2025 Financial Goals   Saving, Spending, Income

2025 Financial Goals Saving, Spending, Income

Pennies Not Perfection

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@StephsHealthMatters - 17.12.2024 22:52

Increase 401k, decrease unfocused spending, increase travel spending, dial in fixed cost.

@britneycall1146 - 17.12.2024 23:01

I love your videos, content, goals, etc. Sometimes I will watch your videos even if they are old, non evergreen ones that no longer apply to me just to help your channel. 😊 Keep up the great work!

@sandrafromscotland - 17.12.2024 23:16

Thanks for sharing Mary 👍 Interesting hearing your goals and why you made them. All the best for going for them in 2025.

@Shegonnabeamillonaire - 17.12.2024 23:24

Hi, Mary. Paying off our home in January, saving up my ins deductible for my same day surgery, saving for all of my annual expenses so, that I don't have to put it on a credit card! Increase my 401k from 10% to 11% and maxing out my Roth!

@KatieoftheHouse - 18.12.2024 00:02

Great goals, Mary! I love that you are going to allow yourself to spend on your health. So important! ❤

@rolandosouffrain7957 - 18.12.2024 00:03

2025 Financial Goals. Hmm🤔🤔 max out my Roth 401k and Roth IRA. Make $1,000 to $2,000 a week selling options in my Roth IRA and my brokerage account. I think that's it. 🎉🎉🎉💰💰💰💰💰

@FIRE_DrNinjaTurtle - 18.12.2024 00:03

My 2025 goals are to push myself to new heights in saving and investing by putting away 70% of my income. This year, I did 40% so I should be able to hit 70% in 2025. I am transitioning from a saver to a spender as I increase my cashflow through paying off rentals

@valerieproctor517 - 18.12.2024 00:26

Mary - I love this mindset. I'm sorry to hear about your family members, but you're taking the right messages from this. ❤️ You really got me when you said "I'm done with spending as little as possible." - spending it in the RIGHT ways is so much more important than just stopling spending

@catgodfrey6451 - 18.12.2024 01:00

2025 will be our year of savings. Be disciplined to stay in budget😊

@mandypdx - 18.12.2024 01:22

I hope your mom is doing okay 🥰. I scheduled my first mammogram for January 2nd

@Aleak78 - 18.12.2024 01:32

I just opened my Roth IRA (thanks to your video). I may not max it out, but I plan to add much as possible for the year 2025. Your videos are very helpful and informative.

@lolomissa - 18.12.2024 02:26

love love love the content and the business goals! evergreen is my fave! even though i can be considered a bit more 'advanced' i find going back to the basics to be KEY in keeping the flow going! 🙌 Cheers to the new year and i hope you reach all of your goals! 🥂

@Rareform03 - 18.12.2024 09:20

Lower debt, continue to max HSA, increase 401k & overall lower tax burden!!!

@brookew2513 - 18.12.2024 21:08

I love you videos what other channels do you have?

@villamathilda6984 - 19.12.2024 07:31

Great goals! Lots of love from Sweden ❤😊

@aleciariddick7719 - 19.12.2024 20:00

Increase my emergency, spending, sinking funds, and pay off credit cards. Getting and keeping a job are my financial goals

@joeriveracomedy - 20.12.2024 22:35

I roadtrip up and down California for vacations. I only spend on gas, food & knickknacks. So cheap.

@jenniferbull84 - 22.12.2024 06:01

Love your updates! 🎉🎉🎉

@livy6908 - 24.12.2024 00:52

Yes, health = wealth. The money you invest in staying healthy is probably a lot less than when you get sick and need treatment. Taking care of my health (physically and mentally) is a permanent goal for me. 😃

@blessedbudgetsbyAbigail - 24.12.2024 22:14

Hi 👋 Barbie here just subscribed also from this channel which is my budgeting channel 🤗

I always enjoy your goals videos

Here listening and supporting 🤗

@blessedbudgetsbyAbigail - 24.12.2024 22:17

I agree about investing on health, I am also doing the same. We have to be able to enjoy life now and even when we are older 😊

@blessedbudgetsbyAbigail - 24.12.2024 22:21

I will play your playlist to help you out with your goals

@Madison-i3h - 27.12.2024 21:41

Agree you need to focus on health. However, I don’t agree with your perspective of spending whatever’s necessary. I’m healthy. I have a planet fitness membership (they have group classes), cut calories, choose healthy foods from Aldi and go to the doctor regularly. I don’t think buying organic produce and spending a bunch of money would change anything…you can and can’t prevent cancer or other diseases. More money and investments decreases stress overall which will help your health. It has to be a mental shift as well. No fast food etc. I used to do yoga, barre, and Pilates heavily. It gets very expensive and you don’t need it. That spending can spiral out of control very quickly. Your mind will make allowances and tell you it’s ok. That money can go to your down payment.

@jilliantee1718 - 27.12.2024 21:55

Thank you so much for your videos. I hope you continue producing content!

I want to let you know that I really appreciate what you have said regarding health budgets or the mindset towards spending money on bettering ourselves. This has resonated with me on a level that I cannot even articulate. Wanting to be better for your kids, yourself and even your future self. I love it. I think when you have low self-esteem then any money spent soley on yourself or healthier choices seem like a waste of money. I could go on and on about how this has just helped me but I will run out of character spaces.

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

@ro2409 - 31.12.2024 15:55

Hopefully, I can max out my Roth IRA for the 3rd year in a row! And stay out of debt while also increasing my sinking funds.

@deedeesaidso - 02.01.2025 19:56

This are all great goals.
