All you need to know about Aglaonema Chinese Evergreen

All you need to know about Aglaonema Chinese Evergreen

Swedish Plantguys

3 года назад

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@incifisenk9945 - 11.10.2023 13:58

Very informative as always 😍 Thank you very much for sharing🙏🏼🕊☮️💚🙋🏻‍♀️

@veryberry39 - 15.10.2023 07:00

I've watched so many of these videos over the past couple weeks that today, while I was perusing the plant section at a nearby store, even though I didn't know anything about this particular plant yet I was like "Okay, Swedish Plantguys says to look for the one with the most stems, and to check the roots..." 😂 I wound up getting one of these plants, though it's a pale pink variegation and I love it so much! Thank you guys for putting out such great, detailed videos for us. I've learned a ton! <3

@doaasawaby6834 - 20.10.2023 02:09

I love your videos
I have one of this lovely plants now I know it needs more water
But what about soft stems my plant doesn't stand firmly like these it seems more dull and loose

@ShadowsEcho1990 - 11.11.2023 06:55

Question regarding Nursery Cups/Cages/Mesh:

(These are highly debated over from what I've seen. Some people say that they unalive plants, some say they have no effect...)

I rescued a large, drowning, Red Emerald about a year ago. Upon bringing it home, I felt that it was necessary to repot promptly in order to get it out of the soggy soil before the roots were damaged. In the process, I found that the root ball was still very healthy overall-- In fact, the plant had so many roots that any attempt at removing the Nursery Cups around the base of the plant would likely cause even more unnecessary stress and damage than if I left them intact.

Throughout this past year, this is the only Aglaonema in my collection that's given me issues... About once each month, I find a single leaf, (typically towards the bottom) that is absolutely mushy while the rest of the plant seems to be doing just fine.

-I only went up once pot size when I repotted From 10 inches to 12, with the new pot being slightly wider than it is tall. It has drainage holes, and I also use a somewhat barky soil with good drainage.
--I am typically watering infrequently enough to experience occasional yellowing leaves from underwatering, as mentioned in the video. (Once each month or less, although I check the soil moisture frequently.)
--This is the only Aglaonema in my collection to experience this issue, but it's also the only one who still has its Nursery Cups still attached.

So what I'm asking is, is it possible that the Nursery Cups are hurting my Red Emerald, and the mushy leaves is how it's expressing it's discomfort, or am I doing something else wrong? Has anyone else ever had this experience?

@dhivyamugunthan9711 - 17.12.2023 09:11

Very useful video on aglonema plant care. Will be great if we include plant propagation also as a part in this.

@sbaroke - 20.12.2023 15:36

Your videos are fantastic - so much valuable information, rather than the pointless repetitive and largely irrelevant babble found on so many other channels. One minor thing - instead of "wet" cloth, it's better to use the adjective "damp." When you say wet, a native English speaker will associate this with a cloth that is completely soaked through and dripping with water.

@Dave-if5qj - 05.01.2024 17:06

There about $20 to $30
In the US for a quality specimen
From a specialist shop
Might get one a big box store
For $15 but find there quality
Not so great

@Dave-if5qj - 10.01.2024 22:09

I bought a humidifier for my plants and you can see they respond to it in couple days

@mydailyreward2090 - 13.01.2024 20:08

If my new leaves are small, 1. Do they continue to grow as they age? And 2. Why is my new growth so small? (2 or 3cm). I want large leaves

@micaj4437 - 27.01.2024 06:59

Love the info! I was gifted a Silver Queen Chinese ever green 13 yrs ago. It is still living! However, last year I repotted it and tried to propagate bc it became “leggy” 🤦🏾‍♀️. And it suffered big time and I can’t seem to get it to thrive again. Hoping to pick up some tips that can remedy that. Plus, today I purchased an Ivory Jade and am so excited to start seeing it grow like my 1st one did. I’d like to get two more later, but waiting to see how I do with the two I have. Love your videos 👍🏾.

@lb2791 - 29.01.2024 09:05

Excellent video! I'm quite experienced with houseplants but never had an Aglaonema. This video gave all the important information!

@diannebennett8200 - 11.02.2024 22:21

Very informative about light requirements.

@isabelle5854 - 05.03.2024 22:34

So interessing❤

@PureAussiegirl - 16.03.2024 22:45

Very detailed about Aglaonemas 💖 Will be going through more of your plant care videos.

@manjulachaudhury3410 - 21.03.2024 07:39

What a lovely video I have ever come across

@angelymichaela - 13.04.2024 21:31

And how I propagate it? :(

@rosabonnette5993 - 19.04.2024 22:35

Your videos are awesome with lots of information! Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge with us!

@singhtesing2527 - 25.04.2024 11:31

I love aglonema and I don't know how to multiple it , I just have one plant, can anyone tell me how to multiply

@sowbhagyapalagraharaveerai1366 - 27.04.2024 16:42

How totake care of rubber plant kept indoor

@s.velez-lorenzo7895 - 08.05.2024 04:22

Hi I'm a big fan of yours I have a Dracena that my Mother-in-law gave me for about 30 years and growing in water. It is very tall. I changed it into a large vase and added some pebbles and wine corks. My question, is how can I fertilize the Dracenia growing in water. I appreciate your advice ❤, I also have my plant in front of filter (curtain) southern window.

@umadeavi9838 - 09.05.2024 18:01

The only plant info channel worth listening to. So comprehensive and educational. Love this channel. Keep coming back for a refresher course. Thank you guys.

@bettinawhite7553 - 17.05.2024 05:08

I have a 14year old chinese evergreen that has lost it perkiness and leaves are not beight and shiny anymore. Dont know if I should just repot or if i should cut to propagate. Any advice will help.

@wagnerspadini27 - 16.06.2024 21:38

Lovely collection

@myacob2142 - 25.06.2024 18:00

Thank you for great video... I have a small problem with my aglonema: It always looses the bottom leaf before growing a leaf on top. Not sure what is wrong ? Bottom leaf turns yellow the falls off .

@smaganas - 27.07.2024 19:46

Silver Bay.

What an amazing video. I wish I would have found it years ago. We have two plants that have been in the home for decades. Accidentally left them out overnight earlier this year and I’ve been struggling to bring it back. New leaves are coming in strong but plant is shrinking. Replanting coming up but it may be on its way out.

Question: Does this plant have a unique smell?

@JerseyNative - 08.08.2024 19:01

Thanks so much for saving my plant ❤

@HansWurst-zs6zq - 10.08.2024 01:23

It works also as pure hydroculture plant

@carolegrant1201 - 24.08.2024 07:36

Thank you so much!! You were very thorough and answered all my questions!

@Gena777-r95 - 06.09.2024 17:48

Older video but it took me years to learn what my plant was called!! I just let it grow and it is humongous!!! I love it and now I want more. I have learned how to propogate the plant, so I will be trying that soon. I got it from my mother years ago when it was tiny. She passed on in 2015 so I do all I can to keep it. Along with many other plants she shared with me ❤

@mollyfathman - 18.09.2024 23:25

Really appreciative! Great info (for a plant I keep making suffer - so sad)! Think I've got it now. :)

@audreyanderson5559 - 02.10.2024 17:45

Thanks for a great video which is so full of useful information. I learn more from you than anywhere else.

@sarahhajarbalqis - 10.10.2024 16:35

Thank you. Okay 'more light more light'.

Meaning lighter coloured leaves need more light.

The Aglaonema Ivy Green and Silver Bay are beautiful ❤️

@BruceCaspar - 26.10.2024 05:25

Wow, the most informative, well-spoken tutorial I have had the pleasure to watch. Great job, thanks for the info.

@sofiagoudaropoulou2392 - 28.10.2024 01:31

Excellent video!!thank you!!

@mahmoud.sabahallah - 23.12.2024 15:41

I have a doubt. The Ivory Jade plant is Aglaonema or Dieffenbachia plant?

@rialapang3980 - 06.01.2025 17:56

Your plants looks stunning 🤩😍

@ulyssesguido4249 - 08.01.2025 11:26


@NishaVp-f9t - 20.01.2025 13:32

Super very good information

@kingmj6339 - 22.01.2025 05:19

I just purchased my first Aglaonema Rainbow.. I put it nearby window facing north. I have grow lights to help with lighting, how long should I set timer on lights 3, 9, 12hrs?

@MissKiotosClips - 31.01.2025 23:13

Please do a Dieffenbachia video like this one!!!

@scottraven5465 - 16.02.2025 01:36

Great information as always guys ,, any chance of a diffenbachia video

@Taylor_dta - 03.03.2025 03:03

Is that a Maria in the bottom left of the frame ?🥺 she got left out 🥺

@hambeef5047 - 07.03.2025 08:49

Here in 2025!

@abdulazizkhan6833 - 21.03.2025 14:13

🌹🌹🌹🌹!!!! very informative.
