Māori MPs perform haka and disrupt NZ parliament debate on treaty rights changes

Māori MPs perform haka and disrupt NZ parliament debate on treaty rights changes

Guardian News

55 лет назад

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Footage, apparently filmed from the gallery in New Zealand’s parliament, captures the moment a vote on a controversial bill was suspended by a haka (Māori dance).
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The bill proposed changes to a 200-year-old treaty between Māori and the crown, which guarantees their rights. The pause occurred when opposition parties and members of the public gallery joined in a haka led by Te Pāti Māori MP Hana-Rawhiti Maipi-Clarke

Insults and a haka in New Zealand parliament as MPs debate Māori rights bill ► https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/nov/14/nz-parliament-maori-rights-bill-mps-debate-haka-new-zealand

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