A mistake people make when posting on social media, is publishing one-dimensional posts instead of multi-dimensional posts.
In other words, writing the same types of posts over and over again because they don’t know what to post on social media.
This is why it is critical you publish different types of posts, such as the ones outlined in this video.
The first type of post and probably the most common type of post for businesses are promotional social media posts. Posts that are marketing a special event or product, or any type of post that includes an offer.
The key when publishing promotional posts is to make them conversational instead of sounding like a press release.
For example, should you be promoting an event, instead of saying “Secure your seat to this event, click on this link now” a good Facebook post idea is to turn it into something like “we’re putting together the schedule for our new event, let us know which speaker you would like to see and we’ll try to make it happen. Here’s the link for more information”.
The second type of post is humour either through the form of text, images or videos.
Therefore, when you don’t know what to post on social media, remember that creating entertaining content is a guaranteed way to attract bigger audiences and keep them more engaged.
The third type of post is the type that humanizes your brand. In other words, social media posts that show the people behind a business or a brand. This could be pictures or videos of you, employees and customers in a casual environment.
The fourth type of social media content is your own content, also known as “unique content”. This type of post can be anything that has been created by your company, such as articles, blog posts and videos that educate your audience.
For example, should you be in the music industry, you could publish a blog post titled “5 ways musicians can monetize their music online” and then a good Facebook post idea would be to share the name and the link of your blog post on social media.
The fifth type of social media posts you can publish is video. There are many reasons why you should be publishing videos when you don’t know what to post on social media.
First, because platforms such as Facebook tend to favour videos by increasing their organic reach, as long as it’s videos you upload onto Facebook and not a link to a video.
Plus, the majority of people prefer consuming content through video instead of text and images.
The sixth type of social media content is curated content. In other words, posting on social media content that is of interest to your audience but that you have not created yourself.
Curated content is the process of posting on social media the link to an article, or blog post, or video that is relevant to your industry. For example, should you be in the fashion industry, and there’s an interesting article about the latest fashion trends in the media, a good Facebook post idea is to share the link to the article with your comments.
The seventh type of social media content is animated images. Animated images are images that have motion, and look like a very short video.
For example, should you be making a special announcement to your followers, good social media post ideas is to upload an image onto ripl.com, add text to the image and ripl will turn it into an animated 7 second clip.
The eighth type of post is infographics. Infographics are images that display information or data visually.
For example, should you be in the diet and nutrition industry, good social media post ideas is to create infographics for recipes.
The ninth type of post is news. In other words, newly-released information that people are unlikely to already know.
When sourcing news to publish on social media, make sure it is relevant to your audience, and likely to interest your audience.
The tenth type of social media post is social proof posts, such as before and after pictures, positive reviews and testimonials. This allows you to demonstrate what your business does and the results you can provide for people.
For example, should you be a fitness trainer, good social media post ideas is to publish before and after pictures of your clients who have gone through a total body transformation.
I hope you’ve enjoyed this video on the Top 10 Types of Social Media Posts to Publish.
If you’d like to take your Facebook marketing to the next level, and increase the results you’re getting from your current Facebook marketing efforts by 10, click here:
https://www.socialmediaworldwide.com/fbreport to download my FREE Facebook marketing report. Simply enter your name and email and I’ll instantly send you the report.
Remember to also leave a comment below with what else you’d like to learn and subscribe to our channel and I’ll keep the videos coming.
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