Top 10 Reasons to Move to Tucson, Arizona. Guess What? You’ll Love the Community!

Top 10 Reasons to Move to Tucson, Arizona. Guess What? You’ll Love the Community!


4 года назад

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@john146muaythai - 26.04.2022 03:01

Happy our Muay Thai Gym opens in Tucson on May 2, 2022 by God's grace

@mariakucinich9427 - 07.03.2022 09:07

Tucson is no longer the great place it once was, too expensive for rent, crime is sky high, people are no longer the friendly crowd. Lived here for 30 years and our present administration leaves lots to be desired

@kofelee2358 - 10.06.2021 01:32

They love wasteing water in Tucson Arizona.park buy the base needs a new title water way waste .need to see some action....... City.... Dry. Dummy asses

@davidfosca1044 - 24.05.2021 04:27

I'm a native, read "Tucson's Shortage of Capital" in the Arizona Daily Independent a excellent analysis of why tucson is in the condition it's in. The problem with this world is truth is rare, if the truth was common the problems of this world wouldn't be pronounced. Honesty has can resolve issues affecting a city, county,state, nation and society. We all will give an account to the Lord Jesus Christ on judgment day.

@John-yv6vo - 28.04.2021 14:46

Thought I would stay here, but the housing prices are too expensive for what you get. Figure I’ll go back to the panhandle where the cost of living is lower and there’s no income tax or property taxes for disabled veterans.

@JohnCarrano - 27.12.2020 12:48

Hi Nick...retiring to AZ this spring/summer. Tuscon is in the running to be my next zip code for so many good reasons (affordability, convience and topography) yet, I can't ignore some of the cons, like the crime rate and the drought conditions. What are your thoughts? The poor job market and sub par schools won't affect me directly because I'll be retired and my kids are out of college.

@BIGLOVE4TRUTH - 26.07.2020 02:44


@SonoranTel - 30.05.2020 19:57

Well done! This video needs a part 2. I love the small but growing Caribbean culture / population of Tucson!

@IsaacFigueroa8387 - 14.05.2020 20:31

I'm sold!

@bryanjaret - 14.05.2020 19:49

Nice work!

@lindawelter2925 - 14.05.2020 01:19

Thank you to GTL, Nick Morin and the sponsors for supporting our great community!

@BarbiReuter - 13.05.2020 19:24

Well done, Nick & Greater Tucson Leadership!
