Every morning, I wake up to hundreds of emails in my inbox, and I’m betting you do, too. 99% are just spam. As a marketer, is your message getting through? Is there a better way out there? The answer is yes!
This "A-ha! Videos" series is hosted by Propelo Media. We are a data-first, growth hacking marketing agency. How? First, we take advantage of today’s data-rich environment to help you get in front of the right people. Then, we integrate the power of direct mail with email, social, and digital display into a coherent, awesome, and results-busting campaign. Last, we analyze the campaign and spot opportunities to optimize it even more. Why? Ultimately, we want to propel you and your business by targeting the right people in the channels they already listen to.
Here’s a 90-sec video summarizing what we do best:
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Every morning, I wake up to hundreds of emails in my inbox, and I’m betting you do, too. Now, a few of them are worth my time, but the other 99% are just spam. And you know what: I check them off and delete them, unread. Who doesn’t?
Email isn’t just disposable, it’s forgettable. It’s the supermarket checkout line: A place where you impulse click and remember things you meant to do anyway.
That’s where direct mail is different. Where email is forgettable, direct mail is tangible and high-impact. People open it, read it and think about what to do with it.
Now, I’m not arguing against email. It has a place in your marketing. But the role email plays is totally different from direct mail.
That’s why we call direct mail “the anti-email.” They’re the sun and moon of omni-channel marketing, and you need both to make sure your target audience sees the light.
The Great Wall of Email
The problem with email is the wall: Everyone with an email address wakes up to that ton of bricks in their inbox. The average American gets 600 emails each week. It’s hard for any brand to break through that and get read.
It’s not just the volume that kills email engagement, it’s the reputation. So much of it is junk that less than 18% of email gets opened. Clickthrough rates are just 2%.
And this leads to a massive inboxing problem: Too many emails never even make it to the inbox. Only 83% are delivered, and that’s if you haven’t pissed off the spam gatekeepers.
All of this means that email is not the place to fish for brand relationships. It’s an OK way to nurture existing relationships, but not to make a good impression on new prospects.
Direct Mail Is the Anti-Email
Direct mail is the mirror image of email in almost every way.
The mailbox is not crowded today. Americans only get about 17 mailpieces a week, and they spend more time than ever reading the mail they do get.
What’s more, people say they like getting direct mail.
54% of people surveyed by Gallup say they want to get direct mail from brands they like. Even letters and catalogs from businesses are welcome by 2/3rds of Americans.
Most importantly, people get over 99% of their mail because it’s not an opt-in channel and there are no spam lists. And over 90% of that mail gets opened. Response rates have nearly doubled over the past decade.
These channels are night and day, and they need to be used that way in your marketing strategy to generate success.
This tension is the core dilemma in omni-channel marketing, and it’s exactly what we think about every day at Propelo.
If you want to talk about the strategies we’ve seen work and what we think the right email-direct mail balance looks like, give me a call. I’d love to talk shop and hear what you’re seeing.
Thank you for watching this video, if you like our content, please hit the subscribe button, or connect with me on LinkedIn. I’ll see you on the next video!
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