How to Negotiate: NEVER SPLIT THE DIFFERENCE by Chris Voss | Core Message

How to Negotiate: NEVER SPLIT THE DIFFERENCE by Chris Voss | Core Message

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@bswill5077 - 28.02.2025 14:32

Not really practical lol. Not unless you are talking to an idiot XD

@nawii6380 - 25.08.2024 21:40

Sorry, this doesn't make much sense

@jackiechildress4390 - 18.07.2024 18:46

I can see a situation where the landlord says, "That's not my problem." Whether you can afford $1200 and not $1500, to many because the landlord is a corporation, is not their problem. They can always find someone else who can afford $1500. So, this assumption that the landlord will have some empathy and compassion rings hollow. There may be a few out there who will have empathy for the renter, but, sadly, many do not as rents continue to increase and many are pushed out of their cities to surrounding areas where rents are much cheaper.

@skeptikai - 01.07.2024 17:12

Haha... ya, just go to your landlord and complain about them raising the price and they'll reduce it for you because they want you to stay so bad.

Not sure what planet or what year the author is living in but it ain't here & now.

@AlternaLive-u2x - 05.06.2024 17:00

I wanted to try this technique with my land lord but he watched this video before I did

@SallyMwalrMusic - 17.05.2024 20:56

Always one of the best books

@LeMuseHere - 15.04.2024 20:01

That drawing looks more like Zod from Superman 2 than Chris Voss.

@8starsAND - 25.03.2024 13:26

I was using it without knowledge about that

@evanwilliams1199 - 05.03.2024 20:22

The core message sounds very similar to habit 5 from The 7 habits of highly effective people; 'Seek first to understand, then to be understood'

@sunrevolver - 25.02.2024 09:17

the prerequisite for all negotiations: Mentality

@oldguywholifts - 10.12.2023 12:17

Great summary of the book

@gotnoname7051 - 16.09.2023 18:21

I"ve actually tried reading this book but didn't get anything out of it, It had no headlines nor systamic organaization. So I tried reading the chapters and all I got was some boring stories or some kind of a hollywood storyline, but did I ever get anything useful out of the childish bragging? not at all. Thank you so much for making this viddeo at least now I have an idea of what this weird book was about.

@xTenshiAi - 26.07.2023 17:13

If I ask a person "how am i supposed to do that?" they'd tell me to f off then lol

@Comodibujargraffiti - 18.07.2023 02:16

Hablarías de un libro mío que publico este mes , saludos ❤

@franksiegel1888 - 18.03.2023 05:06


@skaterdude14b - 19.02.2023 17:36

You’re getting into the Dark Arts a little here..

@AragonaAlessandro - 24.01.2023 15:16

I've done this my whole life, I didnt know it was a thing ... never paid a single rent nor bill ( not directly at least!), never paid for my cars and I barely worked in 37 years. I am still rather sad tho. Thank u for all these videos, I find them very inspiring

@sherlockxia3061 - 20.01.2023 06:49

link is down

@westplace2001 - 26.11.2022 16:33

Just added the book to my list of books to read

@tarsierontherun - 11.11.2022 22:35

I'm glad I didn't buy this book. It would have been a waste of time and money.

@jesuschristTRUTH - 09.11.2022 04:53

Can I try this with the IRS?

@the-GeekyGecko - 28.10.2022 14:51

What if both sides read the book? Do they stay in a negotiation loop forever? ...

@english3956 - 28.10.2022 07:58

never spit the difference
hear them, sympathies with them then empathise your cause

@puneetjindal6426 - 24.10.2022 13:01

Raaaaaand ke baache mere se 1000000km door rah..

@himanshudoshi26 - 17.09.2022 09:59

Such things don't work with Indians

@acacsstudyinchina2814 - 16.09.2022 16:36

Very Informative!!! Thank you!

@Awesome55055 - 14.09.2022 17:25


@mohammedabdullah2420 - 11.09.2022 10:29

Perfectly done video 👏👏👏

@dpersonal1 - 31.08.2022 23:21

The “tactical response” to “how I am supposed to do that” is simply “ I don't know. It is not my problem. Figure it out on your own.”

@dynamics9000 - 22.08.2022 18:32

After I found out that money is only a tool to exchange for values, I stopped saving and started investing.... Invest your money to make more money, By saving your money you only lose its value and it gets depreciated.... a fellow creator ^=^

@juanbarberis7192 - 16.08.2022 03:33

For Americans only…..

@temimegraham1904 - 10.08.2022 13:07

Great insights, thank you.

@carlagthinkbig8638 - 15.07.2022 22:19

Good advise but not quite realistic in nowadays cold world. About the landlord, i got this: "how am i supposed to do that?" "Unsh*t yourself, take it or leave the house" or at work, an unreasonable task, same question, got the answer "I don't care, you figure it out for yourself if you want to continue here" to negotiate after these answers?

@numberstimes - 03.06.2022 18:45

These books were written before the web. Think about it, isolation behind screens was not obstacle oriented. E books are a good beginning, but we need to be around other humans. That is what is missing these days.

@riyasachan4097 - 01.06.2022 07:25

1- Make them feel heard.
2- Make them say "That's right".
It seem like, It sounds like.
3- How am I supposed to do that.

@SoloMotivation - 12.05.2022 10:31

Start Today!
To win or become successful, you have to begin. Map out the circumstances you need to get ahead in your life, If you cannot find them, make them. Take initiative.
So start now...

Thanks for reading and supporting my channel 🙏🏻

@jayaviles7268 - 05.05.2022 15:31


@Paleolillith - 23.04.2022 19:13

tactical empathy.... aka.... socially engineered manipulation

@criticalbil1 - 08.04.2022 02:08

That was really interesting! Great summary, as usual.

@brigitpimm8488 - 02.04.2022 20:34

How am I supposed to do that sounds kind of sarcastic to me...

@yuae5078 - 02.04.2022 13:33

This is just manipulating people for empathy eh? This will work in a hostage situation but in real life day-to-day scenarios? You're just basically manipulating people out of their empathy. How are you even able to build trust and rapport long term with that?

@Mark-te8ky - 30.03.2022 22:21

@maiarafagundes4097 - 06.03.2022 09:04

eu estive aqui

@vikrantingale4466 - 02.03.2022 00:10

Eminem wrote a book?

@aerial_camera_video_imaging - 28.01.2022 13:31

In a nutshell... "feel, felt, found".
Really not a new approach.

@zayedlasheen2382 - 07.01.2022 23:12

I’ll definitely read it
