The Future of Military Conflict Under Trump | Ryan McBeth

The Future of Military Conflict Under Trump | Ryan McBeth

Bryan Callen

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@l0wr3z - 02.01.2025 20:57

So fighter jet tires are made of real rubber?

@l0wr3z - 02.01.2025 21:02

Defense Contractors do what they do because we love our country and we like the work.

@shasha1873 - 04.01.2025 00:14

It has nothing to do with China.

@michaelturner4680 - 04.01.2025 02:56

I think Biden has been saying he wants to do a bad job.

@scottmccombs5287 - 04.01.2025 03:45

There is a reason this guy showed up with a bottle of whiskey. Think what you will about Callen, hes trying to be a human.

@C.D.G.CommunityDefenseGroup - 04.01.2025 19:08

Ryan looks like a wannabe CIA operative from the 80s

@jorrinimaway218 - 05.01.2025 00:02

So much death, what is anyone supposed to do?

@ARINone98 - 05.01.2025 05:39

I gotta say I’ve watched Bryan on CSC and Fighter and the Kid and I always thought Bryan had great points but could never get them out cause he is always just interrupted by one sided people so it’s nice to hear him ask the things he’s always wanted to hear the answer to and not be called a power bottom for asking 🤣

@reapsgrimley - 06.01.2025 09:26

we got a bunch of tomahawks laying around too...

@annabee75 - 06.01.2025 17:35

Bryan thinks he’s a boxer?

@Earthgazer - 07.01.2025 03:58

goddamn I'm 10 minutes in and at this rate they're gonna be carrying this guy out the door

@Soruku2024 - 07.01.2025 06:47

China wants dominate world and we stop them

@AncientRylanor69 - 08.01.2025 05:33


@TheHeliommm - 08.01.2025 08:08

Thats kinda a false premise
"See Raytheon doesnt make as much as Proctor and Gamble does!"
Doesnt mean jack thats like saying "oh well Ferrari doesnt make as much as like uh, Pokemon" (as an example no idea how much either makes exactly) is equivalent. Pokemon products would make less per product and they sell to a WAY larger market, in MUCH LARGER volumes Not to mention Pokemon isnt selling to an exclusive client the way ferraris are. That also doesnt make ferrari any cheaper or any more efficient. Same goes for Raytheon and P&G. You cant compare one of the Largest publicly traded private companies with a giant that mostly deals in sales to government. Because sure P&G makes more, but thats to consumers, so 100B in sales to a consumer market isnt as significant as 65B in sales to the Federal govt, which is paying that bill in Taxpayer money... so to cite that as "evidence" that there isnt a Military Industrial Complex is disingenous at best as purposefully creating a false narrative at worst. Id take a closer look at that personally.

@nicklambing9268 - 09.01.2025 02:49

McBeth needs to lay off of the booze while making content. He started to sound quite different late in this video. Not an impressive presenter when the booze takes affect. I like McBeth's channel, but he is letting himself down as his thought process decays. He became a giggling goof ball, slurring his words.

@MrCSeiberlin - 10.01.2025 08:47

Ryan doesn't consider where the money is in conflict' for defense contractors comes from and where the incentives are even though he even mentions the fact that the big defense contractors source for parts!!! With the War on Terror you had a ton of new systems get developed, meaning new subcontractors. If I'm a congress critter (or their spouse, family member, golf buddy) and I'm basically immune to being charged for insider trading and I KNOW that company XYZ is going to need some parts from a different company ...jeez how dense is Ryan? That subcontractor is not trading at stable blue chip levels before these contracts are I know this contract is coming down and I invest 10k in a company with a stock price of maybe 20 bucks a share and post contract the stock shoots up to 60 bucks a share in like 6 months...How much money did I just make? A 300% return for a short term investment. I can't imagine Ryan doesn't see this. These stocks can swing wildly so if you are investing short term you can make a quick profit if you know where things are headed and/or influence those decisions.

I think I saw the return on investment for the upper end of congress critter investors was in the range was 17% or so for a year, but that includes all of their investments and that's not looking closely at there portfolios to see if they are doing other shennagins with reporting loopholes (that are perfectly legal for a congress person of course). There is an economic incentive there will be some that take advantage of it. Lawmakers just have to provide a range for stock trading disclosures disclosures not t he specific trades. So in 2024 the top defense stock congressional traders (37 members of congress) traded between 24 to 113 million dollars of military stocks last year tied to committees that oversee defense policy and foreign relations (like Armed Services & Foreign Affairs).

@FENNEC69-v6w - 10.01.2025 11:20


@magdalena3187 - 11.01.2025 01:05

Didn’t know Callen was just this breathtakingly dumb. Like explaining shit to a 5 yr old and then recalibrating again for a 2 yr old.

@DougPoulton - 12.01.2025 14:59

China doesn't need to invade Taiwan. They'll just buy the politicians like they've done everywhere else. And whose fault is it that the United States no longer manufacturers anything?

@DoyleHargraves - 13.01.2025 09:25

Ryan is a part of the military industrial complex.

@adambeller - 13.01.2025 10:08

McBeth is a poser.

@michaelbaxter8249 - 15.01.2025 06:46

Theres no such thing as the MIC. Sure, just like how organized criminals always said there’s no such thing as the Mafia. But its the black projects -the SAPs that money disappears into with no accountability that prompts the suspicion. Based on what Hegseth said today, Trump is going to put the squeeze on that. No wonder strange nobodies were taking pot shots at him before the election.

@mexicanchinese - 16.01.2025 03:38

Your security advisor told you not to go to Taiwan? I wouldn’t imagine those fears are real. However maybe there is some missing context such as Taiwan being extremely paranoid at the moment? Not sure

@larryames8831 - 19.01.2025 15:56

Woodford Reserve is very drinkable.

@jagmasters7392 - 22.01.2025 06:30

Heard you were back on the road. Liked, subscribed and supporting👍🏽Let's go bro !!!

@MattFromSMM - 22.01.2025 08:45

Seems like it’s a deflection. Just cause defense isn’t the largest industry in the country doesn’t mean there isn’t greed involved.

@mathmatics8034 - 25.01.2025 11:40

The Future Looks Bright. America First. Love that we have leaders who are not hidden and taking questions, explaining things, working, you know, normal stuff you would do when trying to actually accomplish something. tackling issues (border, north carolina, LA, american business growth, etc) Excited for growth and peace

@EricKowal-dj8xe - 27.01.2025 21:17

"you totally lost credibility when you said "Trump knows how to hire good people. ". Name one. His entire original administration was gone before he left office. It was a catastrophe.

@Star-flesh - 28.01.2025 04:05

Whole blood alone won’t save you if you need a surgeon. Pretty sure we still need medevac

@firecracer8624 - 28.01.2025 21:19

It was the X-32 and it was by Boeing not Northrop also its VTOL system was the same as the harrier which was one of the main reasons they went with the X-35 then F-35

@Rexedensongs - 31.01.2025 21:46


@Axioms_mirror - 02.02.2025 03:46

Where’s Isiah Cramer?

@stephenalexander6721 - 10.02.2025 05:10

Jordan and Egypt have taken in Palestinian refugees before. It worked out badly for both countries, including a coup attempt against Egypt, by the Palestinians.

@stephenalexander6721 - 10.02.2025 05:27

Damn good.

@kevincronin7020 - 11.02.2025 00:34

The Silk Road

@hines862009 - 12.02.2025 08:19

Who invited the Hamburglar?

@brotherlos - 12.02.2025 09:22

I wonder what this interview would have been like if done after the election.

@metaphysicallymotivated - 20.02.2025 09:56

I don’t buy this IPhone doesn’t listen to you bullshit, this algorithm is too darn sophisticated.

@brewed88 - 26.02.2025 18:25

The military under a draft dodger who insults vets.

@jasonalexander2085 - 03.03.2025 19:34

I was following Ryan on his podcast and I liked him
Now he sounds like “the walrus “ John Bolton.


@jasonalexander2085 - 03.03.2025 19:34

I was following Ryan on his podcast and I liked him
Now he sounds like “the walrus “ John Bolton.


@jasonalexander2085 - 03.03.2025 19:37

Delivering blood 🩸 to a war zone by drone.
What about a drone that can carry a trauma surgeon and blood 🩸.

@jasonalexander2085 - 03.03.2025 19:42

Delivering blood 🩸 to a war zone by drone.
What about a drone that can carry a trauma surgeon and blood 🩸.

@jasonalexander2085 - 03.03.2025 19:44

IF U HAVE INSIDER TRADE INFORMATION, those defense stocks are gold

@jasonalexander2085 - 03.03.2025 19:45

Ryan doesn’t drink the whiskey 🥃, it’s the koolaid

@rignanroach1775 - 04.03.2025 04:11

I love how the "intel analyst" just starts with the "protect Ukraine" lie when what really happened is NATO set up a situation where Russia had to go to war to protect the integrity of the Black Sea fleet.

I am so sick of this nonsense.

@FaStFoRwArD191 - 04.03.2025 20:27

I’m here from the future to tell you that Trump did not give Ukraine more weapons

@gnome_de_guerre - 12.03.2025 22:18

Too bad Benedict Donald is betraying every ally we have.
