Classic WoW's "Season of Mastery" is a WASTE of TIME!

Classic WoW's "Season of Mastery" is a WASTE of TIME!


2 года назад

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@ArmageddonEvil - 07.10.2021 19:03

They are stringing their whales along until they actually release Classic+ in a year. lol

@badgertom6153 - 07.10.2021 19:17

So season of mastery is just turning classic into Diablo3's seasonal stuff? Yawn.

@ASZzztoluca - 07.10.2021 19:20

Isnt this what private servers already do for free?
Why pay Blizzard for the same experience you can get for free?

@hmonglord - 07.10.2021 19:21

i wonder if the women in Classic + will be bowl of fruit.

@ivansavic8087 - 07.10.2021 19:34

its a simple cash grab. Tho 12 mo for classic for a casual is to fast

@Skyblade12 - 07.10.2021 19:37

WoW has been a seasonal game like Diablo for years. This is the natural evolution of it.

@emrik99 - 07.10.2021 19:57

Classic + should be like an alternate timeline . This would be start at regular classic and then add in all the cut content from vanilla .
Even If they did that though odds are they would kill it with a cash shop

@mariovergara7361 - 07.10.2021 20:02

Here BOT's comming again XD, Classic + is the solution for bouth WoW's ;) make with the same base a new game :D, without any kind of testing for players, all new from the start again and experience a great journey without the mistakes ;)

@chilliams89 - 07.10.2021 20:19

I'm extremely torn about Season of Mastery. I'm one of those who truly love classic wow, but I'd still prefer to see retail move back to Azeroth instead of what we're getting with SoM.

@Shiirow - 07.10.2021 20:20

"I already did this content, why would I want to do it again but slightly harder."

Literally the mythic+ system in a nutshell.

@danielnolan8848 - 07.10.2021 20:38

Activision Blizzard does not have it in them to make a game like old school runescape, asking for old Blizzard is akin to asking for Mike and Jeff to come back. It's dumb

@z3nji - 07.10.2021 20:48

"I don't play Classic Wow, but here's my opinion on Classic Wow".. I stopped listening there. thanks for the warning.

@mccoyrj452 - 07.10.2021 21:02

This would be fun if I still wanted to play it. Removing world buffs from raids will be a massive nerf to player power and throw class balance around but so will the removal of the rebuff limit. My problem is that playing nearly anything with a Blizzard splash screen doesn’t feel right. I am somewhat hypocritical in that I adore D2, but WoW has felt off for a while both retail and Classic.

@WowDestroyer9 - 07.10.2021 22:27

BLIZZARD is a waste of a company

@d9nx239 - 07.10.2021 23:04

THIS: "Blizzard just do more work in retail, get world of warcraft back to a place where people don't even care about the remake of the glory days, cuz this is the glory days".

@PK-sd6ek - 07.10.2021 23:07

"Get retail back to a phase when people don't care about classic" well said brother.

@gscgold - 08.10.2021 01:57

I'm honestly going to play it, I won't be rushing to end game because I love Azeroth leveling. I'm doing it now on tbc classic, just started a mage that will be the first time I've ever leveled one in the 14 + years of me having an account.

@laertesindeed - 08.10.2021 03:23

I'm totally against changing retail to have old bosses scaled up that I have to do using the current design of affliction warlock. I hate the current design of affliction warlock.....I much prefer previous designs of affliction warlock such as in vanilla and tbc and wrath and I would even settle for the MoP version. I want shadow bolts back. I want strong dots. I want on demand aoe that does not underperform. I want life tap. I want my demon to matter.

If they want to restore the entire spell versions and design and interactivity and the way talents worked back then and whatever borrowed power systems bla bla.... fine. Otherwise, no.

@yetimightis9572 - 08.10.2021 07:12

all the games that came out in the past 15 years and people still playing classic wow, pretty crazy to me

@clyd1206 - 08.10.2021 07:31

I really like it. Unfortunately I was hoping for this the first time around. I played all of Classic and by the time I hit Phase 5 I was burnt out because of the world buff meta and bots. After almost 8 years away I came back because I never raided in Vanilla. I was SUPER excited to finish Naxx but by the time I got there I was burnt out and didnt really enjoy it. You say "bring back the glory days". I get what you are saying but the vast majority of Classic players hate retail and the reasons they hate it will never be taken out of retail. Retail gameplay is SO different at this point that they would have to start over. Which I completely support btw HOWEVER that wont happen. SO if this is the beginning of a separate game, I like it and may actually turn my sub back on. Unfortunately they didnt mention the major issue . FUCKING BOTS!! Granted speeding up the timeline will lessen the impact they can have but by the time Naxx roles out they will be in full force . Dear Blizzard just hire some fucking GMs and look after the damn game. Its not fucking hard.

@luv2ruck770 - 08.10.2021 15:01

Another video of someone reading the blue post. We've all read it, that's not even the most recent one

@uncleclaps44 - 08.10.2021 16:21

How i see classic is like buying the first edition of skyrim and playing it. then buying it again for the legendary then buying it again for the special edition and now buying it again for the anniversary edition.. the game is the same as it was back then only i'm still paying full retail price for a few bits and bobs and left feeling unsatisfied.
can't wait till world of warcraft classic classic comes out again so i can speedrun that one more bloody time.

@kanrox4233 - 08.10.2021 17:06

I was hoping they would make more changes and add new content to classic but I'll still play it over retail any day.

@vultrex1839 - 08.10.2021 17:58

If they added tbc talents or balanced hybrid classes, it would add a lot more incentive for people to play.

@justan324 - 08.10.2021 18:50

deffently a waste of resources that could be used to improve retail

@Mr_Tenko - 09.10.2021 14:33

Classic wow was fun the first time playing it, but going back and doing that all over again just felt like a tedious task to me because the char I started back then is still my main now, but everyone to their own but I wont be going back to classic or tbc ( maybe wrath ) but just not for me.

@GeorgeNoX - 09.10.2021 17:04

When they first announced classic i was excited and i loved playing it, but now im realizing that Blizzard will likely want to push new ''fresh start'' every couple of months and this just feels like another money grab to me. I have zero interest to play classic for the third time, and i played in TBC classic all over again from lvl 1 as well so im spent on that content.

@popsikleCL - 11.10.2021 16:20

You know some of us play video games to waste time right?? And some of us really enjoy old school content... retail can kiss my ass.

@Raoul9753 - 11.10.2021 16:27

"Hey, that dungeon boss who has no mechanics other than being a hard hitting damage sponge now has more health and does more damage! So much more engaging content!"

@jordanmann420 - 11.10.2021 21:39

Why is summoning stones such a issue really don’t understand thst

@youtubedeletedmynamewhybother - 13.10.2021 09:20

For me, ide actually rather we get this then me having to play retail for another 6 months.
I really dont see any patches in shadowlands breaking the gameplay loop of us going to the maw to release souls and do dailies. I would much rather be able to re-enjoy vanilla azeroth again in the mean time while the devs can maybe attempt to fix up retail.
At the end of the day im a WoW addict and ide rather have a game to play than have to do another fucking korthia daily.

@LaurentLenarez - 14.10.2021 03:37

Yay let's recycle nostalgia based subscriptions. Let's not fix anything of the game 'cuz we are amazing developers and there's no better game than wow. You players don't know what you want. We'll tell you what you will like and when. We are blizzard. We don't care about you. We protect our investors.

@OozeSpriest - 14.10.2021 03:52

housing? WOD? sounds awful. classic seasons sounds great. server domination is the goal - not instance pve

@BobSoonable - 14.10.2021 10:33

who the fuck is that guy?

@holden_tld - 19.10.2021 01:22

what would be cool is if they released a version that included all the content through shadowlands, but where all the dungeons were scaled/syncd and you had to clear through all the dungeons raids in order to progress, instead of skipping 16 years of content and going to shadowlands.

maybe remove leveling entirely.

@joshbelton2689 - 25.10.2021 11:10

exactly who cares about doing it all over again with mailboxes at your starting zones.... and bosses having more HP.. i mean come on

@tzengi372 - 09.11.2021 03:02

In psychology this is called sunk cost fallacy. In business this is called milking.

@samljer - 16.11.2021 02:32

Would make more sense without phases.
Create a ladder and reset. i mean, its called "season of mastery"

@gameshow8602 - 21.11.2021 18:24

Don’t agree

@jankopandza1072 - 28.12.2021 18:44

retail is ..well.. a classic is ..well...a fail..introduction of same game but with full pacthes = full nerfs in it and marketing it as same game was a joke we still laugh at. funny thing is most players thought they are playing original wow Vanilla . LOL. i guess some still think wow Classic was something similar to Vanilla. well.. it was not. not even close as far as difficulty goes . a nerfed wow classic was fun to retail players i guess.
