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@JohnMillingtonAEIOU - 11.11.2011 20:25

Would these photo's be amongst the first ever hard evidence of ufo's? Thanks for the upload Yakovlev

@wantsomecoffe - 04.06.2012 14:34

I saw on my television right now an episode of "Ancient Alines" on National G. Channel "HD" And there they was talking about these "Nazi ufo's Feu Fighters" The Feu Fighters was laying over the bomb planes to disturb all the technical equipment on the planes or something like that. And they was talking about that the germans got these Feu Figthers from some aliens creatures. Sry for my bad English....

@yakovlev999 - 04.06.2012 16:31

Yeah i read about some lots of them, but i don't think this is alien creatures. if this weapon was real, i think that was a remote controlled high technology planes. the german scientist were a genius. the americans got lots of german plane blueprints what they build it just look that vid: /watch?v=e0eQ1lkoNII this is my opinion. (your english is very good)

@SharpeyFX - 28.06.2012 03:01

where do you get these pics?, there interesting.

@InanisNihil - 13.02.2013 12:42

I agree it was another anti air missile, check out the vid below... info comes from documentes released from british government well after world war 2 and a german scientist who work with other german scientist who themselves worked on it... not space age just that Germans followed scientific advantures down a different path & this is one of the techs the allies never got their hands on, like ancient greek fire, only germans know this tech lol "The Foo-Fighter (Feurkugel): Nazi Secret Weapon?"

@InanisNihil - 13.02.2013 12:42

"The Foo-Fighter (Feurkugel): Nazi Secret Weapon?" this might help alot

@InanisNihil - 15.02.2013 01:13

yep german scientists didnt really abide by western science which lead them to very different techs and break thrus but these Feuerkugels are one tech that the allies never got their hands on because they still stick to western sciences which keeps them from discovering the one piece of the puzzle the germans figured out. like only the greeks knew the secret to greek fire, only germans know this secret. being under allied control until 1990 and still under pressure i doubt they/d share this tech

@frasermorris7307 - 26.04.2013 16:08 sbx-1 prob. deseigned around these

@forcom5 - 19.12.2013 18:19

"Are you want to know?"

@zindi1138 - 17.06.2014 08:37

i know what they are

@saucersource - 29.09.2014 19:20

yakovlev999 Foo ships might be technology developed by Nikola Tesla.

@mariosmanesis8376 - 14.10.2014 16:39

aliens and ufos are demons in disguise except the nazi ufos and the ufos that are secret projects from area 51

@MachineToEndWar - 03.02.2015 23:13

To the 6 people whom gave this video a thumbs down, Why did you do that? Ignorance?  Your X box was calling you? The big Mac you ate earlier made it to where you have the will to process what you saw?

@codyjanssen9158 - 24.04.2015 06:50

Yes. I am want to know.

@ibXCVs-Mom - 22.01.2016 06:43

The first 4 pictures in this video are of Japanese aircraft flying over the Pacific or Asian mainland. The fifth could be a Japanese aircraft but it is hard to determine because the photo is of such poor quality. If foo fighters were of German origin, what are they doing with Japanese aircraft? The other pictures, like the first 4 or 5, are also of such poor quality (grainy, out of focus etc.) that it is impossible to determine if the object indicated as foo fighters are really in the picture or if they are just spots due to bad film or poor image quality. They certainly can't be of German origin since they are shown with Japanese aircraft (there was very limited technical exchange between Germany and Japan during the war). As a historical note, foo fighters were reported by British, American, German and Japanese aircrews on both the European and Pacific theaters of war. This indicates that they were an unexplained but probably natural phenomena.

@ourcommonancestry6025 - 28.06.2018 16:50

The topic is interesting but there are no records of the account other than images provided by a tim goode series and their authenticity has not been established. I'm not hating on the incident, just wondering where the reference and orginal source information is to validate thhe claims

@robertojoaquimdemelo9625 - 01.01.2019 04:34

Arqueólogos alemães, Reza a lenda entraram em contato com as ruínas da civilização Lemuriana, na América do Sul, de lá levaram para Berlim misteriosos códices cuja tradução foi facilitada por outro alemão no século 19, que indicava como produzir um gerador antigravitacional, mas o projeto não foi completamente implementado, devidos a situação da balança da Guerra, sendo produzida poucas unidades, e a impossibilidade de se armar tais aparelhos devido aos campos gravitacionais fizeram que tudo fosse abandonado e tais aparelhos fossem desmontados e enviados para lugar ignorado, os cientistas e técnicos envolvidos foram devidamente "suicidados", Verdade ou Mentira, vocês aí decidem!

@TorySlusher - 31.07.2019 17:21

Okay, so either this is b*******, or
1. The aliens abandoned the Nazis
2. Perhaps the aliens were defeated by another group of extraterrestrials.

@ben_jamin160 - 09.08.2019 18:21

the truth is we are a planet that has been Tera formed by E'T's millions of years ago and have been put here by them to evolve and live and continue spreading life throughout the universe when our species in millions of years has evolved like the E'T's. thats the truth and its the only thing that makes any sense. love and meditate

@radojezior880 - 16.12.2019 00:42

I think it was some kind of focused light projection done from ground level.

@ND-jf2bm - 30.12.2019 21:51

1.The quality of pictures in ww2 were far better quality.
2.The "nazi UFO" is nickname hanabeu and Only sign of existing is on paper.

@badweetabix - 31.12.2019 10:37

Sloppy research (if he had actually done any). Foo fighters were first reported in November of 1944. Not "last days of the European war in 1945".

@bueno690938 - 18.01.2020 23:51

Clicked on this because i thought it was foos gone wild...sadly I ended up finding out it was literally about the Foo Fighters😬

@harrycallahan2811 - 03.03.2020 03:44

I was scared at first, but then I laughed.

@rexgeorg7324 - 04.03.2020 14:41

they havent left lol

@marcusolbrich207 - 11.03.2020 15:07

Foo Fighters was Demon Lights, Orbs or Aliens, but not German Ufos

@douglaspuglas6888 - 27.03.2020 01:26

Not nazi and definitely still here I saw a pink orb spiraling through a chemtrail they absolutely 100% real and are totally unchanged in size and colour from 1945.

@jimiraj - 15.04.2020 01:09

If you notice many of the aircraft in photos arr Japanese. They were seen in both the European theater and Asian.

@rexgeorg7324 - 13.05.2020 16:54

Im looking for the interview with the pilots about the foo fighters can anyone help

@Baneslayer - 22.05.2020 02:02

Extra Terrestrials are 100% real as the sun. They have been watching us since the dawn of civilization... Even ancient Egyptian's record sightings of flying saucers.

@Baneslayer - 22.05.2020 02:05

omfg the comments from young people are so fucking stupid... Why don't you go talk to a World War II veteran that actually flew planes and saw these things before making your stupid comments here.

@w_ilcox - 27.06.2020 06:56

Without a doubt aliens are real. We just don’t know if everything is real, what I’m saying is what if these UFO’s are being remotely controlled and these ufo’s intentionality posed for the camera so they could be discovered. UFO’s have shut down nuclear rockets, and the pentagon to stop war meaning that they or these beings don’t want to have us kill each other. My point is what if these Foo Fighters (not the band) Wanted to confuse us just to stall time in the war. Meaning they are saving/preserving us for some reason. I have a theory that they made us and put us here on earth as an experiment and (like we home pets) have gotten attached to us emotionally and can’t let us end each other this quickly. What if instead letting us kill each one and other, what if they want to keep us until we meet this higher race? (Because if we were created by god, then who created god) what if we are in a simulation. What if we could give Sims Free will? They would do the same thing as us. What if aliens are just worse versions of us created by dogma and war and destruction? What if they want to preserve us so we don’t end up like them, like they want to protect us. They even communicate or at least try to with the North Carolina, Brown Mountain Lights. What if when we ever end up like them or if we ever will it would recreate this process of science experiment to keep our artificial beings alive to see if they get along and have peace. And if that fails, we could die out and they repeat the process. For all we know we could be in a jar owned by a 13 year old alien like we do with fireflies.

@MisterApol - 18.07.2020 15:47

Those still photos at the beginning of your video are of Japanese aircraft: Nakajima Ki. 27, Ki. 48, etc. Not used in Europe.

@EsperaXYZ - 02.09.2020 21:57


@angelonovani8163 - 21.10.2020 19:34

Satebbe davvero stupendo vedere un video fatto in guerra chisda quanti ne hanno fatti logicamente tutti spariti

@angelonovani8163 - 21.10.2020 19:37

I tedeschi se avessero avuto anche tre o quattro di queste macchine a quest ora in tutto il mondo si parlerebbe tedesco

@angelonovani8163 - 21.10.2020 19:37

I tedeschi se avessero avuto anche tre o quattro di queste macchine a quest ora in tutto il mondo si parlerebbe tedesco

@blissabyss5648 - 07.12.2020 02:33

Nazi UFOs are a real thing, high ranking members of the SS stole blueprints from rudolph schiefer and robert miethe back in the early 40's to create these aircraft, after world war 2 they were able to take there aircrafts and officers to south america. There are numerous reportings of Ufos in argentina. All of them have no way to cloak themselves(meaning not highly developed) so they are often seen by the public.

@angelinarobert622 - 21.12.2020 07:47

The Japanese thought Foo Fighters were American secret weapons, Th Germans thought that they were American secretweapons. the US WW2 fighter pilots thought that the Foo Fighters were a German secret weapon. it's two against one. it's like we are not alone. were just weak primates with Mad Policy. it's not freedom if you live in fear. it's One Step Beyond by MADness.
