New DMT Study Finds Evidence Aliens Are Simulating Our Reality | Zoltan Bathory & Danny Goler

New DMT Study Finds Evidence Aliens Are Simulating Our Reality | Zoltan Bathory & Danny Goler

Danny Jones

2 дня назад

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@docblunt - 12.03.2025 18:33

sick bro ! one of the best podcast you've to see in 2025.

@xwhitetruthseekerx - 12.03.2025 19:02

Yea 16 minutes in and I’m out of here. I pay YT premium so wrong to have sponsors ads throughout.

@Jay-mp7ir - 12.03.2025 19:04

Any relation to Elizabeth bathory i.e. crazy blood bathing Louisiana slave-torturer?

@vmayn92 - 12.03.2025 19:06

These guys really nail it in terms of understanding the fundamental differences between Eastern and western approaches. Also spot on in defining the function of meditative practices.

@AD-zd3pj - 12.03.2025 19:13

Disappointed 😔 All that I wanted to hear about from this video was about the mapping of this other dimension. It was never explained at all, literally just said “I’ve been mapping this out for 10 years.” and moved on. I sat through all the bro-man crap that made me quit watching Rogan for nothing! A 4️⃣ hour video flaunting mapping of something that I won’t tell you about… ? Everyone has seen your laser trick now dork. Only difference is your dragging this dude and around with you. Clickbate for me. Iron Danny Jones, let’s get back to exposing the monists! You know we are hungry for more.

@michaelwhittaker5624 - 12.03.2025 19:20

No way I could’ve ended this conversation. Not now I still have questions and my curiosity is far from satiated. 4 hours gone just like that. I was just getting warmed up haha. Well ….. nothing left to say here except thank you for this Danny it’s been like medicine for my mind. I’m an explorer myself but I’m a beginner and I have some fears that are holding me back so right now I’m stuck and I know I can break through to once I clear my psyche ….anyway thanks again your guests were my favorites on this podcast and I’ve appreciate their wisdom. Wish I could talk to them and share some of my thoughts, and pick their brains.❤Keep up the good work. Good luck and Godspeed.

@lowieapitz8575 - 12.03.2025 20:11

So satisfying to see so many views and comments. I am a McKenna disciple and enjoy this talk. Reality is shifting, the paradigm has changed. We are in full blown 5d mode now. Nothing to worry about, no one is in control.

@Awytoo - 12.03.2025 20:12

“You can’t discuss with me anything until you agree with my personal vision/experience” is not the attitude of a scientist.

@carenwynne1 - 12.03.2025 20:12

humans are annoying in all dimensions

@Cosmic_Chronicles_ - 12.03.2025 20:13

Before askimg what the hell is going on and what is the purpose you should first answer the question wheter or not there is a purpose at all. Don't just assume and question that first. The first step is to be open and not afraid of exploring cases and scenarios that go against biological and societal biases. Most people kind of skip the first question the most important question. They just sort of assume that there is a purpose when in reality it is a really difficult question that you shouldn't just guess and use your intuition. It is a question where you use your rational to the max. If you come up with either yes there is a purpose or there is not a purpose only then go off and think about other questions. But be careful if you decide wrong on the first question then all of your beliefs might be lies.

@N6V6RL6FT - 12.03.2025 21:22

Obi-Wan Kenobi
AAAND Zoltan?!

@Awytoo - 12.03.2025 21:29

Well, a lot of things said, at some points I wanted to say something at some points I was entertained, started wondering. But I want to say thanks for one specific point - bank and time exercise. That’s a cool one. Thank you.

@Awytoo - 12.03.2025 21:46

I am not familiar with this podcast. So I have to say, after listening this full episode, this is the most clickbaity title known to humanity😂😂. Nice talk though.

@NealMcIntyre-ew4uw - 12.03.2025 22:16

I just wanna say, I smoked DMT before. It took me a few times to break through but once I did I had an extraordinary experience that made me believe we are in some sort of simulation created by humans from the future or aliens. What happened was I left my body and I was sitting above myself and my first thought was “oh my god my mom is going to be so mad I just overdosed on drugs” lol. After realizing that I was out of my body my “soul”, if you wanna call it that, shot at light speed through the cosmos. I was passing through all of these fractals of impressive geometry and colors I feel like I haven’t seen before. Once I got to the other side of where my soul was headed, I woke up inside a flying saucer. At first I thought I was in the hospital because it seemed like a hospital setting. But when I started looking around there these 6 alien beings standing around me and they were laughing. They had a very childish manner to them. But to me they didn’t seem like aliens. They looked like typical grey aliens but they seemed like humans from the distant future. I started freaking out and one of them told me “you said you could handle this. This wasn’t supposed to happen. Don’t worry about this you’ll go back soon.” I then shot back into my body and I woke up freaking the hell out. I remember waking up like wtf was that! And the part that tripped me out the most. My friend who administered the break through hit for me, he laughed and said “I thought you could handle it bro” I immediately knew that was a sign something wasn’t entirely real about reality

@Mugiwara-CD - 12.03.2025 22:30

Congrats on a mil 👏

@rv6029 - 12.03.2025 22:42

One of your best shows! Watched the whole 4 hours over a couple days. Enjoyed the esoteric part of the conversation. I’ve experienced the void (I AM), simply consciousness itself…and find If I’m falling or waking from sleep quickly I’ll hear a machine clank. Like metal. Or a door opening and slamming shut. I’ve seen symbols and machine like elements on LSD, but never tried DMT and I’m curious. Thank you all!! ❤❤❤

@mokey_v - 12.03.2025 22:55

Kant talks about the faculties of understanding and the manifold. Know things a priori or a posteriori . The objecthood concepts reminded me of this 😊

@ToadSage24 - 12.03.2025 23:25

I’m 20 minutes in of glazing the Zohan now..

@robbiesheets8411 - 12.03.2025 23:27

Maybe “the one” was just tired of being alone for an infinite amount of time so now he’s decided to play peekaboo with himself .

@stephenhiggins3002 - 13.03.2025 00:12

Awesome episode.

@dbadapple - 13.03.2025 00:36


@commonincense5920 - 13.03.2025 01:27

Id love to try this study!!!

@Regan-w9w - 13.03.2025 01:31

The original Hebrew language was created by shining a light through a cut crystal. The patterns created when turning the crystal were projected on a surface and created the entire Hebrew alphabet. It was considered an angelic language as it flowed from the sacred geometry of the crystal itself. Lasers are crystals cut in specific geometry that allows light to be projected from them. Compare the geometry of the laser crystal with the geometry of the letters people are seeing and I guarantee you will find a match. The hebrew alphabet was said to have come directly from angels of light. Angle of light...get it!

@timothyrogers6339 - 13.03.2025 01:48


@YeshuaChristKING - 13.03.2025 01:58

Never heard someone spit so much garbage praise about their friend or maybe Boyfriend from the way he dribbles, ud think 🖖🏻 “Zoltan” was a god

@peterhook2258 - 13.03.2025 02:18

where are the credentialed studiers of this stuff in this argument. there are doctors who are certainly interested so...lets hear from them and their experiences with it. If Zoltan "knows" the code is there......then this could be a feature of "Zoltan" and not dmt. just sayin

@wacey7455 - 13.03.2025 02:42

The machine elves is the consciousness of individual cells and organ collection of cells, in your body. You don't go anywhere, your consciousness just shrinks to the size of the cellular machinery. That's why they "know" you, are a billion strong kaleidoscope , they have characters "heart", "liver", "cancers", that are universal to everyone.

@Latvian13 - 13.03.2025 02:55

Wow! What a interview! And who would know, that one of my favorite bands member is such a deeply interesting human being! I watched this one for five days.. Rewinding and listening and repeating. I wish I could talk with someone about these things, but so many people still living in “fog”. They would think I am nuts. Could be. 😉
I am just trying to open up my mind and try to understand what a heck is really going on. 😁

@IronHayden - 13.03.2025 03:00

Even though these topics can be considered “woo”, I sensed no woo coming from these guys. Everything was understandable and relatable.

@ac12484 - 13.03.2025 03:45

What happened to the giant black cubes in background? I liked them!

@02SplinterCell02 - 13.03.2025 05:26

What if time is the 8th dimension, hence the universal infinity symbol? 🧐

@gregoiremasset488 - 13.03.2025 05:28

Very fucking cool interview. I'm rewatching it with full attention.

And something hits me with the story of the buddhist monk. Asking if he believes.
"It's a yes, and everything else around that is a no"
Did he actually say it like that, with that exact phrasing?

Because if so he just did a fucking good Koan.
He just summed up the Dharma.
And I think Zoltan is rather aware of that.
At the center, belief. all around, dharma. Being and non-being.

@sandstone469 - 13.03.2025 06:07

I love Danny but these guys are just too much

@eez_physiq2378 - 13.03.2025 06:19

What happened to the bird i accidentally dematerialized the last time i was controlling their direction of flight with my mind?

@YeahYeahYeahYeahYeahYeahYes - 13.03.2025 06:28


@izme2132 - 13.03.2025 07:07

Yoga meditation & breath control
That’s the Recipe
That’s the Resume

@izme2132 - 13.03.2025 07:12

That’s why ancient languages matters so much including the pronunciation… Because they match across the alphabet both new numeric systems as well as. Category systems for the convenience of information and a sort of shorthand.
Root sounds are literally the bija mantras(fundamental sounds) and the entire Sanskrit language is the system for teaching that

@Gonzo4Ever - 13.03.2025 07:14

Mike Mayer's Love Guru

@jesuschrist-alphaomega - 13.03.2025 07:14

I think that man bun is wrapped way to tight n cutting off his blood flow to the brain.

@OneWhoKN0ZE - 13.03.2025 07:26

The brain is an ENERGY DECELERATOR. Matter is made of energy and when the energy is slowed, it forms the matter we interact with. The waking time is the dream and the dream is reality from a energetic vs. material perspective.

@chelovek500 - 13.03.2025 07:36

Why are you doing a 4-hour podcast with two idiots? They’re so outlandishly stupid they’re like characters from a movie.

@SuperRodification - 13.03.2025 08:46

Danny Jones, you rock the house with this one. Excellent guest selection and great content as always. I speak for everybody when I say bring them back soon! Be well!

@lukecashmore6570 - 13.03.2025 09:39

Fantastic podcast I could listen to these DMT journey experiences for hours. Anyone have any other good podcasts with amazing discussions on DMT experiences ?

@su-anneharris2385 - 13.03.2025 09:41

"LSD And The Mind of The Universe" by Christopher M. Bache, Ph.D. is a fascinating book when looking at "the world" of psychedelics.

Also, I wonder if there may be certain individuals already in our world who may be able to "see" or "translate" the "code" perhaps without the use of dmt? eg gifted autistic individuals such as those seen in "The Telepathy Tapes"
