Day in my life as a Consultant in NYC | Revealing how I got my job

Day in my life as a Consultant in NYC | Revealing how I got my job

Matt Huang

1 год назад

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@cesargladiador6334 - 17.09.2023 19:52

great video!!

@Najas-k5e - 18.09.2023 00:49

Great video as always Matt! Currently, also prepping for interviews after being one year into my job, so it was pretty helpful! You briefly mentioned some resources that you used for you case prep! Can you share some material that you think would be helpful?

@Greenwood18 - 18.09.2023 03:18

Informative stuff

@frankr. - 18.09.2023 04:47

love the vlog format Matt!

@심우우-s1i - 18.09.2023 05:15

You look cute❤ Thanks for sharing your stories 🎉

@andrewhuang8203 - 18.09.2023 08:46

Great stuff brother

@tempestuous2090 - 18.09.2023 16:34

Thanks for the insight! You mentioned how you networked for a referral. Was this for a new grad role? And how did you approach the networking as well?

I have a few more questions as well as your story is pretty interesting. Is there any way I can email you?

@zuzannamiech - 18.09.2023 18:33

Agreed! Preparation before a whole interview process is key to showing your authentic self and feeling confident. But God damn it it takes ages 😅 ... great content!

@fivefoottwofinance - 18.09.2023 19:35

Great content man!

@FaithHopeLove99 - 19.09.2023 01:20

I am amazed at your honest and openness to talk about your life. BCG should appriciate having you such a good employee👍

@hannah-h - 20.09.2023 00:09

Great video!

@pang3994 - 23.09.2023 09:23

Hi Matt! Really Great content. I would like to ask if you can share how to do an impressive presentation slide for management consulting

@Divy91311 - 23.09.2023 22:32

Hey Matt , really nice video! I was wondering if I could help you edit your videos and also make a highly engaging Thumbnail which will help your video to reach to a wider audience .

@Jason_lai - 26.09.2023 10:52

at this point I am convinced all consultant climbs😂

@lttplttp - 27.09.2023 23:43

great content

@alexandrodisla6285 - 04.10.2023 08:57

Consultant in what?

@sukhakannan7192 - 06.10.2023 08:09

Hey Matt, I too am looking to get into consulting, I would be glad to interact with you, and get to know more about the preparation process

@alixfabrizi - 10.11.2023 01:57

I loved your energy ♥

@Infinity_00189 - 29.11.2023 22:08

Hey matt ! ...can i ask uh one question
Can you plzz mention 1 biggest pros and cons of this job
I hope you will reply...

@rrSBS2017 - 30.12.2023 18:19

Were you on the bench when you filmed this? How often are you in the office vs. traveling?

@RafaelWu-j3h - 30.12.2023 23:40

Hi Matt, just subscribed to your channel, loving the videos! I'm a freshman in college looking to get into consulting/finance. Could you make a video about how the process went for you, your educational background, etc? Btw, does coming from a target school around NYC really help with your chances of landing a job at a good firm? (I study business at a semi-target school on the West Coast)

@jomarimallari6411 - 26.01.2024 03:50

Hi Sir,

I'm dreaming of working in the New Yorck City someday, this video helped me to have a wider view of what I can do there someday.


@kelvintiger - 12.02.2024 08:23

You have time to go climbing?!

@vitanca - 27.02.2024 02:12

Dude! I bumped on your channel searching for tips on how to get into consulting. I've been really stressed out with my career lately and your videos have helped me answer really important questions. I'm going for it. It was such a nice surprise to see you're also a climber! Keep it up. Greetings from Brazil 🇧🇷

@AliefRizky-bi6ic - 15.05.2024 09:57

quick question: how do you transition from an IB role to a consulting role? the work nature is quite different from my experience working in an IB related role.

@nemonymous89 - 17.05.2024 22:09

Thank you for supporting Asian-owned restaurants!

@shaikhaa.3691 - 26.06.2024 00:50

Is this really like a typical day for you in consulting? :0 How do you do all these activities after work? I barely finish my work late and sleep late. Can you share how you do this?

@quankstories - 19.08.2024 02:32

The lesson from his journey of becoming a consultant is: Try everything, never avoid anything as you think you are not good at it or are not suitable, maybe that will fit you! Remember, your career chooses you, not quite the opposite, so leave it space and a chance to get into your life.

@curtishailey1129 - 22.09.2024 14:06

Thompson Edward Johnson Gary Lopez George

@anntakamaki1960 - 16.02.2025 05:04

Photo mein jo aam kiya logon ne jo badnaam kiya.. thappar marungi sala thappar marungi thap thap thappar marungi
