Adult Beginner Swimming Lessons | How To Swim

Adult Beginner Swimming Lessons | How To Swim

Rocket Swimming

2 года назад

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@purnimadevulaplli5328 - 19.04.2024 20:37

Such a beautiful and perfect way of teaching …. Great job guys 💐👏👏👏👍🏻

@mpoyamsabe4177 - 25.04.2024 05:55

Thx with the vidiod😮

@everythingsumthin - 07.05.2024 17:17

Your teaching methods are absolutely amazing. Please keep up this great work. Eternally grateful for your very kind and informative teaching.

@BryceZ-vb6jh - 08.05.2024 04:35

Brother. This is the best instruction I've ever seen. I'm not a terrible swimmer by any means but with your concise teaching, I can improve where I struggle.

@dudzcapuli - 15.05.2024 18:51

the sipping on straw sound is really annoying hahhahaha

@aliaazri1175 - 17.05.2024 14:09

Thanks for such a great explanation and instruction. Kudos from Malaysia!

@PCNaz007 - 23.05.2024 07:04

Thank you for the tips ❤

@altabraj2417 - 27.05.2024 20:33

I am not having breathing tecjnique due to which 25-50m max then exhaust for brething, stqrting this on 27 may 24..will post improvement

@monicavazquez3744 - 01.06.2024 04:35

On this particular student, why didn’t he ever take off the fins?

@unclejamesx9808 - 01.06.2024 18:47

Wow one of the best videos out there

@lt94x - 09.06.2024 01:07

Is this just for demonstration or was he really in the marine corps without knowing how to swim?

@SandipanGhosh-qs5lm - 09.06.2024 15:35

Hi Rocket Swimming, I am from India, I learnt how to swim by watching and following the instructions given in your videos very religiously, yup, it took some time, spent many hours in and under the water. A huge thanks for creating such awesome content and helping people who wanna learn swimming. Cheers!

@parteekkansal - 14.06.2024 19:27

This is one of the best videos for anyone learning to swim. I wish he could post smaller videos from each section. But incredible work!!!

@deemoskd - 19.06.2024 15:07

I'm 30 and still not learned how to swim.. still have that blockade

@valann3718 - 22.06.2024 06:18

What are the flippers the man has on?

@tareqislam1434 - 22.06.2024 21:50

to everyone reading this, i was a viewer before a million. this is the most comprehensive video ever made

@CL-mp4vn - 29.06.2024 04:49

Oh, my. This is 1st time I know if our lungs full of air, our body can float on the water.
Only breathe out ½ way.
Keep ½ air inside to keep our body float. That makes so much sense.

I like that yellow board. It helps to swim easier.

@nurulaini2133 - 30.06.2024 02:04

Kolam renang nya bagus banget

@Godric_9000 - 03.07.2024 19:21


@narendrasinghshekhawat4526 - 05.07.2024 12:23

You are amazing swimmer

@Zteach - 08.07.2024 05:20

Excellent instructor!

@GautamSolanki-r5x - 14.07.2024 21:53

Im 20yrs old from india...bro...your are just amazing..i dont have words to thank you....explaining swimming in so much simple words and concepts made me fly in pool❤❤❤❤❤

@nurulaini2133 - 16.07.2024 14:42

Aku hanya bisa gaya dada..dan ingin belajar gaya bebas..dengan tutorial seperti ini mempermudah cara belajar renang gaya bebas..aku suka sekali dengan video nya... terimakasih coach atas ilmunya...sehat selalu...❤

@BeautifulQuoteVLogs - 21.07.2024 06:57

Very helpful ❤

@Happy-p7p6y - 21.07.2024 07:39

I really want to take swim lessons, but I’m afraid of my hair. I think it would be too difficult. I feel as if I could save myself, but I want to become a stronger swimmer that’s on my bucket list.

@Happy-p7p6y - 21.07.2024 07:40

Some people take water so well I feel as if I’m not very good

@Happy-p7p6y - 21.07.2024 07:41

I know it’s never too late to start and besides, it’s great exercise

@shailee9762 - 25.07.2024 18:51

How much is the cost for these private lessons?

@Tinnasglobal - 29.07.2024 11:48

All along I’ve been kicking wrong and couldn’t figure out what I was doing wrong . This video taught me to kick the water away from me …. Seems small but it’s like a light bulb came on for me … just want to say thank you so much . God bless

@brucerogers3253 - 05.08.2024 09:49

I float straight up and down if my legs aren't moving

@sd4301 - 08.08.2024 20:06

Thank you so much for creating these clear, concise and detailed videos Jonny!! It has been a life long goal of mine to learn how to swim. I am now taking swimming lessons but your videos are among the best at reinforcing key concepts and giving excellent tips. Some people are great swimmers but cannot teach. You, though, are an excellent and natural instructor. Your knowledge, experience and passion/love for swimming shine through in all of your videos. This is your unique gift and calling. I am so glad that you found it and are helping and inspiring thousands of people worldwide. What we give, we get back. Kudos too to the videographer.

@asmaakhorais8896 - 13.08.2024 21:15

I am from Egypt, please translate in Arabic
Thank you very much

@odynhros - 15.08.2024 15:48

i'm a veteran too. thank me for my service

@nue76 - 19.08.2024 22:11

A fat guy from Memphis that cant barely swim...Im a fat guy from Memphis that can barely swim. Gotta save this to the playlist. Mark, if you ever see this what part of Memphis you from? CHS 99. So Memphis i used to work at Liberty Land airbrushing shirts.

@growsomebackbone4688 - 22.08.2024 16:45

Best tutorial ... i am following the drills to improve my technique as an adult beginner swimmer.

@randomcontent1234. - 05.09.2024 19:12

Thanks a ton , loved it !

@rosemariedsouza4652 - 06.09.2024 10:54

I am 58yrs old. I started swimming got drowned with a cramp in my leg about 10 yrs ago, two men saved me, and I stopped swimming. By God’s Grace I gathered confidence and started my swimming lessons again. Very thankful for this video with detailed explanation.
Anyone out there like me, get into the pool.

@muazsaif6326 - 28.09.2024 23:43

When will the fins go away? 🤔

@ASMRJusTravelz - 03.10.2024 10:51

one of the best channels I need to watch

@z4p0tek - 05.10.2024 16:01

I just don’t float. I have tried every tip in the internet. My legs start to sink as soon as I stop kicking. I am relaxed, full of air, legs sinking like bricks.

@pujansinha5035 - 19.10.2024 20:15

Hello , I have terrible fear of water and drowinn when I see a water body. But I like to travel a lot and sometimes wish I could swim just a little. Its also very embarrassing to go to beach and not go near the water. So Im really interested to start swimming, hopefully this can help me get rid of my fear of water too.
should I start with a local swimming school? How long does it really take to learn basic swimming?

@shamimrajput3388 - 07.11.2024 19:54

I am 57 year old woman from Canada, I can’t do front crawl and side glide please help me

@katherinepoese3673 - 23.11.2024 23:00

Love your swimming lessons 😊....I'm going to try it soon...I'm 26 and trying to learn how to swim.

@resh220 - 02.01.2025 20:51

Thanks to you ive learned how to float on my back and front and dismount :). You are awesome. Im still scared to try out pineapple. I havent been able to muster the courage to try it yet. Hoping ill be able to do it someday

@alimonama6561 - 01.02.2025 16:02

loved the lessons,thanks

@mikecraftbro - 20.02.2025 12:45

Thank you so much I’ve only watched a few minutes so far and I’ve already learned way more than I ever did at school

@yarkoro2643 - 09.03.2025 16:38

Video is from a year ago. I'm taking a private lessons now for 3 months now. I like his techniques. I would like to take some lessons with you. Thanks.

@nacyjudge2663 - 17.03.2025 00:34

what kind of goggles your'e wearing?
