Trying the BEST Sustainable Period Options | Ft. INTIMINA Menstrual Cups, Leakproof Undies, and more

Trying the BEST Sustainable Period Options | Ft. INTIMINA Menstrual Cups, Leakproof Undies, and more

Jamie Leigh Gagnon

55 лет назад

421 Просмотров

The past few years have brought a huge rise in the number of available menstrual products on the market. From menstrual cups, leakproof underwear, reusable pads, and more, choosing a menstrual product that works for you can seem daunting. Throughout this video, we will be taking a look at some of my favourite products in each category - I will walk you through how to use each of them, why I like each one, and why some don't work for me personally. Every product I talked about in this video is linked below.

I am very passionate about women's health, and menstruation is an important topic to me! If you have any questions about anything I discussed in this video, please let me know down in the comments. I am so happy to answer!

Follow me on Instagram and TikTok @jamieleighgagnon
Business Inquiries can be made to [email protected]

Products in This Video:
Intimina Lily Cup Compact

Intimina Accessory Cleaner

Intimina Ziggy Cup 2

Intimina Balmy

DivaCup Model 1 -
Amazon -

Nixit Mentrual Disk

Knix Leakproof Underwear + Reusable Pads
You can shop Knix here:
You can use code JAMIELEIGHGAGNON_KNIXLOVE to save $10 on your purchase of $100 or more!
Find my full leakproof undies guide here:

August Sustainable Disposable Pads and Tampons

00:00 Introduction
01:59 Menstrual Cup - Lily Cup Compact
06:13 Menstrual Cup - Ziggy Cup 2
07:30 Balmy Intimate Moisturizer
8:44 Menstrual Cups - DivaCup and Nixit
9:24 Leakproof Underwear - Knix
12:47 Reusable Pads
14:55 Compostable + Low-Plastic Disposable Products
16:33 Closing Thoughts and Goodbye!

About Jamie Leigh Gagnon
I specialize in giving brutally honest reviews about different fashion, swimwear, and women's beauty products. I will always give you my unfiltered review so that you can make an informed shopping choice! Let me know if there are any brands you have been curious about, and I will happily give them a try!

Disclaimer: I only recommend products I would use myself and all opinions expressed here are my own. The links included under my videos may include affiliate links for which I receive a small commission at no increased cost to you. I appreciate your support if you choose to use them! ♥

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