The Weihrauch Hw95K and some Air Arms news.

The Weihrauch Hw95K and some Air Arms news.

Hot Air

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@ianpotter7617 - 13.07.2019 19:22

Really enjoyed watching that.

@kass1kass11 - 05.09.2019 14:52

Tony is a huge assist to the show

@darrencady4261 - 06.09.2019 21:10

Lloyd, I have a short stroked (Tinbum) with a VMach kit HW80 from 1983 with a whisperer silencer and can say with honesty that these old silencers do work- and very well. One strange thing is that if the silencer is unscrewed leaving on the adapter and then fired the rifle will sound a very loud crack. Remove the adapter and the crack on discharge disappears.
I do agree that HW silencers are probably the very best and will mute the crack on a pcp to a quiet phut!

@hamid4074 - 18.09.2019 01:25

Why i cant find it in zenmarket ?

@Orkneyshooter - 25.10.2019 20:04

I could be wrong, but I think the 85 was bought in or taken over from BSF. This is the best all round airgun channel. I love the sheer variety of the kit you review and the complete honesty, even about stuff you both sell, import or manufacture.

@garrisonsmith8136 - 02.11.2019 17:19

Also keep in mind the composition of air rifle moderators vs. Firearms suppressors. The moderators are of (thermo)plastic composition (at least the ones I've seen are), while the suppressors are ALL made of steel, titanium, aluminum alloy, etc.
If you interchange the "plastic" ones to a firearm, especially one with really serious gas pressures, such as, say, a .22-250 on up, you're going to witness a stupendous explosion at the end of your barrel once you "drop the hammer", as it were. Those gasses are waaay too powerful for plastic to contain and you'll see all kinds of deconstruction happen.
Safest thing is not to ever get into the idea of interchangement. And also remember the exorbitant cost of firearms suppressors as well vs. well built air arm moderators.
One suppressor can easily pay for a VERY good air arm (with ALL the "trimmings"). I'm talkin' about one capable of 300++ yds/meters high velocity, serious ft./lbs. energy, pinpoint precision accuracy, etc. vs. moderator costs at < £200-£300 at best which are quieter than suppressors, easily.

@mercury8117 - 21.11.2019 01:51

I think you can still buy the 85. I think originally the 95 was introduced as a lighter weight option to the 35(but i may be wrong) the 85 i believe was a light weight alternative to the 80 round about mid 80s. Spoilt for choice really i wouldn't change my 1982 hw80mk1 for anything.

@garethh6962 - 23.11.2019 16:48

Got tbt kit in my 95 Luxus and I hear a lot more good said about the tbt kit than v-mach. Tbt all the way very smooth..

@ashleybishton742 - 19.12.2019 01:41

I got one of these guns. Needs a tune out the box but other than that good guns.

@ashleybishton742 - 19.12.2019 01:46

I'm trying Welsh willy kit in my baby.

@davidacosta147 - 29.12.2019 23:35

Like the looks of it with the silencer nice rifle gonna get me one

@davemonday5381 - 19.03.2020 16:19

No anti bear trap on a gun without a bear trap well spotted And how dare you say anything bad about a old meteor. Great video great gun. Keep it up try saying something nice about British guns. There nothing wrong with being a patriot and proud of it Look forward to more videos cheers

@CubGrylls - 05.04.2020 14:30

Still waiting for the airarms secret project progress

@extreme.4576 - 01.05.2020 23:39

I love mine I have a HW95 .177
R9 .22
(2) R9 .20 I love the .20caliber best hunting caliber in a springer. Just my opinion

@jfpointblank8929 - 11.05.2020 18:12

You need to use your brain I am laughing my ass off because anti bear trap means the safe goes on automatic and you said it doesn't have anti bear trap but the safe goes on automatic those two things are the same thing lol🤣

@freddyferret2313 - 26.05.2020 05:17

Anybody thinking of buying a air rifle watch these guys good info and truthful analysis.

@tonyhoodlass1846 - 21.07.2020 03:09

Hot Air Lloyd Great video of the HW95 about the Best break barrel on the market

@ashleybishton742 - 29.07.2020 03:38

You need to debure the cylinder as HW dont do so at factory or u damage ure piston seal straight up pulling it out. But it alright tho mine is it got damaged but didnt need a new one.

@1stinlastout165 - 21.09.2020 10:08

A very dependable rifle that's trouble free and pure quality!

@Happy-Me. - 24.10.2020 16:22

Degrease, add a Top hat, relube and you have a fantastic gun!

@Mirpurmad - 24.11.2020 23:58

can this rifle be thoroughly lubricated without getting its warranty voided? are there any authorized dealers or sellers in UK that can offer this full service without affecting the warranty?

@ashleybishton742 - 01.12.2020 08:08

My 95 my Bessy. Got Deleon spring guide in mine hawk airmax 30 sf scope use a Chinese make of pellet its a flawless combo. I don't shoot much but needed a cheap gun to play with anytime I want and it does it. I used to be big into my guns but soon as I did cattys so decided the HW would do me. Ive had all the best guns out and hw95 is one of them. My trigger set to hair line and just love the trigger as can rest finger tip on and follow through is easily done. Just hits every single time.

@ManiacInTheShed - 16.01.2021 17:52

I'd like to see a HW90 video

@greekveteran2715 - 31.01.2021 16:40

Which Weihrauch Hw95 is better for hunting? Should I go for Weihrauch Hw95 deluxe 22 or 177? I want the best hunter maximum 400euro. I would really appriciate any help.Thanks in advance

@stevejohnson1797 - 06.02.2021 19:29

I agree defo best break barrel ever made, superb hunting tool built to last great acuracy. Shoots perfect with a welsh willy drop in kit fitted. Cant fault it its all the gun u will ever need!

@Keviin2310 - 15.04.2021 20:48

Just got myself a Hw95 in .22, Ordered a TBT Kit and took the Rifle apart. Cleaned the factory grease and waiting till the Parts arrive. Very smooth Shooter

@kurt5079 - 02.05.2021 20:20

£300 for a 95!? where they are £400+ everywhere I've seen them. Think mine was £410 12 months ago.

@luthiervandros - 14.05.2021 01:11

Good discoosin’, lads. 😂. My favorite accent ever.

@Woodyt - 18.05.2021 15:50

Glad to see this as I have it on order and looking forward to shooting it and passing it on to a Grandson. Nice job

@harryw9598 - 19.05.2021 20:02

yeah the hw85 is the same airgun as the bsf 70.

@tanyano9 - 07.06.2021 02:14

Any reason you say a 95 shoots better than an 80..?

@tanyano9 - 09.06.2021 13:13

Airarms want to connect with its retailers..? What about the punters, revamp the springs would be my first idea...

@crazycarper3780 - 21.07.2021 16:35

What gun shop do they work from??????????

@patrickpirelli7897 - 05.11.2021 10:33

I took my BSA lightning GRT XL se back and bought the Hw95k only had it a week and bagged me a rabbit and a pheasant which were delicious, even my misses now comes hunting with me. One think I don't like about it is the length of that silencer, so ime ime on the hunt for one half the length.

@ken244 - 11.01.2022 00:53


@johnroberts3723 - 21.02.2022 03:16

Very accurate gun .

@buijs1967 - 13.04.2022 20:21

Huma has nice modular silencers.

@michaelparry9377 - 17.04.2022 12:01

Mine loves bisley magnums at 11.7 ft- lb . Slight bonk but you dont miss. My best field gun by far.

@johnnybbgunner2136 - 24.04.2022 15:05

Springer with a good scope are the greenest rifles ever made. The only thing you need is ammunition and some cocking effort.💪🏻🇺🇸

@eriabanda7840 - 20.07.2022 22:27

Thanks guys I like your produts

@paultowns9880 - 05.08.2022 10:13

Good crack lads. Thanks.

@loki1066 - 04.11.2022 18:22

Get that frikken hat back on 🤣

@chadwellterror9296 - 24.06.2023 23:43

Could you have some kind of iron sight on it?

@nicktatters7523 - 01.10.2023 11:40

Brilliant channel, with great discussions and advice. Keep up the great content lads!👍

@neiledwards8931 - 03.04.2024 13:41

Sorry, but I do not agree that the HW95 is better than the HW80 accuracy wise , with respect.

@6lr6ak6 - 29.05.2024 15:23

Worst one they do is the 57, 97s are best underleaver, best break barrel is this 95, mine has a reflex moderator,
15ft/lb very very accurate using FTTs 14.6 grain.

@greg4161 - 04.08.2024 20:55

Inmo this gorgeous rifle is the finest in the world

@patrickpirelli7897 - 23.09.2024 22:46

That's not as good as the 97 and nowhere as accurate, Ive got one and have just bought 97k the 97k is just smoother and far more accurate

@davidroberts6977 - 09.01.2025 16:07

Just got one in 177 only ever had 22 rifles find it very jumpy and it's horrible to shoot compared to my hw80 that thing is unreal no kick quiet powerful but heavy though with ots custom thumbhole stock in walnut

@grizmt7779 - 16.01.2025 23:41

I’m 75brears old and had a stroke some 6 years ago taking strength away from me. I trying to learn to shoot again and need a rifle. To this end I purchased a Hatsan 1000S striker, but I needed to put the but on the ground and use me weight to cock it. I am now trying to figure out what springer would work for me that can be used for small game hunting and pinking a bit. I see there are Beeman R9s (HW95?) available, but are listed on Pyramyd’s site with a cocking force of 40 lbs. I keep seeing guys on YT saying how easy it is to cock the HW95, but it is listed at Pyramyd at 40 lbs. I have only the Hatsan to go by so I’m hoping for som help here. I thought the HW50, given it had less power and was listed on the same site with a cocking force of 28 lbs, was the answer, but a fella on You tube told me the HW50 was the hardest Weihrauch he had to cock and he owned HW95S and a HW50 among others. Thank you in advance for any help understanding this.
