City report shows San Diego making progress in increasing affordable housing

City report shows San Diego making progress in increasing affordable housing

ABC 10 News

55 лет назад

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A new report shows the City of San Diego has made good progress in increasing the amount of affordable housing in the city.


#10news #affordable_housing #ciara_encinas #housing #kgtv #san_diego
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@CL-em1tk - 02.10.2024 04:42

our tax money

@arcticwolf4707 - 01.10.2024 10:10

420 unit ?? what is that gonna do? what a joke ... that's like a drop in the Atlantic ocean ... by the time I wrote this comment we prob had 420 eviction notices 😂 good o ABC news ...

@diegoflores9237 - 01.10.2024 05:13

That lady doesn't know renting is done online now

@GuessWhatChickenBut - 30.09.2024 22:15

What is affordable housing. Cost the same to build but you just charge less?

@beezusHrist - 30.09.2024 20:11

Rent must be less than 2k a month! And half of those affordable houses this newscast just showed were 55+ Senior living units. That should be outlawed

@ArtOg-pt4jm - 30.09.2024 19:45

It doesn't matter because the only people who are moving into these units are criminals.
