MFNZ members call the police on RCModelReviews

MFNZ members call the police on RCModelReviews


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@jesseburns9734 - 11.12.2019 05:46

It does not matter wear in the world you are you can not fix stupid. Please keep up your good work!

@mybluebelly - 17.01.2020 04:24

Love the dedication. Two thumbs up !

@terrilindsey5147 - 26.01.2020 15:59

I'd give him head he's really hot ....

@leslieshapiro2225 - 31.01.2020 20:44

Just Start testing without informing......... I always learn by mistakes other people make, after they’ve received good advice from me :-)
..after they

@1elaijah - 14.02.2020 15:19

You got a license for that opinion?

@bisarowood - 15.02.2020 05:28

I thought all you Kiwis are all nice people !! I guess there are morons everywhere ...

@johnswilley6764 - 06.03.2020 06:24

From Orlando, Florida in the U.S.A. ; it's not just New Zealand Sir. It's now 2020, and we have the same issues, and it would appear that our Federal Government is slowly moving toward halting all legal model aviation due to the acts of a small number of idiots. Best wishes, and I hope that you get your flight privileges restored.

@lipstick318 - 16.03.2020 06:20

You might want to leave immature people alone... I still can't figure out why you haven't sued CAA...

I would Sue the CAA, in a heartbeat... You say you need money and any lawyer would take your case because there's millions to be made in your case... Just Saying...

@talpajam - 06.04.2020 03:21

hey i have a Haako - btw what is the best entry USA kit Bruce ?

@comcastjohn - 02.05.2020 18:39

How can the government or officials stop you from flying because you called them names? I mean don’t they have to charge you with a violation or something? They cannot do something like that in the US. Well, a person in that capacity could, but when you file a complaint and it is found there is no basis, except personal vindictiveness, they would get in trouble.

@jcduplessis1 - 21.06.2020 15:44

By watching this clip, I realized what a caring, considerate and knowledgeable person you are. It made me subscribe to your channel. Thank you Sir!

@firstmm5 - 29.06.2020 00:42

LOL, You sound like me complaining about the high level of Ignorance in the population, generally speaking.

I am very interested in this project your working on. This type of avoidance system could be quite effective and beneficial on a UHF controlled Drone.

@firstmm5 - 29.06.2020 00:50

Also, Are you aware of Voice activated command processing systems for model aircraft? I am talking about using a microprocessor onboard an aircraft/ drone that could translate voice commands over remote controls such as UHF systems. It doesn’t make sense to have a proportional channel set aside just for an on/off switched function. Proportional control is fine for flight controls, But to have a 10 channel radio with 4 flight controls plus 6 auxiliary functions is too expensive. I’d like to develop a microprocessor to communicate sounds or digital commands over a radio frequency in the same way AM radio can transmit sound frequencies. The model would utilize an AM radio receiver that would output sound to micro processor that could recognize voice commands and turn them into switched functions onboard the model/ drone.

@gayleneangelos7102 - 02.07.2020 07:52

I guess you need a publicity representative to help you couch your communications with the grumpy old men with the right spin so you are not perceived as a threat. Quite common response to people who live outside the box.

@wesnxs - 04.07.2020 12:13


@tonywright8294 - 16.07.2020 21:52

Slow down

@ltggill - 24.07.2020 19:12

" In every one of those little stucco boxes there is some poor bastard who is never free except when he is fast asleep and dreaming " - George Orwell
Hang in there Bruce!

@AlternateRC - 31.07.2020 16:32

Time to move when sucking losers run the country....

@bobstille6017 - 04.08.2020 20:11

No good deed goes unpunished

@tugwilson6758 - 06.08.2020 20:18

Where do you find these idiots Bruce ?

@stefanaddwork - 09.08.2020 03:56

Again one off many examples how the LAW doesnt work!
It's mostly affecting the wrong people in the wrong way.
It's like giving the criminal a chance to get away with murder.
Even tho every body knows he done the crime yet there isnt enough proof.
And dam! You must get TONS off head these days! Rofl!
Thanks for providing us with all these great reviews!

@fido3561 - 18.08.2020 04:40

Did you expect anything less of them?

@johnculver6994 - 16.09.2020 09:35

Sucks that there are such losers in the world that would do that.

@2bfpv882 - 22.01.2021 13:49

Crybabies everywhere lmao

@mrgreenswelding2853 - 06.02.2021 04:05

Did you get lawyers involves, if you lost money

@StonyRC - 25.02.2021 16:26

I know this is 7 years ago, but I still chuckle at the level of STUPIDITY from the MFNZ morons!

@spencer312. - 18.04.2021 23:21

Hi from Denver, Colorado I am a commercial, multiengine, instrument rated pilot and currently fly as an aerial survey pilot inspecting oil and gas pipelines. I also am very involved in the model community I love flying helicopters mostly. I just wanted to say I love your videos and am blown away with your knowledge and experience! Certainly am always learning and appreciate all your effort. Good luck with your traffic collision avoidance work on 2.4ghz! I am sure you know this but we are now requires in America to use ADS-B in general aviation and commercial aviation in all airspace through out America. I'm sorry to hear that new zealand wont let you fly I think that is BS 73 KCOSUM is my ham radio license call see ya here!

@ThreenaddiesRexMegistus - 14.06.2021 03:24

Your tax dollars at work! Finding “problems” where none exist: we need a new pseudo government agency to deal with this. But you can’t hurt their feelings. But they’ll always find “useful” work with home owners associations when they run out of RC flyers to persecute. Could be the next big thing for the Peoples Republic of New Zealand? Just saying! What about introducing Council firewood inspectors? “No stack unchecked, no log unmeasured!” Dawn raids on the non-compliant - has to be done! Maybe even the ‘Tactical Insufficient Postage Recovery Squad?’ This problem costs the nation hundreds of dollars every year! All perfect vocations for tiny minds with lots of time on their hands.

@anthonyburke5656 - 03.10.2021 13:11

Lawyer here, seriously, consult a lawyer, I think there is an Application for an Order in the nature of Mandamus open to force the Society to act according to law and judiciously.

@anthonyburke5656 - 03.10.2021 13:14

Btw, post Covid consider moving to Australia

@stoneyswolf - 27.10.2021 00:44

I had some asshat pissed me off one time so I went to the field and I went on his channel and crashed his stuff into everything.

@spiritualwarriorhealer6154 - 16.11.2021 09:30

I love it!! Thats what you get mate for being bright boy genius. You gotta sound like a dummy that can't fly. When the bobbies come by say im just the janitor here the engineers are all out to lunch or flying their Lier Jets!! LoL!! Great rant..

@philldownes8685 - 04.03.2022 20:02

you need to tell air nz or whoever it is that says you cant fly to dimply fuck off..... .... get a small plane and go flying. one that comes under a TOY and then upgrade the fucker to the nuts... like you say too many grumpy old pricks who have no idea how to get a life... its like snowflakes are now the norm ha ha well fuck em.. do like me and fly on the wrong frequency so no fucker can say your interfering with them and bollocks to any authority telling you not to play with toys. its absurd.... there is no point trying to comply and why should you ? who says you have to comply ? nobody owns the fresh air so fuck em.... and yo u want to see my on the coast ha ah ... this is why i never join clubs, too much political bullshit and rules. you cannot have fun when anything as a committee involved, they are all arseholes who get a bit of power and it goes to their heads....

@SniperUSMC - 07.03.2022 00:12

People are such snowflakes ❄ now. Try to be nice and ya get kicked in the ass.

@SniperUSMC - 07.03.2022 00:14

We need to stop putting labels on things like hair dryers that say not to use them in the shower, let Darwin work naturally.

@alext8828 - 06.05.2022 21:35

It's worse here in the US. People complain if you say Good Morning. I got arrested for saying Have a Good Day. That's a lie, but people here are horrible.

@Aldoor - 25.05.2022 09:01

Don't tell them next time. Maybe part of your project can include a 2.4 yagi connected to it pointing their way, but that's just me being a nasty ole bastard.

@R_Alexander029 - 23.07.2022 00:42

Bloody bureaucRATs.

@ChrisQuadFPV - 30.08.2022 20:53

Well said. There's a lot of old ass holes here in the US also. I'll do what I want to anyways. Screw them 😁

@redteam77 - 09.10.2022 03:01

You know the old cliche: better to ask for forgiveness..... Just do you thing and say nothing to anybody and if they happen to fall from the sky, let them prove how smart they are figuring out why.

@jimmyboy2778 - 18.12.2022 14:35

I love your vids.

@elxero2189 - 19.12.2022 03:07

Wow people really hate you man

@adrianthomas5957 - 25.03.2023 08:26

Goes to show people love drama. I can with full confidence say the last 20 years have been getting progressively worse and more apparent. People are afraid if they are not melodramatic their story will have no weight, it’s a stage and I want to be noticed. People need to take a lude and chill out and stop talking things the wrong way.

@fly249g - 15.05.2023 17:04

Snitches get stitches

@minkorrh - 03.06.2023 05:38

The older I get, the more I realize how pathetic other human beings are, and the further away from them I want to be. It doesn't matter whether you know what you are doing or not, youlive in a liberal-mindset country, which deems that everything can be controlled by the stroke of a pen, and nothing else needs to be considered because, well, they know what's best for you Bruce.

@ManuelPinner - 16.06.2023 15:26

That Why I Have a Ham Radio Operaters License! You can also Use Grown Drones like RC Cars and Boats!
Also DATV, on 5 GHz Band and 2.4 GHz Band Transceiver, Also here in the US, these are Primary Ham Radio Operaters Band,

@ManuelPinner - 16.06.2023 15:27

They must be smoking that legalized marijuana!

@gqp4800 - 13.07.2023 19:12

