The Weaponisation Of The Justice System Against Trump | Victor Davis Hanson

The Weaponisation Of The Justice System Against Trump | Victor Davis Hanson

John Anderson Media

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@brianburgess3231 - 28.10.2024 02:58

If anything they held back

@PS-js9oh - 28.10.2024 03:08

Lawsuits currently filed in 35 states ...165 suits on election voting. The liberal left justice system will take certain ones out ...unlike ignoring the cases in '20. Guess who's vote will end up being meaningless after their verdicts ? ....weaponisation on steroids

@GeorgePapadopolous - 28.10.2024 03:13

Anderson defending the indefensible again. Just like Howard's criminal invasion of Iraq.

@dikhurtz2406 - 28.10.2024 03:33

Jack Smith should be in Leavenworth

@patricialewis8307 - 28.10.2024 03:34

Two wrongs Don't Make A Right Eh.... Respect The People And The Liberty , The Law Demands Excellent Vision

@jiahan3849 - 28.10.2024 03:38

If they destroy the rule of law, eventually the whole system will break.

@jiahan3849 - 28.10.2024 03:39

Perhaps this is because of woke education and media.

@vonrock6862 - 28.10.2024 03:45

It’s Genocide against our culture and future.

@johnh2527 - 28.10.2024 03:45

Can't wait for dumbo obama's begging for money campaign ads are done.

@thomasjoseph3488 - 28.10.2024 04:17

Our turn is coming up. Boom.

@Elainehutchinson692 - 28.10.2024 04:22

Getting my own truck has always been my dream for my business. I just acquired 2 recently, earning $74K weekly, which has been really helpful. I can
now, give back to the locals in my community and also support the Church.

@Mis-AdventureCH - 28.10.2024 04:45

Corporate fascism and the government they own and operate.

@kanweiwu7339 - 28.10.2024 05:11

Nazi Fascist movement led by Trump is on the rise unfortunately.

@chicojcf - 28.10.2024 05:33

A divided country yet weaponisation appears to be alive and well.

@brianjohnson8247 - 28.10.2024 05:52

Brilliant mind. Listen. Decide. Vote. Fact.

@doronb-a1393 - 28.10.2024 06:28

"אין עם פלסטיני" הם צאצאי:
1) "מהגרי-עבודה" + "פושעים" (מקורם ~7שבטים).
2) ה"מופתי"(=גאון) המציא "עלילת_אל_אקצה" כדי "להפכם_לעם".
3) "מהגרי_עבודה"= חרוצים_מהשאר (לכן מבוקשים).
4) "פושעים" = "שודדים" במיוחד ב"עזה", כי: מעבר אסיה-אפריקה

5) "המשיחיים" חכמים-יותר-מהשב"כ דוגמא:

6) ה"טבח": "ביטל-פיתרון-שתי-מדינות", כי "תגובה-לטרור"="לקיחת-שטח"
7) "הגירה=הפיתרון" (לערביי: עזה, יהודה, שומרון)
8) הגיון: "משך-רפורמת-חינוך = "12שנה": "רק-לאחר-8-שנים": "תחילת-מו"מ-מדיני"
9) לכן אסור להעסיק ערבים מ"יהודה ושומרון".

1)  ABS Valve: much better than BOSCH, ZF, etc. Because faster and Proportional (Because not a Solenoid Valve).
1.1) 98% eff. in Simulated Braking on Dry asphalt W Puddles (Wet asphalt); Calc. using Pasejca (MF) Magic Formula.
2)  Precision RotaryActuator, (Electric W/O ElectricMotor W/O Transmision): for accurate_Robotics.
2.1) Simulation for aiming laser_beam at Target: Capture Target t<0.0006sec. Keep AccurateTracking while strong WindGust. (Because: W/O delays of Coil & Transmision)
(Prev. Version 2015)

2 Designs for (fast) CAR.
The 2nd is either for supirior-steering
Or for superior-mecanical-braking
(All cheaper than existing)
Following is the 1st one:
1)  Unique Valve for shortest Braking-Distance and supirior stability while braking. (Important for fast Passenger Cars)
1.1)  My Invention: I have a (complete design of) low-cost Valve that will replace the 2 on-off solenoid valves (for each wheel, in the ABS) 
1.2)  Will create Brakage: 98% of ideal decelaration on dry-asphalt with paddels (wet-asphalt):
2)  Thus create the best ABS in the world,  Reduce ABS size (more reliable than solenoid valve).
3)  Note: Today ABS use two On-Off Solenoid-Valves because Proportional-Solenoid is not good: Low-Reliability, and at mid position: the flow will be too high: thus, compell bigger-pump.
4)  Linkedin 67953574 : (2 files on the Valve)
5)  Dear OEM :  I have 3 more files on the Valve...

"בחירות" על: "הרכב-וועדת-חקירה".
"אחרי-חצי-שנה": "הצגת-עובדות-ראשיות"
"אחרי-חצי-שנה": "בחירות-לכנסת".

בעיית גנץ
1)  תכלית התמיכה (בסקרים) ב"גנץ":
ה"מערכות": פקידות, פרקליטות, שופטים והטייקונים:
כולם מבינים ש"גנץ" מהווה:
הזדמנות-חד-פעמית של טמבל-טוב-לב "לא-עקשן" ש: "ניתן-לסחיטה", כי: (בטעות) עבר-על-החוק.
יקל-ל"מערכות" (דיפ-סטייט) "להמשיך-לנווט".
2)  בגלל "הריק-במוחו": "נתניהו" ולאחריו "בנט" מנעו ממנו להיות "ראש-ממשלה"
2.1)  אסור ש"גנץ" יהיה "שר-ביטחון"!
3) העם אוהב את גנץ כי טוב-לב לכן:
בבחירות: גנץ=ראש-הממשלה הבא
4) לכן *לפני הבחירות*:
4.1)  לברר מידת-אשמת-גנץ-ב"טבח"
4.2)  לספח "בקעת הירדן"
ו "לתקן-חוקים"
4.3)  לתקן "שיטת בחירת שופטים"

1)  "רמה-נמוכה" של "שופטים":
מבטאים "מגוון-סוגי-חשש": ש"הרוב-בנבחרי-ציבור" יעשה "שטות-קיצונית".
2)  "סבירות-נבחרי-ציבור" עדיפה על "סבירות-שופטים" כי:
"נבחרים" "רוצים-להיבחר-שנית" ואילו "שופטים" "ממונים-לכל-חייהם"
3)  כלומר: "מגוון-סוגי-החשש" אינו מציאותי, כי מתאים לציבור: "נוטה-להתאבדות" ו/או "רשע-ברובו"
4)  "בזכות-התקשורת", מבינים ש: (לרופאים, לפי תקופת-הקורונה; ולפי 2023:) לשופטים: "חכמה-בינונית...".
5)  מסקנה: לחזק (בחקיקה) "הפרדת הרשויות"

(1)  מחשבה למען צדק: הפרקליטות תשלם לסייע להגנת נתבע: 2% מהסכום שהשקיעה בתביעתו (כנראה בכל סוגי המשפט??).
(הצורך לחשב 2% יגרום ל) חישוב 100%: יעזור לסדר עדיפויות (שזה תפקיד ה"כסף" בעולם...)
(2)  "חשבונאות-עלויות-תביעה" היא כלי "ביקורת" לגבי "הוצאות-תביעה".
(2.1)  החשבונאות תאפשר ידיעת סך-העלות בכל-רגע, כדי לוודא שהעלות יחסית לתועלת לאזרחים.
(2.2)  לדוגמא: 2%  מ"עלות-תביעה" של 250 מיליון, זה 5 מיליון (לנתבע מהישוב, אין סכום כזה, להגן על עצמו)
(מגיעים ל-250 מיליון, בגלל ש"מגזימים"...) ידיעת העלות תפחית בזבוז...
2.3)  "לתמחר-פיצוי" "לפי-סוג-עוולה"
לדוגמא: %(2÷5) על "לחץ-מוגזם-על-עד" תשלום-פיצוי-ל: "מושא-העוולה"
(3)  בסיום משפט-נתניהו: לבקש מ: שי-ניצן, להציג-כמות: את חוסר "משאבי-תביעת-פשיעה-אלימה", כי המשאבים הושקעו ב"תביעה-טיפשית"...
(4)  הצרפתים הם "עם-החכם": כדאי ללמוד מהם, (החוק הצרפתי) (למרות שאיני מחבב אותם)...

רק 50%-מדבריו=שטויות:
לעומת80% אצל-כולנו(=הנורמליים),

1)  "לא-למדינה-פלסטינית", תקופת-מעבר: "12 שנה":  ("ספרי-לימוד"+"שיטור")=("איחוד-אירופי"+"סעודיה").
1.1) מו"מ-על *פיתרון-קבע*:
משנה8# עד שנה12#, כי: "משך-חינוך"="12-שנה"
2)  אין "עם-פלסטיני" כי: *מהגרי-עבודה*, (מכ 7 שבטים..) 
לכן *חרוצים-מהממוצע*:
2.1) "לעודד-הגירה": "לצמיחת-מדינות":
בדמוקרטיה של "ממלכת-ירדן" יהוו-רוב"="מדינה-פלסטינית
2.2) "תנאי-לפועלים-זרים": שאפשר לגרשם.

@ewencameron4269 - 28.10.2024 07:00

Victors over rated
Anyone who hasn't realised Trumps a dangerous psychopath and a danger to America and the world just hasn't got it.

@bearowen5480 - 28.10.2024 07:15

The Founders envisaged the democratic horrors of the last eight years, and they labored mightily as they constructed the Constitution to prevent it. Despite their extraordinary wisdom, the mob has been recently in its ascendancy. If Trump is wise as our next President, he will nip anarchy in its bud, and restore our government to its Constitutionally rational state. If victorious Republicans proceed with a program of retaliation and the evening of scores, we will descend into the murky realm of the banana republic, and all of us Americans will be the victims. The temptation to revenge is one of humanity's greatest flaws. If allowed to run amok, we will all lose.

@ruddo1970 - 28.10.2024 07:47

What was it crooked Hilary used to say? "When they go low, we go high". Maybe she meant they get high, because they must be on drugs to carry on the way they have been over Trump!

@skidooshlayman12 - 28.10.2024 09:03

we got folx eatin' cats out here, we're already third world

@vernlindbergs3221 - 28.10.2024 10:22

Bloody nonsense. Another trump apologist. Trump has been an unindicted criminal for more than 50 years.

@Malachor8091 - 28.10.2024 10:35

Trump was indicted over a year ago. The DOJ memorandum says you can't start a criminal process within 90 days of an election, not that you can't continue an existing one.

@mohamedali2858 - 28.10.2024 12:08

One of the contradictions of American thought is that it complains about the judicial system being weaponised against Trump while at the same time claiming that the decisions of the International Court of Justice are not binding on the US and Israel.

@DavidRamirez-ji9cm - 28.10.2024 13:29

Give the left a taste of their own medicine

@scottforschler1847 - 28.10.2024 14:12

The left has not "weaponized" the justice system, they just let it work as intended when there was evidence that certain people did criminal acts. Active interference against indicting such criminals would have been "weaponizing," or using the system against people who are not criminals; Trump has done both, and announced his intention to do more of each.

@peterwebb8732 - 28.10.2024 14:37

What I hear, is that Trump supporters are less concerned about justice as a principle, just angry that it was their criminal that got convicted.

If the law was important to them, they’d have chosen an honest candidate, and been campaigning for major law (and election) reform for the last 8 years.

@thoenyhills217 - 28.10.2024 15:18

How about weaponization of voting machines

@mohamedali2858 - 28.10.2024 15:56

Statement from Republican members of the U.S. Senate: If we do not take strong action, the court will pursue American officials.

@bosse641 - 28.10.2024 15:59

Pure evil. 100% ANTI-American. Why this is allowed to happen and go on in America is beyond me. A total failure to protect the blodd-bought Republic. Such a shame.

@roberth1148 - 28.10.2024 16:47

If trump didn’t commit the crimes he wouldn’t be charged,you aren’t aware of 1/10 of his crimes !

@RDA8191 - 28.10.2024 18:08

Fk the high road

@rickc661 - 28.10.2024 23:27

pure propaganda ... trumpettes organized from inside the White House a plot to destroy a US Election. Ya remember that Jan 6... ( repubs have VERY selective memory ) VP. M. Pence (no dem liberal ) refused to Certify the fake electors. facts.
trumpettes. = TRAITORS.

@aussie807 - 28.10.2024 23:37

…or maybe it is holding a perpetrator to account??

@marylou3995 - 29.10.2024 01:00

And what about Australia? Two judges ( that we know of ). Bribed by Murdock ! ( I’m quoting, Kangaroo court).

@jimbroen - 29.10.2024 01:39

Congress and state houses need to pass laws to limit or eliminate the immunity that the judges and prosecutors currently enjoy. Giving the defendant the right to move the venue would also help. The judges and prosecutors claim they are faithfully applying the law. If this was true, allowing the defendant to request the trial be moved from a hyper partisan democratic jurisdiction to a republican one (or vice versa) should produce the same result. Surely no one would object to such a request.

@rcchin7897 - 29.10.2024 05:59

The Democrats do not represent democracy.

@ronaldjohnson1474 - 29.10.2024 23:26

This is truly a weak dilemma for Republicans. I think it's past time for them to begin pursuing criminal Democrats & their appointees starting in January 2025.

@garyv2196 - 30.10.2024 03:38

Tell that dude with the tie to WAKE up.

@80sheavymetalguitar45 - 30.10.2024 20:56

Satan LOVES cowards who will lose rather than fight fire with fire

@martincagle9226 - 31.10.2024 03:59

Political activists have totally destroyed the integrity of the courts and justice system and the whole world 🌎 knows it.

@JackSquat54 - 31.10.2024 07:40

Losing nobley is for fools. Unless your not really a Republican.
