.
ОтветитьMega Man 6 is one of the most gorgeous looking games on the NES. Konami had really mastered the hardware by that time.
ОтветитьIdk. I played my Nintendo just a couple weeks ago. It's alive and well
ОтветитьSuch a great idea for a video. Thank you.
ОтветитьLong-time subscriber and this is the first Nintendo vid I've come across!
As a Nintendo fan growing up, it was a pleasant surprise finding out Sega Lord X was also a NES and SNES fan too.
Bonk on the NES looks so damn good!!! It's unreal! When you have no side by side comparision you could think this is an early 16 Bit game. Also the smooth gameplay and the tiny ammount of flickering. It was and is outstanding. Maybe not for a Bonk game but defenitely for a NES game!
ОтветитьBonk came out on NES!?!?!? I must’ve been totally lost in the SNES world at the time.
ОтветитьI noticed how during the end of NES life, it had better graphics. I guess the programmer's finally learned to take advantage of the full hardware of the nes and produced good looking games like Bucky o hare
ОтветитьI remember there was a kid on our street who had 75 Nintendo games and everyone wanted to be friends with him… until Genesis and SNES came out—after that he became an 8-bit skid mark in the history of home video gaming underwear
ОтветитьCouldn't agree more on MegaMan! Such an overhyped game. Never found fun in it. But Darkwing Duck on the other hand was brilliant.
Ответитьmegaman 2 . best megamen
ОтветитьI just looked up Bonk's Adventure for NES on ebay. People want $700! Holy crap!
ОтветитьThere was no better feeling than being forced to go to distant families house and finding out they have a Nintendo!!
ОтветитьVery nice 👍
Ответить>owned both 16bit consoles in the early 90s
You were THAT kid
It's pronounced "Yogee". My acupuncturist has the same name and has corrected me in the past.
ОтветитьI remember getting my NES in 2008 with a box full of games.
I had already had a SNES and PS1, but dang, I enjoyed every single one of those games for dozens, maybe hundreds of hours.
SMB1 and 3 were so incredibly fun even if they were simpler than World.
Mega man 6 was special it was released by Nintendo not Capcom they didn’t see the worth, Nintendo insisted
ОтветитьOpening with mm6 tomahawk man music is epic...dissing what was the best game of the series on the platform I disagree with.
ОтветитьI had most of these, Mega Man 6 is hugely under-rated. Mega Man 2 had the best music, but 6 had the second best, and the best power-ups.
ОтветитьI still remember seeing like Star Wars on NES set up to play in store. Just pitied those kids because I already beat the SNES versions which were hard but fair and lots of fun.
ОтветитьI always enjoy watching your videos. I hope you never run out of video game content.
ОтветитьMegaMan 6 is awesome! It's my favorite one.
ОтветитьI was a games tester at virgin and the focus was to impress Disney with the 16bit versions of lion king, the other versions were mainly a commitment to support all systems but had a small development team. BARRY is the cheat code. lol
ОтветитьWe had sega 8 bit master system which was ten time better than the nes
ОтветитьWe had sega 8 bit master system which was ten time better than the nes Then in 89/90 I got a pc engine and a Japanese mega drive that was about a year before the European one came out then the CD-ROM attachment came out for the PC engine, but The recession in England had happened and we had gone broke so I was outside selling thing I shouldn’t of been and that Ushered in the 90s
ОтветитьI pressed n this by accident. It works for me. Thank you 😊😊
ОтветитьI remember my sister got Chip and Dale 2 for Christmas even though the NES was mine. I’d moved on to PC games in the meantime but this drew me back in!
ОтветитьMegaman is the shit. Your complaints are reasonable but in other games you like racing and wrestling games that are also essentially the same
ОтветитьI loved Startropics II as a kid. I beat it so many times. None of the kids at school had ever heard of it though, much less played it.
ОтветитьGot my NES in 1987. It was even the set that had R.O.B. Grams and Gramps got it for me. So I got Duck Hunt and Gyromite, but they grabbed 2 more games, Tag Team Wrestling and Ghost's N Goblins. So I got one of the hardest games on the console, 2 of the most boring games on it, and the legendary Duck Hunt. I swear everyone who played Ghost's N Goblins that night was cussing the game out.
ОтветитьIt's crazy that even after I got my SNES, I ended up playing my NES more often for a bit. NES games were just more fun. Tecmo Super Bowl was more fun than early Maddens for instance. Same goes for Bases Loaded 2, RBI Baseball, Tecmo NBA. Every new system led with Graphics first at the expense of sharp gameplay for a period before they were able to merge both to create truly awesome games. SNES had some good ones out of the gate, don't get me wrong. But Super Mario World, aside from graphics, didn't really blow Mario 3 out of the water. Castlevania IV is a classic, but conceptually Castlevania III was simply more complex and had more memorable music and moments. Part of me thinks they staggered their gameplay innovations a tad, because remember they came out with the newly designed NES at the same time as the SNES. They still wanted to kick some life out of the old system before totally going all in for the SNES.
ОтветитьI was like 10 in '94. Nes was always my favorite system, Sega and snes were cool but there's something about the first console you play. Great video 🙂
ОтветитьYou now show 1994, but the year before, 1993, was the epitome of NES game productions. I think all titles that were brought out alongside the SNES, so 1991-1994, are SO good, they nearly all outperform their SNES counterpart. So the NES is the better console in the end. What we saw is that if the ROM size limit is basically gone, we get back to raw CPU speed, and that was better on the NES. It could handle more enemy and object sprites and AI, and thus a richer gameplay.
ОтветитьI don't know if we can be friends anymore😢 how can you not like Megaman❤
Ответитьgive us a complete alfred chicken series retrospective he needs his time in the sun.
ОтветитьAwesome video SegaLX! Nostalgia at its finest
ОтветитьThis guy trashed Mega Man. That's a first in my book.