Byrna HD Launcher Review

Byrna HD Launcher Review

Tiberious Gib

3 года назад

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@juanguiter7972 - 05.11.2021 00:04

Always enjoy your reviews

@anthonypewonski9577 - 05.11.2021 00:19

Got one of these and tried it with my shooting buddies, worked like a charm so I got another. I staged them around my condo for emergency purposes. I conceal carry daily but my wife does not so it is perfect for us when deadly force is not needed. Carry bear spray in truck, it looks too much like real pistol to conceal carry. I highly recommend it. Put Olight laser light on each.

@myelling7773 - 05.11.2021 01:10

For the accessory rail, the best option is an M203 launcher. That way you can go lethal when the non-lethal fails.

@pasipple - 05.11.2021 01:43

Byrna XD? Byrna has three models…the HD, SD, and an HD XL. The HD is an older model, the SD is nearly identical to the HD with a new improved grips, sights, and trigger. The HD XL is an HD with their 12 gram CO2 adapter installed.

@dustinpribble1546 - 05.11.2021 01:58

Carrying that Mete.... How is that holster from canik? Oh I just noticed it's not the canik holster... What brand of the holster and where did u get it?

@axlplayer14 - 05.11.2021 02:07

Interesting concept for those places you can’t carry a gun. Definitely would get one in orange or yellow so that it isn’t quite so gun like.

@jayinmass - 05.11.2021 05:32

Might have to give this a try for the ninja squirrels that are trying to claw into the house.🤣 😂🤣

@Rotty37 - 05.11.2021 05:35

I need to get an Inforce WML and a appendix holster for mine.

@BringItByrnaSelfDefense - 05.11.2021 10:05

Good review!

@dominicanpearl21 - 05.11.2021 14:18

Let’s talk about going the extra mile! Great review my man! Keep up the good work.

@paulgeorgesilva - 05.11.2021 16:58

Not taking a direct hit from the pepper ball and/or rubber projectile is weak energy. You know, for the viewers.

@MrKingArthurhk - 05.11.2021 17:41

A rifle version would be nice.

@MrKingArthurhk - 05.11.2021 17:50

I am laughing about this. A shed with a CS gas tablet, on a huge group waiting to say your name, class number, and on an on before falling out. Then there was the bear spray OC to the face and take someone down before you’re screwed.

@paulg3290 - 05.11.2021 21:08

Very good my friend. Forgive me for laughing at your face when the camera fell and when you took the fumes from the pellets. I salute you my friend.. 👍 🍀 🇮🇪

@BennyUrena - 07.11.2021 03:51

Got two of these..
Max rounds contain pepper and tear gas... much more effective

@NickyKDChaleunphone - 08.11.2021 08:39

I think the Byrna SD is perfect for those who live in Blue states who make it next to impossible to own and Conceal carry a pistol. It would be a viable alternative and it would be a viable option for those who can't or won't get a 9mm pistol.

@kevinhough3841 - 11.12.2021 17:23

Great review, thank you.

@brianrahuba6919 - 20.01.2022 23:17

No one is allowed to intervene with a personal weapon toll the threat turns on them .

@TheGuyWithTheSniper - 07.03.2022 12:36

I've been carrying a Taser Pulse+ pistol for a few years now as NYC's ban on tasers was struck down by the courts back in 2019. I'm debating replacing it with a Byrna SD-XL though. Being able to engage a potential threat from beyond 15 feet is a very attractive feature, especially in an area where legally you have a "duty to retreat" from confrontation. Sure, you're sacrificing the NMI of a Taser, but you're gaining the ability to stop a threat before NMI becomes your last hope.

The other thing I love about the Byrna is that with these different kinds of projectiles, you can load a mixed rotation into each magazine. So for example, you can start with your first 2 shots being kinetic projectiles, the next two being OC pepper, and the last being their Max OC blend. That way you can get off two shots guaranteed and continue firing if the need arises, rather than loading 5 pepper balls and maybe being unable to fire because you can't create distance between yourself and the threat.

@evilution_ltd - 27.05.2022 19:26

The fact it doesn't pierce the cartridge until needed is the selling point for me. I'm in the UK so we can't have shit so I bought a Tippman Tip-x which does the same with the cartridge. I'll have to see if I can get one in my country as a paintball gun.

@kevanhubbard9673 - 15.07.2022 20:17

Isn't that a definition of a gun no matter what powers it,'a launcher of projectiles '?

@jaytackett6545 - 07.09.2022 18:26

What really harms a violent person that is coming at u is to soak your pepper ball and tear gas balls in vinegar it will stop them cold.

@goblin3810 - 20.09.2022 04:21

For that price you can get a firearm.

@lindaedwards935 - 07.10.2022 20:37

Great review.

@omarschrier - 12.11.2022 02:41

I have a question how can I paint mine as a ACU color the whole thing?

@timmcculloch2608 - 04.03.2023 09:28

The newer one out with a 12 g CO2 is that the better by. ?
Is there anywhere I can go and get a discount?

@brianfreia4957 - 29.03.2023 18:59

If you could just shut up when firing the gun it would be much appreciated so we could hear what it sounds like
