Topper’s Talk with Ishita Kishore AIR-1 | Vajiram & Ravi

Topper’s Talk with Ishita Kishore AIR-1 | Vajiram & Ravi

Vajiram and Ravi Official

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Ishita Kishore AIR 01 UPSC CSE 2022, addressing the student of Vajiram and Ravi General Studies Prelims cum mains programme. Introducing her to the students is Mr. P S Ravindran, the doyen of civil services exam preparation and director of Vajiram and Ravi.

Ishita Kishore is a highly determined student who qualified for UPSC CSE 2022 with All India Rank 1. She was born in Secunderabad (District of Hyderabad in the state of Telengana) and received her schooling from Air Force Bal Bharti School, New Delhi – She is a graduate in B.A (Economics Hons) from Shri Ram College of Commerce, Delhi University.

As a part of her extracurricular activity, she was a delegate of the Indo-China Youth delegation by the Ministry of YAS. She was also among the top 0.1% of students in Economics and was given the #SRCC Principals Award for her outstanding involvement in college activities.

Ishita enrolled at Vajiram & Ravi for General Studies Prelims cum Mains 10 Months Programme (2019-20) as well as the Interview Guidance Programme with an aspiration to become a top rank holder in the UPSC CSE.

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