Join Arcade improv teams Select Start and Zero Suit for an evening of online improv comedy to brighten your Sunday! Arcade Improv Night will be streamed on Arcade Live at
Submit your suggestions before the show starting now! Fill out this Google Form with your ideas for silly words, locations, occupations, and more: Your idea could be featured in the show!
Select Start short-form improv set featuring Dan Catello, Sean Cooper, Paul Gibson, Sean Hunt, Brendan McDonald, Sarah Morgan, Morgan Shulski, and Meaza Solomon
Zero Suit long-form improv set featuring Matty Frances, Robin Hitchcock, Joe Kopko, Chris Laychek, Mike Madsen, and Mindy McHale
Hosted by team coaches Beth Geatches and Matt Solter
This one-hour show is free. Donations can be made at to support Arcade Comedy Theater, Pittsburgh's only non-profit comedy theater, during its current closure due to COVID-19.
Arcade Improv Night graphic design by Matty Frances