can you go over the fact that lefties need to stop voting the way they do so they don't step on peoples toes and fuck up your state. they coming to your state and fucking it up.
ОтветитьI did the same but in reverse. Idaho to California. Noticeable differences for sure!
Thanks for sharing!
This is great info thanks!
ОтветитьIdahoans hate californians that is a fact. I'm a 3re gen idahoan. And the ones that don't say anything don't like it either. They're welcome but it screws over Idaho natives with rent and eagle road and traffic sucks. You can spot a californian because they don't use then signals and all drive new cars and have all the toys and money. Good for them bad for us. Same thing that happened to California is now happening to Idaho.
ОтветитьThought about moving there but change my mind cause what happened in Washington State and Eastern Washington are getting the flow of lefties and nuts from California and Oregon !
ОтветитьNice vid, sent to my son, from Texas, like us, mostly applies.
ОтветитьPeople who leave California don’t realize that there’s a bunch of smaller towns in Northern California were you can get away from big city, a bit slower a lot cheaper around 300 k for a really nice house, you can still commute to sf Bay Area were wages are really good a bunch of outdoor things to do and its mainly Republicans up here
ОтветитьI am sick and tired of people stereotyping others just because of where they are from. Yes, California is a blue state, but remember almost 30 percent voted Republican and for Trump in 2020. We moved here almost 27 years ago to be near family and to raise our son in a great environment, and not to change anything. We left some very good friends there, who are just great down to earth people, and not extreme leftists. In this great country, we all have the freedom to move where we please. Growth is going to happen. Our population is growing everywhere. If you don't want growth become your own country and close your borders and limit the amount of kids you can have. We'll see how your economy does then.
ОтветитьGreat info, thanks!
ОтветитьNice video. I'm in a very hard spot right now..... I HATE living here in California and want to move out to the Boise area so bad. I'm sick of the taxes, crime, tweakers, homeless etc.... But my wife absolutely refuses to leave. Mainly because she would make a lot less money (she's a pharmacist). It's destroying our marriage. If we didn't have our first child a year ago, we would probably be getting divorced..... Sucks
ОтветитьThe mass exodus from California is real, and it's fueled by people who can no longer labor under the yoke of what the Golden State has morphed into. Those seeking a new life are not trying to change Idaho into California. They are taking their conservative, down to Earth, morally sober sensibilities with them, tired of the leftism, oppression and heavy taxation imposed by a bloated, neurotic government that is beyond repair at this point. Please welcome these souls with open arms, as they only want to add to the existing synergy of Idaho. They are you!
ОтветитьThey better leave the D vote behind before moving to Idaho.
ОтветитьCalifornia is great so stay there.
ОтветитьDo a drone over Shoeshine falls, it's great! Want to go kayak? Try out in hagerman, rlly pretty sights. Just don't hold your breath on wages going up any time soon.
ОтветитьCali girl here. Born and raised in San Diego. Moved to Idaho just last September because Cali became so expensive. Even for a local born like me. And the people are so rude in CA and traffic. This video hit all the true points. Once we moved into Idaho our time sense became so confusing because in Ca it’s all the rush and adrenaline to get things done quicker. Don’t know why tho. And here. In Idaho it’s so laid back and you can actually BREATHE! I live in twin. Don’t regret it. Don’t miss Cali expect family. But as soon as I visit Cali I want to go back home. I love the feeling of space and not congested with traffic and rude people. Love your video. My cousin is thinking of moving so I will show her this video. Love it.
ОтветитьWhat you don’t like about California. Please don’t bring that to Idaho. Especially the politics that made California that way. Please don’t Californiaize the state of Idaho.
ОтветитьMake sure you dont bring the commism that ruined CA to other States.
1) Big Juds burgers
2) it’s a beautiful state
3) a lot of recreational stuff to do.
4) great for sportsmen.
1) affordable housing
2) low wages. Pretty sure Idaho is one states with the most minimum wages jobs.
3) minimum wage is only $7.45 an hour. With no future plans to change it.
4) Right to Work. Employees almost have no rights. Only federal protection rights.
5) sales tax. Temporary ones usually becomes permanent.
6) LGBTQ community are treated very poorly. Have had their rights stripped or have been proposed by the evil Republican Party in that state.
7) a couple years ago state legislators passed a piece of legislation that said any company or corporation that moves there doesn’t have to pay state taxes. That way the state of Idaho can attract big business there. So, far hasn’t worked all that well. All it has done was attract smaller businesses that pays its employees very low wages, temp agencies, and call centers.
8) then there’s Nick S our real estate agent that screwed us over on the home we sold in Boise.
People there are friendly until they find out you're from California. But that's not new. I experienced that in the 90s when I visited. 1😆
I knew you were a transplant as soon as you pronounced "Boise". 👍
I could tell right away that you aren't a native. It's BOY-SEE, not BOY-ZEE. Sigh...
ОтветитьThe issue is how californians tend to vote for their own destruction.
ОтветитьYou voted for it you live with it!