The Right vs your rights

The Right vs your rights


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@dudesauditsandaccountabili2359 - 26.10.2024 04:12

Both sides r the same. trump? how about the rest of the politicians I really think u should stick with teaching stupid ppl that fairy-tales are not real

@dudesauditsandaccountabili2359 - 26.10.2024 04:16

U don't even know what a democracy is this fucking country is a republic so even u sound stupid

@daconpictures - 26.10.2024 04:41

And people should believe the words and opinion of a dude with blue goatee...:)

@vosegus5805 - 26.10.2024 04:43

Maybe there is something wrong with democracy?

I mean, If Trump looses the election this time around; it doesn’t stop The Heritage Foundation or any other ultra nationalist organisation from persisting with their agenda. It’s still the same fight. That between Capital and Labour. It’s well known that large corporations and wealthy individuals fund the means to undermine the efforts of the proletariat for a greater more inclusive stake in the social order. War and control come at a costs. Profit for profits sake is a mantra… and what’s good for society is bad for the bottom line.

So what’s wrong with democracy? Your guess is as good as mine.

@padrake444 - 26.10.2024 06:21

It only seems close because if you Look at the polls you can see it has been a lot of manipulation to make it look like it's a closer race than it is

@magnabosco210 - 26.10.2024 06:45

Great summation of things and where I also think we are at. And so many people are driving us right into it. What drives that? Clicks? Fame? Retribution? Money? Power? Zoom out and consider the worldwide implications as well. It’s dire. Missing amendments in the Trump bible was surprising, newsworthy, if true. Btw What makes someone “an enemy from within”? How confident are you that you won’t be seen as one? Great work as always Aron. 🇺🇸

@agh0x01 - 26.10.2024 08:11

Ah, Curtis Yarvin, yes.
Monarchist is so much nicer a word than fascist.
He says a CEO and a dictator are the same thing?
Not at all.
A CEO is answerable to the board of directors, shareholders, and the law.
A dictator is answerable to nobody.

@ManuelMedina-o6z - 26.10.2024 08:33

Because his supporters are just like Trump they are criminals and think that a white America is better but that's impossible the united states would be at war with each other vote blue 💙

@BoneySkylord - 26.10.2024 09:43

I’ve often wondered what it must have been like watching Hitler’s rise. Now I know. Very, very worrying.

@Daniel-ne5ms - 26.10.2024 11:09

Isn't it great to be a democrat right now? You literary don't have to promise nor do anything really, you just let republicans run their mouth and say: It would be a shame if they do this to you, don't you think?

@MaKi-e3h - 26.10.2024 11:57

Never thought I'd see America go back to slavery just because I guess Obama was too dark skin color. Truly racist country.

@coreyander286 - 26.10.2024 12:11

Them: "Every election, you tell us this is the most important election of our lifetimes!"

Me: "Okay, then stop nominating a candidate who gets more and more unhinged each cycle!"

@jasonray3336 - 26.10.2024 12:25

If only we knew what a Trump presidency would be like, oh wait, we do know what iy would be like because Trump was already president, and all thoes bad things the people on the left said would happen, well it never happened, and now they are doing the same fear mongering all over again, I have no reason to believe people on the left, because of all the lies they said

@KarlDubhe - 26.10.2024 13:22

Monarchists? Damn, even in most monarchies we don't let the monarch rule. That is, if you want to keep the king at all, the last thing you do is let them have any real power. Even when they supposedly had power, the people who ran the state didn't let the monarch have a 'choice' in how things were going to be done. King Charles III is a nice old man, I'm sure, but there's no way I want that idiot to have any say in the government. He's into Homeopathy! (not long for this world, as he's also got cancer...)

@christobotha7848 - 26.10.2024 14:01

To be fair thou, people like Hassan piker is a far left extremist that wants to the same thing as Trump.

@michaelmccullough7309 - 26.10.2024 14:03

Land of the oppressed home of the compliant. I prefer the original version .

@LaoZi2023 - 26.10.2024 14:18

What is Trump's Bible...Project 2025?

@timfahey7127 - 26.10.2024 14:32

Good morning America! Thanks for this👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻🎃

@oddviews - 26.10.2024 14:55

Excellent presentation there Aron. Whilst the main thrust here was human rights and constitutional rights, along with many other influencers in the Democratic quarter, there is no mention of a WAR!! Trump has stated clearly he doesn't support Ukraine in any way and his plan like, so many others involving everything else will be resolved in a single Day. This means in fact, he will surrender to Russia, inviting then to keep what they have taken and promising to prevent Ukraine from Membership of NATO, promising also USA leaving NATO. He is strong on the World war 3 rhetoric claiming that if he isn't voted in, the Democrats will be responsible for it. One can't blame the gullible for believing all this stuff.

@TheLordbal - 26.10.2024 15:11

dude, you seriously want us to take you seriously, when you are a man past 50 years of age (i know you are, as I myself am 52, and you look old as dirt), and has dyed your face bush blue, like a clown? lol good luck with that. And you want harris to be president? Did trump take away our rights when he was president? what has harris done since being vice president? Your idiotic blue hair is telling of your liberal attitude.

@eliwoodthegoothoonter538 - 26.10.2024 15:27

It was brought to my attention this morning that my state (NC) is attempting to pass an amendment that will further this agenda and infringe on the voting rights of thousands of legal citizens.

HB1074 will change our current constitution, which says “every US born citizen as well as naturalized citizens, at 18 years of age has a right to vote” and change it to “only US citizens…”

It’s being promoted by great replacement conspiracy nuts, while also being completely undermined by the majority of people here because, to quote ABC11 news, “the change in language poses no real meaningful change to the amendment.” When in fact, our laws are set by precedent, and if you think NC conservatives won’t use it to deny voters rights you’re not paying attention

I don’t make a habit of telling people how to vote. I’d rather have conversations about the issues. But if anyone in these comments is from North Carolina please please research HB 1074, also known as the only citizens bill and vote accordingly

Edit; I never actually said the concern. With the proposed language one could argue a naturalized citizen doesn’t qualify. A naturalized citizen is a citizen who became a legal citizen after being born to a different country. This bill would be a big loss to legitimate legal immigrants as is, but even children born to two us citizens while they’re on vacation out of the country, or on a military base, or for whatever reason are considered naturalized citizens.

@markdodd606 - 26.10.2024 15:27

Trump and MAGA are anarchists. They want to rule over chaos. They are like toddlers who want their way or else.

@Fanny-Fanny - 26.10.2024 15:53

Is he going to last that long? Even if he gets in, won't he be around forever, at his age. Is there any sense to that way of thinking?

@jasonlarsen4945 - 26.10.2024 17:21

I knew Trump was a conman back in the late 80s, as a child of 12-13 I saw what kind of person he was.

@jasonlarsen4945 - 26.10.2024 17:25

Vote people. Do it now. Don't wait until the last hour on election day. If Trump is reelected, anyone who is eligible to vote and didn't will be responsible.

@Musix4me-Clarinet - 26.10.2024 17:57

It is an indictment on our society that Trump has this cult. This grifter has merely tapped into a rot that permeates our culture and empowers it. While he seeks power from them, they feel empowered by him.

I think what is shocking people, is that this behavior is how a cult behaves. The fact that Trump can tell them black is white and they will believe it and when he tells them the next day that black is yellow, they will believe that, is simply a picture of the mind of a cultist. We had only really read about cults before. Now, we are having to deal with cult members directly. The cult is not just some group in some distant compound. They are your neighbors and they are openly insisting that you must follow their cult leader too.

@nathenausten7071 - 26.10.2024 18:21

Both sides are corrupt, its a dog and pony show to distract and divide the population while the powers that be steal the wealth from all nations. Both sides work for the same master and everyone knows but noone will say it out loud and still cling to whatever this is we have now. Best we can is prepare because no matter what we got problems on the way

@ThatGuy-ot1gt - 26.10.2024 19:00

Trump supporters think Obama is still running the show. Since they are in a cult of personality and they don't have enough imagination to realise not everyone is the same as them. Hence Democrat supporters are really following Obama. Or Taylor Swift. Man, I don't know.. 😂

@prestonbacchus4204 - 26.10.2024 20:25

Thank you Aron for doing your part.^

@davidkillawee6 - 26.10.2024 20:56

If Trumppie wins the U.S. will be heading towarss a civil war, and those who will fight the hardest are those who have the most to lose, I really hope that the U.S. military does the right thing and protects people. Otherwise, those in the service will lose the righy to call themselves soldiers, and they will merely be part of a military. Someone who participates in oppression is no soldier.

@UFOUAPMagnet - 26.10.2024 20:58

We don't have rights. We have privileges. Ask George Carlin. Ask the women who HAD the right to choice. Ask the people who committed a crime who HAD the right to vote. They still are required to pay taxes but aren't fully citizens anymore. The fact that you think we have rights shows how naive you are. I like you and all, but there's no such thing as rights, anymore. It's all up for grabs. If you have to fight for your rights, you don't have any.

@HarderTime89 - 26.10.2024 21:12

You bring up any of those things to a conservative (not even a trump supporter) and theyll say, "that old story".... Ive heard it many many times. Its getting annoying that these people cant even accept a simple fact and laugh at you because you get annoyed about it. Pure stupid arrogance.

@margaretjohnson6259 - 26.10.2024 22:38

i left a political message board because i could no longer tolerate the STUPIDITY of the maga cult. they are deliberately ignorant and refuse any fact check. the idea of donnie as president horrifies me. as an old white woman it won't affect me socially, but will deeply challenge me morally and ethically. i will NOT stand down on human rights for ALL.

@TheTerminator-1 - 26.10.2024 22:43

Trump's threats are shutting down America's free press.
First, the L.A. Times and then the Washington Post refused to endorse.
Now the New York Post endorses ... TRUMP !!!
(only 2 years after admitting that he was unfit for office)

@margaretjohnson6259 - 26.10.2024 22:45

is there any way to fix the SCROTUS? is there a way to get rid of the disgusting people republicans put there?

@TreeHairedGingerAle - 26.10.2024 23:46

I did! Voted early and blue all up and down the ballot, and took friends, too!

The blue wave has to be overwhelming. And if the conservative evangelicals want a country with a king and no freedom? Fine!

They can go back to Europe and swear fealty to one of their monarchies!

😒 You know. The monarchies that the Founding Fathers whom they worship fought the entire American Revolution to get away from! 🙄 Weirdos!

@daheikkinen - 27.10.2024 02:18

Kamala is economically illiterate and will not have my vote. Not to mention her Deepak Chopra levels of word salad.

@mildredmartinez8843 - 27.10.2024 02:22

You are absolutely absolutely right about Trump. He has all the faults you say and many more. Yet it beffudles the mind of many people how close Trump is to winning the election. Why?

I have a few ideas of why he is so favored, but then, who knows.

1. I think the political system in the US, needs some serious reform. You can begin by abolishing the electoral college and by public subsidy of candidates so they are not beholden to cushy donors. Eliminate "the winner takes all" and foment a multi party system.

2. I think voters are really disgusted with the Democratic Party and it's failed policies, that made Biden such an unpopular president. But instead of some serious introspection, the Party elites chose a Biden 2, to continue with the same reforms, the same policies that the voters are tired of hearing. Kamala has the people tired of hearing "threat to democracy" but very little of what she will do to improve the lives of ordinary folks, except a law here, or raise childcare, there. Crumbs.

3. In the meantime no one speaks about the elephant in the room. The elephant is the obscene income inequality, and how the billionaire class has fleeced the working class. And people are angry.

4. So I believe, many are listening to the siren song of one, if not the most corrupt politician we've ever seen.

5. How can such a disgusting individual be so popular tells a lot about the failure of the Democratic Party strategy in winning voters.

6. I can think of other reasons. Racism comes to my mind, immediately. Trump has called the migrants trying to enter the US, every God awful, vile name in the book. And many Americans believe this disgusting diatribe because of ignorance, or fear that they will be replaced (whatever that means), or outright racism.

That's my two cents worth.

@19521204 - 27.10.2024 02:39

Trump is just like their evil god

@shady_manox - 27.10.2024 03:00

Oh boy ... but you know how Gene Roddenberry vision of the future goes: You have to go through Hell before you can experience better times!

@jonathanmcmullen3324 - 27.10.2024 03:59

Whats absolutely hilarious is youre saying we wont have rights under trump. Yet when he was in office the first time we had plenty of rights. If youre trying to argue the abortion part then you fail to realize that the constitution states powers not delegated to the federal government are delegated to the states. The abortion thing is not a power delegated to the feds. You scream "constitution this and that" but when the constitution is followed its a problem. You should probably stick to arguing against religion over politics because you do the exact thing with this stupid ass video that you accuse Christians of doing. You state your claim, but dont back it with facts. You cant actually show anything besides what youre told in the news.

@Jdog667. - 27.10.2024 05:07

Vote Blue Save America 🇺🇸 👆

@kirby6444 - 27.10.2024 06:27

what Human Rights globally no such thing exists Children don't even have real rights

@joshuaim3263 - 27.10.2024 08:10

Off topic but for a sec, I thought this was Glen Benton from Deicide

@spyder2383 - 27.10.2024 08:13

Lost all my respect for you in the 1st sentence. The democrats have sold out to wall street. They are endangering the entire world in Ukraine. They are supporting genocide in Gaza. They seek to censor free speech from anyone who disagrees with them. Weve had 4 years of Trump and 4 years of Biden, which has brought us closer to nuclear annihilation? Not a Trump supporter, but the dems are certainly not an answer to any sensible question. You are deranged in your analysis of the democrats!

@smurxxx0910 - 27.10.2024 10:13

My Trumper coworkers gathering every morning and act real giddy about Trump getting back into office and acting as a dictator. They're excited about the entire government being ran by nothing but Trump loyalists to do his bidding. They act they have a wet dream every night about civil war. One of them was telling me they wanna abolish the education system and have all kids be home schooled then tell me how they feel too tired after work to even cook their kids dinner when they get home fron work. I asked them if they're too tired from working to even make dinner how do they expect to homeschool their kids? To which they have no answer for. It seems like they really don't want their kids to be educated at all and to have them working in the mines before they're 12 so they don't have to worry about them.

@darth-umbrex - 27.10.2024 11:03

Im honestly shocked at how many members of the trump cult exist in my area. Its basically impossible to reason with these poor brainwashed fools.

@lanir9543 - 27.10.2024 11:44

I think there's a simple problem. People that vote for Trump seem to be fine with an entertainer in the white house. It's that simple. He doesn't have policy. His economic plans probably make sense if you're 6 years old but not much after that. And he's made it abundantly clear that he stands for himself and mocking any other thing people want him to stand for. Nothing else.

So... What's left? He's an entertainer, pure and simple. And they're more invested in not having to think about any cultural changes than they are in having the country run competently. They want Daddy Trump to tell them a story and they couldn't care less about anything else until it bites them personally in the arse. And until it's shoved in their faces they won't even believe it's his fault then because he'll tell them a story where it's somehow improbably all impoverished immigrants taking their money even while those immigrants never seem to be doing any better themselves.
