a realistic day in my life as an artist ~ how i manage my time while self employed!

a realistic day in my life as an artist ~ how i manage my time while self employed!

paloma the peach

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@palomathepeach - 16.06.2022 16:29

i did not expect so many people to be curious about my ipad stand! it’s by the brand kabicon :)

@Artsyfandom - 22.01.2025 10:20

Thank you so much for this motivating video. It’s really helping me plan my own artist routine

@chithagator235 - 25.12.2024 14:43

her earrings🥸🥸💀💀☠☠☠☠💀💀💀💀

@scaramouchesmm - 21.08.2024 15:21


@felice_chiam - 29.07.2024 03:19

May i ask if this kind of lifestyle ever stress you out? If so how do you get back up again (just out of curiosity from a mini illustrator)

@rickroodbergen5957 - 20.02.2024 19:59

5 minutes in but I have to admit, those baby earrings scare me hahaha. Love the video up until now!

@SweetlyDarkArt - 03.01.2024 02:42

My mornings start at 3am 😅. I work a dayjob and take care of my elderly Dad as well as being an artist, working on my body of work before doing a full launch right now. So breakfast and lunch prep, wash up pack things up, warm up my vehicle, help my dad with meds and getting him fed with lunch in the Instapot or something I have ready that he can grab. I'll sketch a little until my alarm goes off and I leave for work from 6a-3p, grab any groceries and things, try to be home by 4. Check on my Dad, meds again for him with dinner, walk and play with my Dogs, clean a little, paint/sketch some more until bed. Some days I don't do any art and allow myself some reading or gaming time (need to wiggle in the fun here and there). Days off I rest and take care of Dad, with longer periods of art time. It's hard but quite fulfilling. ❤

@GGEZWPlol - 04.12.2023 11:18

it is easy if your single and no child

@Burden67 - 21.11.2023 05:41

no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no non o no ono no ono no no no on no no no no lo no non on

@jackedkerouac4414 - 29.09.2023 11:20

It's been a year and some change working as a freelance voice over artist. I'm pretty good with managing my time, keeping a work, training vs. relaxation schedule but one thing I wasn't ready for are shady clients.
Right now a buyer owes me $390 and keeps dodging me. It's been several weeks so I'm not expecting to get that money. It's the dark side of this line of work but freelancers should be prepared for such a thing.

@serousetrick - 18.07.2023 05:08

What tablet do you use for drawing?

@samanthawilton3768 - 31.03.2023 00:10

Manifesting this kinda life for myself too ✨

@miasguineapigs9601 - 01.02.2023 00:18

What app are you using on your iPad when you’re doing art? 🖼️

@zimzalabams2793 - 18.01.2023 18:52

I think the most important time is lunch but i guess it really depends on the person!

@GoodDaysandBeyond - 07.01.2023 05:06


@annelisandrine7927 - 31.12.2022 05:51

I 'm sorry I must say somethin : uggly ear rings but beautiful face and soul!

@SamDybing - 21.12.2022 08:19

The ginger cat was like "hello, can I help you?!" HAHA

@c.catlover4080 - 09.12.2022 03:40

I love the kitties. What is the black cat's name?

@lexibrian5103 - 30.11.2022 07:59

Where is that iPad stand from?

@2006TJS - 29.11.2022 18:33

Awsome video I have to make mine as well same life stile artist very good video

@lasanthawijekoon - 25.11.2022 18:20

My dream to live like this 💖💖

@StardustDani - 08.11.2022 06:20

All of my creative energy happens wayyy too late at night/ early morning (1-6 am) which is kind of frustrating because I want to have a normal functioning schedule 🥲

@DeaBeanTattoos - 03.11.2022 09:18

Props to you for being a morning person, I wish I was like that! I find all my creative energy comes to me at 2am lmao. Also I love your hair! <3

@Simone69214 - 31.10.2022 04:15

Hi, are your products on Etsy?

@bluetube8452 - 26.10.2022 08:03

Where did you buy that iPad stand? That's a game changer omg

@ketizurashvili4899 - 23.10.2022 10:48

Thank you so much for sharing this video. It is so calming and inspiring 💗💗

@maracujafruit80 - 20.10.2022 22:02

what a cute house you have!

@Blandde_Arts - 18.10.2022 20:34

your style is very attractive. N i love it....🌹❤️🇮🇩🌿...

@AI_00 - 18.10.2022 11:21

Wow. This would really help me. Thank you so much for this 💕

@emilypearce3087 - 16.10.2022 23:03

Wow this was really helpful :) I’m not an artist but I do work from home as a professional writer. I’ve been struggling with making a schedule and sticking to it, but I realized I’m trying to do things in the day when I have the least amount of energy. Also, your art is so cute and amazing ❤

@kdec3023 - 11.10.2022 23:26

Ok, can we talk about Clementine 😃 that face, omg so adorable. The other kitty was giving the camera the "winky eye" they are so cute!

@jimc778 - 10.10.2022 05:42

I highly recommend finding a good workout routine that strengthens your lower back! I sit for hours every day for work as well and having a strong back and core make a huge difference in what I can tolerate. Really work on strengthening your posture when sitting and it will help you to not get so sore.

@paulwoodford1984 - 04.10.2022 10:44

Cats need wet food for breakfast. Too much dry food is bad for their kidneys.

@cottagemouse - 02.10.2022 18:56

Beautiful video! Sorry for the random question but can you tell me where you got your pan in the beginning of your video? I’ve never seen those before.

@MbahMu9829 - 29.09.2022 04:55

As an artist I married a doctor so she can support me while I'm building my career..... I happen to be an engineer by day too so.... Life's good

@raymondelf7520 - 28.09.2022 10:17

I find digital art is not that good as when you look at them you would think they are come from the same artist on canvas you get personal stocks and emotions etc you cannot do that on artists toys

@berlintechno7907 - 27.09.2022 14:08

for me, both mornings and evenings are the most productive but from 12-17/18h my energy just dips. idk why, but I just cannot get myself to do things during that time which I used to fight a lot but recently I‘ve just come to accept that this is how I work/ how my body works so I‘ll just go at it in the mornings and evenings, and take it easy during the day. But it was definitely a lot of mental work to come to terms with this!

@JF80001 - 23.09.2022 03:08

I was thinking how the hell do these artist stay afloat being so unproductive than she says this was a productive day??? this is misleading AF if your planing on living of your art, dont think for a second artists have a slacky easy life

@digidrawdude - 20.09.2022 20:56

Ok I need to know which iPad case is that and the stand please lol

@ourtinycrib9011 - 20.09.2022 05:57

Staying on ur pyjamas can make u lazy..

@amelhenniart - 13.09.2022 16:46

I like your honestly and being so true about your daily life as an artist ❤ you're are an inspiration for me thanks 🙏

@Sweetgalgg - 05.09.2022 11:29

Looking like the average white feminist

@whenyouwishuponastar6643 - 03.09.2022 23:01

I feel the same way about breakfast. If I don’t have a nice sized breakfast I end up having low energy really quick. It literally is the most important meal for me.

@bethanyrose9026 - 01.09.2022 20:24

Ahh it would be my dream to be an artist professionally. I went to school and got my bachelors in art, but never really found my own style and lost confidence. so I only do art for fun now or art for friends. But I feel so stuck in a career that isn’t creative (medical)

@talia3134 - 01.09.2022 06:38

Do you have a link for this iPad stand?

@ksart7.7 - 20.08.2022 17:45

i hate that i love mornings so much as for the aesthetics: mornings are so calming, the light is just right and beautiful, there's all this beautiful stuff happening in the nature and... other than that, i just am not a morning person. my creativity & energy level spikes at 9-11pm and continues well after midnight; before that, i can do creative stuff in short bursts but mostly would need to spend the first two halves of the day resting, kinda naturally preparing for the inspiration that will come. but that means i have to sleep late, if i also stay up late: and then i miss out on all the beautiful morning stuff. :( there's no easy way to get them both
