*NEW* Kubota SCL1000 Review | This Is A Game Changer

*NEW* Kubota SCL1000 Review | This Is A Game Changer

B&T MacFarlane Equipment

2 года назад

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@btmacfarlane - 13.04.2022 00:49

Thank you for watching! If you enjoyed the video please remember to subscribe!

@northeasterndirtandpropert7974 - 13.04.2022 15:44

There's a video out now on a kubota SCL lifting a white oak log.The log weighs in at 1800lbs.It's shocking the lift capacity of this machine.Good luck finding one!

@johnmachnicki1715 - 15.04.2022 23:38

Hi Jack - great videos. You do a nice job explaining how to use the equipment. I have a Kubota M62 and was wondering if you could do a video on how to take off and then put back on the back hoe? Thanks

@GenghisKhan311 - 13.05.2022 18:02

Dam that price is insane. Got mine in us for 29

@jennyhan6894 - 19.07.2022 18:03

It is hard to get one. I am really very interested in

@TheBearsLair - 19.09.2022 07:56

So is this the SCL1000?

@TheBearsLair - 19.09.2022 08:00

How is the machine a game changer? More like a poor mans skid steer chariot.

@masterblaster5188 - 14.03.2023 07:48

This thing is a beast. Just picked one up.

@kimdenny2738 - 08.04.2023 14:00

I bought a SCL 1000 in Feb 2022 sight unseen . Because it was hard bro get .
Hydraulic was excellent lay out on dash well thought out beautiful Engneering but it was so unstable and top heavy it was dangerous compared to other mini skids
It broke my heart that I had to sell it at a huge loss after 167 hours and buy my fourth mini skid
Moral of the story
Rent it one day to make sure it works for you and compare
