AI Music Video for Shapeshifter by Caidicus

AI Music Video for Shapeshifter by Caidicus


2 месяца назад

62 Просмотров

The video is AI generated using Neural Link, a pretty cool service that cost me $40 a month for 36 minutes of 1080p video generation. The videos are generated off of images that you either upload yourself, or create from a prompt. Their prompt generation is also pretty cool as there's a "pimp my prompt" option that will add and edit your prompts in a way that can create more refined images to start the video generation from.

While the video is AI generated, the music was composed myself using my plethora of hardware synthesizers. I'm quite interested in the world of AI, and have briefly tried AI music generation out of curiousity, I find the process removes the fun of actually creating music myself. So, I think I'll stick with actually making my own music.

This song is called Shapeshifter and is based off the idea of what our world might feel and look like to an alien that lands here and experiences it. I feel like the AI generation does a great job of making scenes from our world look and feel otherworldly, as it might seem to that alien as they go through different locations.

Anyway, thanks for watching, let me know what you think, and I'll see you all in the next one.



#AI_generation #music_video #electronica #AI_video_generation #music_production
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