Introduction to Appium - Mobile Testing Framework

Introduction to Appium - Mobile Testing Framework

G C Reddy Software Testing

8 лет назад

54,650 Просмотров

Introduction to Mobile Application Testing Framework Appium, What is Appium?, Platforms supported by Appium, Relation between Appium and Selenium, Appium on Emulators or Simulators, and Prerequisite to use Appium. Appium for Testing Mobile Native Applications, Mobile Web Applications and Mobile Hybrid Applications.
Introduction to Appium

1. Appium is an Open source Test Automation Framework for Automating Mobile Software Applications, launched in 2012.

Three types of Mobile Software Applications

i. Native Applications
Native Apps live on the device and are accessed through icons on the device home screen, they are installed through an application store(such as Google Play, Apple's App Store.

ii. Mobile Web Applications
Web Apps are not real apps, they are web sites stored on a remote server and delivered over the Internet through a web browser.

iii. Hybrid Applications
Hybrid apps are like native apps, run on the device, they have integration with device's file system and integration with web services..

2. Appium supports Android and iOs devices, it drives iOS and Android apps using WebDriver protocol.

i. Android
Android is an Open source Operating System for mobile devices such as smart phones, tablet computers. It owned by Google, offering users access to Google's own services like Search, YouTube, Maps, Gmail etc...

ii. iOS
iPhone Operating System is a mobile operating system developed by Apple Inc, and distributed exclusively for Apple hardware, it presently powers many of the company's mobile devices including the iPhone, iPad and iPod touch.

3. Appium enables Android and iOS automation using Selenium Webdriver. The same WebDriver binding can be used across web and mobile.

4. It is Cross-platform, single API works for both Android and iOS platform.

5. Appium supports all languages that have Selenium client libraries like,

C# etc... to create Test Scripts

6. Appium supports Software Test Automation on Emulators or Simulators and Physical devices too.

Emulator or Simulator
Testing on real devices is expensive; Emulators or Simulators are virtual environments, not only expand our Testing coverage to more devices, but also quick and easy way to test..

7. Prerequisite to use Appium

i. Android SDK
ii. JDK -Java Development Kit.
iii. TestNG
iv. Eclipse
v. Selenium Server JAR
vi. WebDriver Language binding library
vii. Appium for Windows.


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