Learn the Right MMA Circuit Training Routine (All About MMA Circuit Training)

Learn the Right MMA Circuit Training Routine (All About MMA Circuit Training)

Matt Wiggins

55 лет назад

464 Просмотров

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"Learn the Right MMA Circuit Training Routine (All About MMA Circuit Training)"

I have seen - and done - a lot of different circuit workouts for MMA. Former UFC champs Randy Couture and Sean Sherk have both been known to do some pretty crazy circuit training to prepare for their mixed martial arts fights.

There have been a ton of MMA circuits published in magazines, online, and in books. There are DVDs, gym workouts, and even certifications dedicated to these types of MMA workouts.

Problem is that a lot of them get it all wrong. Not all of them, by any means. But quite a few.

See, circuit training routines - especially MMA circuits - can be VERY versatile. And this is a GOOD THING for fighters.

Mixed martial artists need a whole variety of different types of physical characteristics. They need to have strength, explosive speed and power, different types of cardio, work capacity, and more.

The problem you see with most MMA workouts is that they focus entirely too much on cardio and endurance.

Now, back when workouts first started being designed for fighters, this was a good thing! Many were just relying on old roadwork cardio to get in shape. And while roadwork can be beneficial, a fighter needs much more than that.

One of the things that circuit routines offered MMAists was the idea that you could tax your cardio as well as your muscular endurance and conditioning. Because it wasn't uncommon for a fighter to not be totally winded, but for his muscles to give out.

Circuit workouts could combat that.

However, too many fighters went to far in that direction - only worrying about cardio and endurance.

The right type of MMA circuit workout won't just improve cardio or endurance. Instead, it'll help you build strength and explosive power, too. Not only that, but the right workout will build strength-endurance and power-endurance so that a fighter isn't just strong and fast. He's strong and fast for a long time.

Circuits can make all this happen for fighters. And a lot more.

But only if they're done the right way.

Check out the video so I can tell you more.

link to this video - http://youtu.be/RVRZ2sN6MSU


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