My travel art kit | what I always take with me

My travel art kit | what I always take with me

Jaclyn Baer

1 год назад

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@awatercolourist - 16.07.2023 17:01


@heidikarpa2278 - 16.07.2023 18:12

Second! 🤣 that view was worth stopping for. 🏔️Your demi Art Toolkit palette is perfect for small kits.

@sharonsunshine2532 - 16.07.2023 19:20

I don't have a car kit. I do think I will throw one together. Thanks for the inspiration 🥰👍 It's gorgeous there! I hope you are staying well and having a blast.

@amandabartlett309 - 16.07.2023 21:31

How will you sharpen your pencil? Perhaps a small X-Acto knife or I found a pencil cap that has a sharpener built into it. I’m wondering how the micron pen would cope with extreme heat, being left in a car. Thanks so much for this, so enjoy your videos.

@cmoknutson - 16.07.2023 22:15

Love this! I rarely stop to make art when I’m out running errands, but maybe a car kit will encourage me to make time for creativity. Thanks for the inspiration!

@hannahcrumley3103 - 16.07.2023 22:33

I have recently put a small kit together (thanks to you for that inspiration!). Mine has similar stuff- I have a white gel pen and a couple of colored pencils (water color pencils). Before this I looked like I was going camping every time I went out to plein air paint! I had a chair and tripod, and a backpack full of stuff! The water brushes have been a game changer for me! I am really enjoying your videos!!!

@mearchdesign - 16.07.2023 23:21

Beautiful view 😍
One question Jaclyn, you don't bring gouache in your travel kit?

@PhoenyxAshe - 17.07.2023 18:31

I made a couple of car kits. One is in an altoids tin - six colors in half pans, a bit of sponge cloth, a water brush, and a tiny sketchbook... that somehow still managed to be about one signature too thick. The other starts with a sketchbook a bit larger than an altoids box (don't remember the exact dimensions, and am not awake enough to go out to the car to look), that when I made I added a pocket to the inside cover. In that pocket is a card that has five or six strips of Peerless watercolor (about a 1/2 to 3/4" x 2") on one side, and a trimmed down piece of Yupo paper on the other to use as a mixing palette. I then used a thick hair elastic to hold a water brush to the side, and tucked the whole thing into a part of a cut down sock that also serves to help clean the brush. Both have been used, though not much since I also have a small kit (which changes and shifts as I work out what I like) that stays in my bag as well. Recently I also started tucking a small notebook and pen into the center console of my car as well. Initially to record mileage for a project, but since then for general notes and reminders.

Now I just need to make a bag or box to keep them all from rattling around in the console...

@StephanieCorralArt - 18.07.2023 00:03

Great video, thanks for sharing 😊

@maryhazlett - 18.07.2023 12:04

What no one ever seems to use are watercolor postcards. While the paper isn't Arches, it's often Strathmore. No need to cut unless you are making small paintings and you can then cut in half. I buy the postcards for the paper, not to mail.

@sarahlucas1999 - 19.07.2023 09:26

I'd never thought of a kit to keep in the car. Great idea 🥰

@musfica - 19.07.2023 17:08

Very interesting, i really love the tiny travel kit idea, i would be making one too for my travels ❤️👏

@montetiger866 - 19.07.2023 18:08

This is so clever! :D I cannot sketch so small so I would add an A5 sketchbook and also some watercolour pencils just in-case.

@angieconley6501 - 23.07.2023 02:46

Maybe add a clipboard. I think it would be easier to hold a clipboard. Glad you didn’t just give up because of a little rain. I’m actually working on downsizing enough to be able to carry just the basics. I tend to want to take too much. 😊

@erina_aloe - 28.07.2023 01:24

I'm into car drawing becouse I live in pretty freezing region. First of all I have a couple of plastic panels in different sizes to have some hard surfes but I not taking them out.
For kit - I love watersolueble graphite pencils and stick, you could easy get shades and voluem to your sketch in no time with it. Also fountain pens - one with permanent inks and one with watersolueble too. Couple of waterbrushes in case I forgot to reload one. Mini watercolors in altoids tin (classic), permanent fineliner and regular or colored pencil, kneaded ereaser and sharpener.
I have some random paper sheets and tiny handmade sketchbook with thicc paper inside.
That's all. Sometimes I have something different but this is totaly my go to kit for all places and weather.

Your videos always so nice, calm and inspiring ❤ thank you!

@franswey2 - 29.08.2023 06:02

❤🙋🏼‍♀️ Hi! What an amazing view of the mountains to capture in watercolor. Thank you so much for sharing. I love the small watercolor pads and books. I have been collecting them so they aren’t too precious to use. I have several small watercolor palettes like yours, so much fun to use. I have, both, water brushes and travel brushes that screw open and close. The ones that just slip on seem to weaken too quickly. Have a wonderful week and better weekend. Sincerely, Fran

@RockyRoadCreationsbyDiana - 15.09.2023 04:13

I want to see the completed painting. You have a great kit.

@dilipsamarasinghe778 - 05.10.2023 16:06

Beautiful scenery.!!! Where were you?

@deliciouscolours - 16.10.2023 17:27

I wish I could like this video multiple times.❤

@Around_the_253 - 26.10.2023 05:43

Thank you for the wonderful idea and video.

@Maretime - 06.11.2023 21:33

So tiny but so useful and easy to take anywhere <3

@deadaccounthaha3053 - 11.11.2023 05:21

this is so cool! what colors do you use in your palette? thinking of getting a smaller one for myself to make plein air easier

@sandiellis8305 - 12.11.2023 11:51

I keep saying I'm going to do plein air but haven't.......I am definatly making a set for the car TODAY, with what I have excuses 🙂 - great idea TY 🇬🇧

@Freundinnen100 - 09.01.2024 20:27

While traveling, I prefer sketch pads instead of sketch books. You can rip easily pages apart, use them later in memory books or give them to nice people you meet while traveling. This is why my art is found in two bathrooms so far 😂 dont know, why restaurants owners love it, to put pictures in the bathroom 😅

@greekveteran2715 - 07.05.2024 10:19

I can''t understand the "Tiney" sketchbooks and palettes. You can manage to make a tiny picture, but it will never be a painting, like in an A5 or A4 size. I Even A6 paper size, looks small for water color. I only use A6,for dry medium sketching and 90% of the time,when on the go, I use A5 sketchbooks.
What about sharing your artwork with others? Do you ask them, to buy a microscope, to take a look at your artwork?

@christianebehr138 - 22.05.2024 19:41

Very intresting , your bag is perfekt. 😊

@melb.4609 - 17.06.2024 07:30

Cool ideas!

@learnwithcathhh - 13.08.2024 05:27

Oh I love to be with you there and I also do my own artwork of the view! It's just feels so alive to draw without anyone disturbing❤

@juanmelgar152 - 22.10.2024 18:25

You are so calm, and that's a very useful kit.

@CindyBaertson - 14.11.2024 20:01

Hey Hun, I’m wondering where you got the little containers to hold the kneaded eraser. I definitely need some!! 💕💕

@DerickWells - 17.12.2024 06:33

Love the car kit idea! Where’d you get the little plastic case for your kneaded eraser?

@kimberlycorliss9616 - 26.12.2024 19:32

Nice demo! Thanks for sharing. I'm an over packer. I'm trying to keep my car kit small. Your kit is inspiring, fun, and simple. The rain only proved your point that it's great for on the go. Beautiful location too. Best Wishes!❤

@IMANI547 - 08.01.2025 06:19

Aweeee this really help me so much! (*ˊᗜˋ*)ᵗᑋᵃᐢᵏ ᵞᵒᵘ
