This would be a great companion piece with that Werewolf movie coming out with Frank Grillo
ОтветитьThis sounds suspiciously similar to 'Bitch' from Marianna Palka which was released in 2017 (four years before the 'Nightbitch' novel was published).
ОтветитьWow, I just watched Ginger Snaps movies last week. Sequel is pretty okay, enough to recommend it if you haven't seen it.
ОтветитьI liked the premise of the book, but the writing really put me off. I had a hard time finishing it (though I did). I'm curious to see what I might make of the film.
ОтветитьOur society devalues the immense unpaid reproductive labor shouldered disproportionately by women. We need more movies like this. Men need to see movies like this.
ОтветитьNow imagine if the central role was reversed and the film was titled “Nightbast**d”, it could have been a reimagining of Mr Mom and Wolfen combined.
ОтветитьScoot plays great roles in great movies. Xxxx
ОтветитьThe part you described about the dad "taking over bath time to help out" but still constantly calling for the mum to do things made my eyes twitch so hard.
ОтветитьNighb*tch ... Ally McBeal for 2024
ОтветитьIt's great but be aware it is not a werewolf film and is considerably more subtle
ОтветитьThe subtitles: "A successful author full of PES". There must be many authors, all alone at home, that get distracted by that and FIFA.
ОтветитьI was really looking forward to this when I first heard about it and I am seeing it tomorrow but the very tepid response it seems to have had has rather tempered my expectations now
ОтветитьI struggled some with the book, where I wasn’t sure if i was misunderstanding it, or if it was purposefully vague - which in turn made the ending fall flat. That said i loved the premise, so i was thrilled when i heard it’d been optioned.
ОтветитьI worked on this. I hope it does well.
ОтветитьGreat name for a band.
ОтветитьSinging 🎶.
ОтветитьIt absolutely boggles my mind seeing her now and how good she is, that the first thing I ever saw Amy Adams in was Cruel Intentions 2. If you haven't seen it, don't. It's a Cruel Intention prequel TV show that was cancelled before it ever aired and they recut what had been shot in to a movie. Still no idea why I even watched it, but you would never watch it and think that's a future 4 time Oscar nominee.
ОтветитьNGL, it sounds awful.
Ответитьraw, and the substance, are both fantastic so if it's half as good as them I'm in
ОтветитьVery intrigued for this film, have been for months. I can’t wait.
ОтветитьMy favorite couple: The Good Doctor and Mr. Showbiz North London! (from an LTL).
Ответить😅 I love Amy Adams and some of her movies but this particular film I don’t like the film. I don’t like the name. I don’t understand what the hype is about this movie. I’m very disappointed. They’re definitely isn’t going to be awards for this movie..
ОтветитьSounds like the 4th film outing this year, D2, the substance, speak no evil and this...good films deserve the effort of a cinema visit...
ОтветитьWhat a stupid name 😅😂
ОтветитьTotally agree with Mark!
ОтветитьRead the book, it's excellent and very dark.
ОтветитьInteresting film and great performances (Including the child who was phenomenal). My only criticism was that I saw the ending coming from a mile away. That said,😊 its definitely worth watching
ОтветитьNo thanks there's a mud puddle drying up in the sun that I think I'll watch instead.
ОтветитьI love ginger snaps.
ОтветитьAbsolutely EXCELLENT film.
ОтветитьI read the book and I think the movie is better
ОтветитьThis may be my worst film of 2024, in spite of the brave efforts by the always wonderful Amy Adams. A shambles of a film, which wastes a fairly good idea (from a book), having also one of the worst endings in the history of cinema.
ОтветитьIt was utter d0g sh!t. Pun intended.
ОтветитьComparing NightBitch to Raw and the Substance is a little insulting, after watching the Nightbitch I thought the best part was Amy Adam’s performance with that said all characters in this movie feel very immature and selfish and it made the perfect case why some people shouldn’t have children, if any parent regrets having a child I would feel very sorry for that child life.
ОтветитьIt's one of my favourite films of the year! 2024!
ОтветитьLate to the party but I saw this the other night and really loved it in a quiet but strong way. I have two children and I thoroughly recognised Mother’s hardships (and I live in Sweden where we have over a year of paid parental leave, the American system is the actual horror element in this film) but unfortunately also recognised myself in Father’s hardships in understanding his partner’s situation. Even the second time around and I actually really liked the ending of the film thanks to this ambiguity in where this actually leaves them. Unfortunately my part absolutely hates this kind of film 😂 I do wish we could’ve seen it together.
ОтветитьI found it lacking in structure and its resolves too neatly at the end. Feels like if they communicated better there would be no film.
ОтветитьNot the point probably, but I don't feel like the husband is "self-obsessed". Oblivious? Maybe. One could conceivably tell the "husband's POV" of this story. Bbeing on the road a ton, taking shitty meetings, getting a lot of crap, having to meet targets just to come home and being as he said resented when he walks into his own house. Point is...raising a child is f*in hard. Probably. I don't know a lick about it. In the end, the movie could have made it's point, but tried to be a little less tedious about doing it.
ОтветитьAn alright and annoying film in my opinion. Why is that? There are 2 sides where they don't understand each other. The man who can't deal with a kid alone for more than few minutes and a woman who can't speak her mind, has to lie and expect her man to read her mind. Two awful people who in my opinion shouldn't have kids. These people live every day, all around the world and create life. That's awesome creating life, but you create it in a hostile environment. In real life, these parents are in a constant argument, sometimes swear and probably even beat each other, physically and mentally. They are not ready to have a family. People should really be more or less ready to have kids. You don't just make them and expect everything to be awesome, easy and green.
The man portrayed in the movie didn't know how to be a father. I get that he was away for work for 4 days a week, but the time you are at home, you need to be present and make your wife's life easier, not harder.. The wife also needs to speak what's on her mind and not expect him to know everything. Some men are very clueless sometimes. In the end, there needs to be communication and people avoid it like a plague and get angry all the time. Also, breaking up isn't always ok, you basically put yourself in the first place and split the kid apart. If there are constant fights sure, but this didn't look like it and the man tried to understand her, but him being so clueless he couldn't. Her always saying it's fine, also didn't help either.
Anyway, people are not ready to be parents and they probably won't ever be ready, but at least try to communicate and solve things, not break up or fight each other. The kid doesn't know what's going on and he can develop trauma from all this nonsense. It can get really bad with some parents.
Its an amazing movie (havent read the book). I love that it looks so vanilla but its very deep, its really a modern study of female ancient archetype. Its about female psyque. I recommend the book "Women who Run with the Wolves" to really enjoy this movie! I mean, i dare to guess the author have been influenced by it.