Great album and a great tour, I saw the Glens Falls show.
ОтветитьLove your album discussions! 🎙️
ОтветитьAlbum and Tour tanked back then and today it's top 5 for many. This is remarkable.
ОтветитьI was one of the few that stuck with the band through this period. I bought the album the day it was released.....wore my KISS shirts to school, and was CRUSHED when they took off the makeup.
ОтветитьСпасибо большое маэстро за глаток свежего воздуха 🙋🙋🙋
ОтветитьThanks, guys!
ОтветитьBest Kiss album by far!
ОтветитьCreatures (10) as good as it gets. In concert, agreed it lost its groove in the 80's. Saint/Sinner (4), if that. It is always a skip for me. Keep Coming (8) always have loved it. RnRHell (4) Just boring to me. Danger (8) love it. Love it Loud (8). Going back to when it came out I absolutely loved it. I am strictly thinking to back then because it has been played to death. Still love You (4) as an album or in concert, it just does not speak to me. Where the song shines for me is Alive III, here I give the song an 8. Fantastic version. Killer (4) skip. War Machine (4). Boring and plodding. Terrible in the 80's, way too fast as with almost everything. I loved the stage. I saw them in New Orleans. Fantastic show.
ОтветитьCreatures of the night a look back???
Is this a miss named episode or are you actually doing a look back??
18 minutes in and finally
I think we already have a nickname for Mike...
It's..."Hey Everybody"...jk
It's my life just doesn't fit the album
I bet Eric absolutely loved recording the drums for this album. Absolutely love the mix and I still love you is a classic
The tank was used the first time i saw them but without makeup
I loved it as a stage
COTN was a sleeper album at the time it was released. While still in make-up KISS was floundering in popular music for the day, hardcore KISS fans never lost interest yet in '82/'83 the COTN tour only played major markets which had been saturated by the band a few years earlier. With no 'Elder' tour, no MTV, no cellphones and no internet the COTN album and tour fell below the fans radar. In hindsight this Michael James Jackson produced' KISS album was the most sonically and musically well-made album in Kisstory.
ОтветитьI think of "I Love It Loud" as a way that Kiss fans used to explain why they loved them so much.
ОтветитьWhen Kiss toured for Creatures, they should just have showcased the whole album straight through, and NOT played any of the 70s songs except Maybe Some things from Destroyer and Love Gun as an encore. And maybe even changed the white part of the makeup to blue OR played the show with blue spotlights, or even removed the makeup all was already 1982, something HAD to change
ОтветитьGreat Episode Guys …….. Great Album Great Tour …… Bad Timing for the Band as History would Recall……..
ОтветитьLet’s go
ОтветитьCOTN it’s a phenomenal album. I don’t agree specially with the Gene songs.
I think Cretures and Revenge are the best Gene albums after the originals. Maybe you don’t like it because those albums are heavier.
Actually I thought this album was pretty goodm. Lick it Up too.
ОтветитьI feel the monster stage was a RIP off on David Bowies stage from 83.
ОтветитьKiss put this album together very well with many studio musicians and Totos drums and equipment. Its definitely a favorite of mine but I like Animalize and Lick it up more . It's the Eric Carr album and he played on the album more than Gene and Paul and even played Bass! As a whole it's a super album full of good songs that are better with Carrs drums sound for sure. I agree with Vincent alot on his comments about the average Gene songs. The standout tracks are the title track, ILIL,I still love you and War Machine. Bob Kulick also mentioned before he passed away he did the solo on Danger and Vinnie claims its him? Its possible it could be both . The first part sounds nothing like Vinnie but the 2nd part is definitely VV. Also Its my Life would of fit well on Killers or even Lick it up . Great episode!
ОтветитьI had just turned 18 when I read in a mail order KISS fanzine that the Kiss creatures tour was announced and was coming to the Lakeland Civic Center a concert circuit staple here in Polk county Florida, south of Kissimmee,
Incidentally this was my fourth Kiss show the first being 1976 destroyer tour where Ace Frehley was electrocuted on a stair railing…
The opening acts were Canada’s own Pat Travers Band and a hybrid punk metal goth band called the Plasmatics!
I was looking so very forward to seeing them live for the first time…
Both opening acts did not disappoint especially the Plasmatics! Which were phenomenal!
The band definitely had a dedicated following, quite a few early 80’s “Goth Punk Kids” were at this show Ironically this area of Lakeland Florida would spawn “goth culture” and would be the birth place of none other than,
“Marylin Manson and the Spooky Kids”…
What really freaked me out was seeing for the first time a black bass player with a spikey blonde mohawk! “Jean Beauvoir” who befriended friend Paul Stanley during this time..
For me the Kiss Creatures era was quite magical, the musical infusion of Vinny Vincent took KISS to a new level;
Wether he “saved KISS” is of course a debatable subject…
Regardless as a 40 year guitarist /engineer I thoroughly admired Vinny’s technique and his ferocious approach to the fretboard this new sound I felt elevated KISS to a new dimension respectively, In my musical estimation Vinny is by far the greatest guitarist of the Kiss lineup…
The Late Bob Kulick was interviewed online and spoke highly of Vinny’s talents and lamented that,
“Vinny should have reaped the long term benefits of being in KISS”…
Agreed! He should have “signed his contract“ and “bit the bullet” Vinny would definitely be a multimillionaire this present day..
I digress,
I still find that the “Creatures Of The Night” Is in it’s own unique (Kiss music sphere)
This album most certainly has acquired a “cult status following” within the KISS Army, Yet this album stands alone within in the Kiss catalog and is by far the most “Metal Band” Kiss has ever been…
It is so disappointing because this era could have been so much more!…
A confluence of factors plagued the Creatures Era, the rapidly changing musical dynamics of the time and personnel and management changes the timing of this era was so off kilter, if you will;
If Vinny stayed within the band and endured, I believe KISS would have had a much higher status within “80’s metal band echelon”…
In comparison to “lick it up” ? Granted the comparisons are subjective although they are two completely separate albums what is my opinion it’s definitely a (Yin and Yang)…
Hopefully in the near future, KISS will explore the Creatures of the Night legacy within the new medium of the virtual A.I. Spectrum…
COTN is a very good album over the entire playing time. Individual songs also stand out as great. Personally, there is no stinker on. The drum sound is too dominant. They did a better job on Lick It Up with the drum sound. VV was a win on the albums at that time. Live, unfortunately, the band screwed it by playing too fast. Which meant a loss of quality. Bummer.
ОтветитьI saw the creatures of the night tour I thought the stage was awesome. I was front row so maybe that has something to do with it.
ОтветитьI saw them on that tour🤘🏻🤘🏻🤘🏻
ОтветитьYou guys never mentioned that Bryan Adams wrote two of the songs on this record.
I disagree with your take on Rock & Roll Hell. I think it’s one of the better tracks on the album.
I remember first hearing War Machine as it was the entrance music for a wrestler back in the day. Had no idea it was a KISS song at the time.
Hadn’t thought about I Still Love You in a long time. It was always a skip for me, but your commentary made me go back and admit it’s a much better song than I remembered. Strong vocals and well-composed!
ОтветитьWas very shocked at these guys mediocre review for kiss fans top notch album every song was worked out perfect 5 plus stars for every song not my favorite kiss album my favorite all time #1 album period.
ОтветитьAs I write this, it's been 42 years to the week when I saw Kiss on the Creatures tour (with Night Ranger opening). I don't recall whether I knew about the album before seeing I Love it Loud, but I know Paul and Gene were going out of their way to call Kiss a heavy metal band after the Elder debacle, conveniently forgetting they sang its praises to the press at the time. As for the tracks, I like everything on side 1 except Rock and Roll Hell. It's a good Bryan Adams/Jim Vallance song, but doesn't fit Kiss. Side 2 is good as well, with the possible exception of Killer. Eric Carr is the standout performer on this record as far I'm concerned. But they could've released something better than Zeppelin 4 or the Van Halen debut and nobody but us die hard Kiss fans would've noticed. I'm glad it's gotten the respect it deserves over time.